#import "@preview/ichigo:0.1.0": config, prob #show: config.with( course-name: "SMART CARDS & NFC", serial-str: "k12104785", author-info: [ Lukas Heiligenbrunner ], author-names: "Lukas Heiligenbrunner", ) #prob[ #figure( image("Screenshot From 2024-10-21 14-07-41.png", width: 80%), caption: [ Pin try counter. ], ) ][ - The PiN_TRY_COUNTER is prone to turn off attacks. Each time the chip resets the ram value of the counter is cleared and one gets basically infinite retries. todo solution - Depending on the implementation of the comparison operation, it might leak side-channel information. For example, if the comparison is done byte-wise, the attacker can determine the correct byte by comparing the time it takes to compare the bytes. ] #prob[ #figure( image("Screenshot From 2024-10-21 14-10-15.png", width: 80%), caption: [ Pin comparision (PIN == REF_PIN). ], ) ][ todo solution ]