
88 lines
2.1 KiB

import 'dart:io';
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'package:sqflite/sqflite.dart';
import 'path.dart';
class NoteFile {
Database? _db;
String filename;
String? _basePath;
String? _newFileName;
Database db() {
assert(_db != null);
return _db!;
Future<void> init() async {
if (_basePath == null) {
await _initBasePath();
final path = _basePath! + Platform.pathSeparator + filename;
_db = await openDatabase(
onCreate: (db, version) async {
final batch = db.batch();
batch.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS strokes;');
batch.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS points;');
'CREATE TABLE strokes(id integer primary key autoincrement, color INTEGER, elevation INTEGER)');
'CREATE TABLE points(id integer primary key autoincrement, x INTEGER, y INTEGER, thickness REAL, strokeid INTEGER)');
await batch.commit();
// Set the version. This executes the onCreate function and provides a
// path to perform database upgrades and downgrades.
version: 1,
Future<void> delete() async {
await close();
if (_basePath == null) {
await _initBasePath();
await File(_basePath! + Platform.pathSeparator + filename).delete();
void rename(String newname) {
_newFileName = newname;
Future<void> close() async {
// shrink the db file size
if (_db != null && _db!.isOpen) {
await _db!.execute('VACUUM');
await _db!.close();
} else {
debugPrint('db file unexpectedly closed before shrinking');
if (_basePath == null) {
await _initBasePath();
// perform qued file renaming operations
if (_newFileName != null) {
File(_basePath! + Platform.pathSeparator + filename)
.rename(_basePath! + Platform.pathSeparator + _newFileName!);
filename = _newFileName!;
_newFileName = null;
Future<void> _initBasePath() async {
_basePath = (await getSavePath()).path;