import 'dart:math'; import 'dart:ui'; import 'package:flutter/gestures.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import '../savesystem/line_loader.dart'; import '../savesystem/note_file.dart'; import 'document_types.dart'; import 'my_painter.dart'; enum Pen { eraser, pen, highlighter, selector } class PaintController extends ChangeNotifier { Pen activePen = Pen.pen; List strokes = []; final bool _allowDrawWithFinger = false; PaintController(this.file); final NoteFile file; void changePen(Pen pen) { activePen = pen; notifyListeners(); } double _calcTiltedWidth(double baseWidth, double tilt) { if (tilt == .0) return baseWidth; return baseWidth * tilt; } double _calcAngleDependentWidth(Point pt1, Point pt2, double basetickness) { final delta = pt2.point - pt1.point; final normalizedDelta = delta / sqrt(delta.dx * delta.dx + delta.dy * delta.dy); double alpha = asin(normalizedDelta.dy); // range [-pi,pi] alpha += (3 * pi / 4); // range [0,inf] alpha = alpha % (2 * pi); // range [0,2pi] alpha -= pi; // range [-pi,pi] alpha = alpha.abs(); // range [0,pi] alpha /= pi; // range [0,1] alpha += .5; // range [.5,1.5] return basetickness * alpha; } void pointDownEvent(Offset offset, PointerDownEvent e) async { if (_allowedToDraw(e.kind, e.buttons)) { // todo line drawn on edge where line left page if (!a4Page.contains(offset)) return; // todo handle other pens if (activePen == Pen.eraser || activePen == Pen.selector) return; int strokeid = strokes.isNotEmpty ? + 1 : 0; strokes.add(Stroke.fromPoints( [Point(offset, _calcTiltedWidth(3.0, e.tilt))], strokeid, activePen == Pen.pen ? const Color(0xFF444444) : Colors.yellow.withOpacity(.5))); file.addStroke(strokeid); notifyListeners(); } } void pointUpEvent(PointerUpEvent e) { if (activePen == Pen.eraser) return; if (_allowedToDraw(e.kind, 1)) { final lastStroke = strokes.last; if (lastStroke.points.length <= 1) { // if the line consists only of one point (point) add endpoint as the same to allow drawing a line lastStroke.points.add(lastStroke.points.last); file.addPoint(, lastStroke.points.last); notifyListeners(); } else { debugPrint('adding points to db'); file.addPoints(, lastStroke.points); } } } /// check if pointer event is allowed to draw points bool _allowedToDraw(PointerDeviceKind kind, int button) { return (_allowDrawWithFinger && kind == PointerDeviceKind.touch) || kind == PointerDeviceKind.stylus || (kind == PointerDeviceKind.mouse && button == kPrimaryMouseButton); } void pointMoveEvent(Offset offset, PointerMoveEvent event) { if (!a4Page.contains(offset)) { return; } if (_allowedToDraw(event.kind, event.buttons)) { switch (activePen) { case Pen.eraser: // todo dynamic eraser size final eraserrect = Rect.fromCircle(center: offset, radius: 3); for (final stroke in strokes) { // check if delete action was within bounding rect of stroke if (stroke.getBoundingRect().contains(offset)) { // check if eraser hit an point within its range for (final pt in stroke.points) { if (eraserrect.contains(pt.point)) { file.removeStroke(; strokes.remove(stroke); notifyListeners(); return; } } } } break; case Pen.pen: case Pen.highlighter: final pts = strokes.last.points; if (pts.last.point == offset) return; double newWidth = _calcTiltedWidth(5.0, event.tilt); if (pts.length > 1) { newWidth = _calcAngleDependentWidth(pts.last, pts[pts.length - (pts.length > 5 ? 5 : pts.length)], newWidth); } Point p = Point(offset, newWidth); strokes.last.addPoint(p); // // todo do a batch commit per stroke // file.addPoint(, p); break; case Pen.selector: // TODO: Handle this case. break; } notifyListeners(); } } Future loadStrokesFromFile() async { strokes = await file.loadStrokes(); debugPrint('finished loading strokes from file'); notifyListeners(); } }