169 lines
4.7 KiB

#import "@preview/not-jku-thesis:0.1.0": jku-thesis
#import "utils.typ": inwriting, draft, todo, flex-caption, flex-caption-styles
#import "glossary.typ": glossary
#import "@preview/glossarium:0.2.6": make-glossary, print-glossary, gls, glspl
#import "@preview/equate:0.2.1": equate
#show: make-glossary
#show: flex-caption-styles
/** Drafting
Set the boolean variables `inwriting` and `draft` inside utils.typ.
The "draft" variable is used to show DRAFT in the header and the title. This should be true until the final version is handed-in.
The "inwriting" is used to change the appearance of the document for easier writing. Set to true for yourself but false for handing in a draft or so.
// global text settings
#set text(lang: "en", weight: "regular", font: "Arial", size: 11pt)
#set text(ligatures: false)
#set par(leading: 1em, first-line-indent: 0em, justify: true)
#show par: set block(spacing: 1.5em) // spacing after a paragraph
#show raw: set text( size: 9pt) // set text for code-blocks (``)
#set page(margin: (left: 2.5cm+1cm, // binding correction of 1cm for single sided printing
right: 2.5cm,
y: 2.9cm),
// margin: (inside: 2.5cm+1cm, // binding correction of 1cm for double sided printing
// outside: 2.5cm,
// y:2.5cm),
// binding: left
#let date = datetime.today() // not today: datetime(year: 1969, month: 9, day: 6,)
#let k-number = "k12104785"
#show: jku-thesis.with(
thesis-type: "Bachelor",
degree: "Bachelor of Science",
program: "Artifical Intelligence",
supervisor: "Professor Scharinger Josef",
advisors: (), // singular advisor like this: ("Dr. Felix Pawsworth",) and no supervisor: ""
department: "Institute of Computational Perception",
author: "Lukas Heiligenbrunner",
date: date,
place-of-submission: "Linz",
title: "Few shot learning for anomaly detection",
abstract-en: [//max. 250 words
#lorem(200) ],
abstract-de: none,// or specify the abbstract_de in a container []
acknowledgements: none,//acknowledgements: none // if you are self-made
show-title-in-header: false,
draft: draft,
// set equation and heading numbering
#show: equate.with(breakable: true, sub-numbering: true)
#set math.equation(numbering: "(1.1)")
#set heading(numbering: "1.1")
// Allow references to a line of the equation.
//#show ref: equate
// Set font size
#show heading.where(level: 3): set text(size: 1.05em)
#show heading.where(level: 4): set text(size: 1.0em)
#show figure: set text(size: 0.9em)
// Set spacings
#set table(inset: 6.5pt)
#show table: set par(justify: false)
#show figure: it => [#v(1em) #it #v(1em)]
#show heading.where(level: 1): set block(above: 1.95em, below: 1em)
#show heading.where(level: 2): set block(above: 1.85em, below: 1em)
#show heading.where(level: 3): set block(above: 1.75em, below: 1em)
#show heading.where(level: 4): set block(above: 1.55em, below: 1em)
// Pagebreak after level 1 headings
#show heading.where(level: 1): it => [
#pagebreak(weak: true)
// Set citation style
// #set cite(style: "iso-690-author-date") // page info visible
//#set cite(style: "iso-690-numeric") // page info visible
#set cite(style: "springer-basic")// no additional info visible (page number in square brackets)
//#set cite(style: "alphanumeric")// page info not visible
// Table stroke
#set table(stroke: 0.5pt + black)
// show reference targets in brackets
#show ref: it => {
let el = it.element
if el != none and el.func() == heading {
[#it (#el.body)]
} else [#it]
// color links and references for the final document
// #show link: set text(fill: blue)
// #show ref: set text(fill: color.olive)
// style table-of-contents
#show outline.entry.where(
level: 1
): it => {
v(1em, weak: true)
// Draft Settings //
#show cite: set text(fill: purple) if inwriting // highlight citations
#show footnote: set text(fill: purple) if inwriting
#show ref: set text(fill: purple) if inwriting
// Custom Footer //
#set page(footer: context [
stroke: none,
columns: (1fr, auto, 1fr),
align: (left, center, right),
inset: 5pt,
[#date.display("[month repr:long] [day], [year]")],[#k-number],[#counter(page).display(
// ------ Content ------
// Table of contents.
title: {
text(1.3em, weight: 700, "Contents")
indent: 2em,
depth: 2
#pagebreak(weak: false)
#include "introduction.typ"
#include "materialandmethods.typ"
#include "implementation.typ"
#include "experimentalresults.typ"
#include "conclusionandoutlook.typ"
#set par(leading: 0.7em, first-line-indent: 0em, justify: true)
#bibliography("sources.bib", style: "apa")