lukas-heiligenbrunner 7681b4afce
All checks were successful
Build Typst document / build_typst_documents (push) Successful in 18s
modify title and rm disclaimer
2025-02-04 18:56:46 +01:00

110 lines
2.1 KiB

#import "titlepage.typ": *
#import "disclaimer.typ": *
#import "acknowledgement.typ": *
#import "abstract.typ": *
#import "@preview/wordometer:0.1.2": word-count, total-words
#let jku-thesis(
thesis-type: "Bachlor/Maser/etc",
degree: "The degree",
program: "The Program",
supervisor: "Your Supervisor",
advisors: ("The first advisor", "The second advisor"),
department: "The Deparment",
author: "The Author",
date: "The Submission Date",
place-of-submission: "Place of Submission", // for declaration
title: "Title",
abstract-en: [English Abstract],
abstract-de: none,
acknowledgements: none,
show-title-in-header: true,
draft: true,
) = {
let draft_string = ""
if draft{
draft_string = "DRAFT - "
set document(author: author, title: draft_string + title)
set page(
numbering: "1", // this is necessary for the glossary
//number-align: center,
margin: (left: 2.5cm+1cm, // binding correction of 1cm for single sided printing
right: 2.5cm,
y: 2.9cm),
header: context{[
#if counter(page).get().first() > 2 [
#place(top+right ,float: false, dx: 0cm, dy:1cm)[
#box(width: 25%)[
#align(right)[#image("JKU.png", height: 35pt)]
#set text(8pt)
#if show-title-in-header [
#author - #title
#if draft [
footer: context [//overwrite numbering
stroke: none,
columns: (1fr, auto, 1fr),
align: (left, center, right),
inset: 5pt,
thesis-type: thesis-type,
degree: degree,
program: program,
supervisor: supervisor,
advisors: advisors,
department: department,
author: author,
date: date ,
title: title
if acknowledgements != none [ // optional
abstract(lang: "en")[#abstract-en]
if abstract-de != none [ // optional
#abstract(lang: "de")[#abstract-de]