import 'dart:math'; import 'dart:ui'; import 'package:adwaita_icons/adwaita_icons.dart'; import 'package:fluentui_system_icons/fluentui_system_icons.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:iconify_flutter/iconify_flutter.dart'; import 'package:iconify_flutter/icons/emojione_monotone.dart'; import 'package:iconify_flutter/icons/jam.dart'; import 'package:notes/canvas/my_painter.dart'; import 'package:notes/canvas/screen_document_mapping.dart'; import '../icon_material_button.dart'; import 'document_types.dart'; class DrawingPage extends StatefulWidget { const DrawingPage({Key? key}) : super(key: key); @override State createState() => _DrawingPageState(); } class _DrawingPageState extends State { List _strokes = []; bool allowDrawWithFinger = false; double zoom = .75; double basezoom = 1.0; Offset offset = const Offset(.0, .0); // todo better pen system bool eraseractive = false; @override void initState() { super.initState(); // todo might be weird behaviour if used with short side final screenWidth = (window.physicalSize.longestSide / window.devicePixelRatio); _calcNewPageOffset(const Offset(.0, .0), screenWidth); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Scaffold( appBar: AppBar(backgroundColor: Colors.blueGrey, actions: [ IconMaterialButton( icon: const Icon(FluentIcons.book_open_48_filled), color: const Color.fromRGBO(255, 255, 255, .85), onPressed: () {}, ), IconMaterialButton( icon: const Icon(FluentIcons.document_one_page_24_regular), color: const Color.fromRGBO(255, 255, 255, .85), onPressed: () {}, ), IconMaterialButton( icon: const Icon(Icons.attachment_outlined), color: const Color.fromRGBO(255, 255, 255, .85), onPressed: () {}, rotation: -pi / 4, ), IconMaterialButton( icon: const Icon(Icons.more_vert), color: const Color.fromRGBO(255, 255, 255, .85), onPressed: () {}, ), ]), body: Row( children: [ Container( color: const Color(0xff3f3f3f), width: 45, child: Column( children: [ const SizedBox( height: 10, ), IconMaterialButton( icon: const Iconify(EmojioneMonotone.fountain_pen, color: Color.fromRGBO(255, 255, 255, .85),), color: const Color.fromRGBO(255, 255, 255, .85), onPressed: () => setState(() => eraseractive = false), selected: !eraseractive, iconSize: 24, ), IconMaterialButton( icon: const Iconify(Jam.highlighter, color: Color.fromRGBO(255, 255, 255, .85),), color: const Color.fromRGBO(255, 255, 255, .85), onPressed: () => setState(() => eraseractive = false), selected: false, iconSize: 24, ), IconMaterialButton( icon: Transform.translate( offset: const Offset(-2.0, .0), child: const AdwaitaIcon(AdwaitaIcons.eraser2), ), color: const Color.fromRGBO(255, 255, 255, .85), onPressed: () => setState(() => eraseractive = true), iconSize: 24, selected: eraseractive, ), IconMaterialButton( icon: const Icon(FluentIcons.select_object_24_regular), color: const Color.fromRGBO(255, 255, 255, .85), onPressed: () => setState(() => eraseractive = false), selected: false, iconSize: 24, ), ], ), ), Expanded(child: RepaintBoundary(child: _buildCanvas())), ], ), ); } double _calcTiltedWidth(double baseWidth, double tilt) { if (tilt == .0) return baseWidth; return baseWidth * tilt; } double _calcAngleDependentWidth(Point pt1, Point pt2, double basetickness) { double dx = pt2.point.dx - pt1.point.dx; double dy = pt2.point.dy - pt1.point.dy; // todo those deltas to small to get an accurate direction! double alpha = atan(dx / dy); // alpha has range from 0 - 2pi // we want 0.5 -1; alpha /= (2 * pi * 2); alpha += .5; double thickness = basetickness * alpha; return thickness; } // calculate new page offset from