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# DynuIPRefresher
A lightweight C++ application to setup a service for refreshing a dynamic IP to the Dynu servers.
Dynu.com is a free DDns service and provides an API.
There is also a GUI for Windows Users and beginners.
## Installation
Download the latest Release at [Release_Page](https://github.com/Lukas-Heiligenbrunner/DynuIPRefresher/releases).
I'm providing executables for Debian/Ubuntu (.deb) and RHEL/Debian (.rpm).
But you can still compile the code my your own (see build section).
## Configuration
There is a configuration file `/etc/dynuiprefresher.cfg` where you have to specify the DYNU API key (get it from their homepage), the domainid and your domain.
Furthermore, you can optionally specify a Telegram API key and a Chat ID if you want to be notfied when your local ip changes.
To enable and start the service:
`systemctl enable dynuiprefresher.service` and `systemctl start dynuiprefresher.service`
## Usage
First of all configure the right keys in the `/etc/dynuiprefresher.cfg` or `%appdata%\DynuIpRefresher\dynuiprefresher.cfg` config file.
Afterwards use the following options:
help page:
[-h] [--help] print this help page
[-v] [--version] print the software version
[-f] [--force] force refresh of ip
[-l] [--loop] infinite loop to refresh ip every five minutes
[-c] [--checkconfig] validate configuration
[-ip] [--currentip] get current global ip
[no argument] normal ip check and refresh
### GUI
You can also build the grapical user inteface if you want.
There you can manually trigger a refresh in a gui and set all the config parameters.
Home Page:
![couldn't load image](https://i.ibb.co/syDwWQg/Screenshot-20200608-104253.png)
Config Page:
![couldn't load image](https://i.ibb.co/89vnJXY/Screenshot-20200608-104308.png)
## Build
## Basic Build
### Download source files
`git clone https://github.com/Lukas-Heiligenbrunner/DynuIPRefresher.git`
### install build dependencies
#### Debian:
`apt install libcurl4-openssl-dev`
#### Fedora:
`dnf install libcurl-devel libconfig-devel`
#### Alpine Linux:
Compiler dependencies:
`apk add make cmake g++`
Lib dependencies:
`apk add libcurl curl-dev libconfig libconfig-dev`
Packaging dependencies:
`apk add dpkg rpm`
#### dependencies for package build
`dpkg` --> debian/ubuntu package
`rpmbuild` --> Fedora/RedHat/CentOS package
### cmake project
cd into downloaded files and Generate makefiles:
`cmake -S . -B build`
### compile project
[root] install it to the system
`make install`
(optional) create Linux packages
`make package`
### GUI Build
please use the predefined Docker-Image here:
### Windows cross build
Set Winbuild flag in CMakeList.txt.
* MinGW Compiler
* MinGW-libcurl
* MinGW-libconfig++
Optional dependencies
* NSIS Pack tool (for creating installer)
* doxygen (for generating html doc)
The Simplest way to install all dependencies is the preconfigured Docker-Image:
`make package` will pack it into a NSIS installer for Windows.