mousepointer delta void _calcNewPageOffset(Offset delta, double canvasWidth) { if (zoom > 1.0) { Offset newOffset = offset + delta; // don't allow navigating out of page if zoomed in if (newOffset.dx > .0) { setState(() { offset = Offset(.0, newOffset.dy); }); } else if (newOffset.dx < (-canvasWidth * zoom) + canvasWidth) { setState(() { offset = Offset((-canvasWidth * zoom) + canvasWidth, newOffset.dy); }); print(offset); } else { setState(() { offset = offset + delta; }); } } else { setState(() { // keep page x centered if zoomed out offset = Offset( (canvasWidth - (canvasWidth * zoom)) / 2, offset.dy + delta.dy); }); } } void _onPointerMove(PointerMoveEvent event, Size size) { Offset pos = event.localPosition; final scale = calcPageDependentScale(zoom, a4Page, size); pos = translateScreenToDocumentPoint(pos, scale, offset); if (!a4Page.contains(pos)) { return; } // todo outsource this eraser pen if (eraseractive) { // todo dynamic eraser size final eraserrect = Rect.fromCircle(center: pos, radius: 3); for (final stroke in _strokes) { // check if delete action was within bounding rect of stroke if (stroke.getBoundingRect().contains(pos)) { // check if eraser hit an point within its range for (final pt in stroke.points) { if (eraserrect.contains(pt.point)) { setState(() { _strokes = List.from(_strokes)..remove(stroke); }); return; } } } } return; } if (allowDrawWithFinger || event.kind != PointerDeviceKind.touch) { final pts = _strokes.last.points; if (pts.last.point == pos) return; double newWidth = _calcTiltedWidth(5.0, event.tilt); if (_strokes.last.points.length > 1) { newWidth = _calcAngleDependentWidth(pts.last, pts[pts.length - 2], newWidth); } setState(() { _strokes = List.from(_strokes, growable: false) ..last.addPoint(Point(pos, newWidth)); }); } else { _calcNewPageOffset(, size.width); } } Widget _buildCanvas() { final size = MediaQuery.of(context).size; final canvasSize = Size(size.width - 45, size.height); return Listener( behavior: HitTestBehavior.opaque, onPointerMove: (e) => _onPointerMove(e, size), onPointerSignal: (event) { print('Button: ${event.buttons}'); }, onPointerDown: (event) { print('Button: ${event.buttons}'); if (allowDrawWithFinger || event.kind != PointerDeviceKind.touch) { Offset pos = event.localPosition; final scale = calcPageDependentScale(zoom, a4Page, size); pos = translateScreenToDocumentPoint(pos, scale, offset); // todo line drawn on edge where line left page if (!a4Page.contains(pos)) return; if (eraseractive) return; setState(() { _strokes = List.from(_strokes) ..add(Stroke.fromPoints( [Point(pos, _calcTiltedWidth(3.0, event.tilt))])); }); } }, onPointerUp: (event) { if (eraseractive) return; if (allowDrawWithFinger || event.kind != PointerDeviceKind.touch) { if (_strokes.last.points.length <= 1) { // if the line consists only of one point (point) add endpoint as the same to allow drawing a line // todo maybe solve this in custompainter in future setState(() { _strokes = List.from(_strokes, growable: false) ..last.points.add(_strokes.last.points.last); }); } else { setState(() {}); } print(_strokes.length); print(_strokes.last.points.length); } }, child: GestureDetector( onScaleUpdate: (details) { if (details.scale == 1.0) return; setState(() { zoom = (basezoom * details.scale).clamp(0.25, 5.0); }); }, onScaleEnd: (details) { basezoom = zoom; }, onSecondaryTap: () { print('secctab'); }, onTertiaryTapDown: (details) { print('tertiary button'); }, child: CustomPaint( painter: MyPainter( strokes: _strokes, offset: offset, zoom: zoom, canvasSize: canvasSize), size: canvasSize, ), ), ); } }