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add stuff why inbalanced doesn't work for caml
2025-01-14 19:39:41 +01:00

216 lines
10 KiB

#import "@preview/fletcher:0.5.3" as fletcher: diagram, node, edge
#import fletcher.shapes: rect, diamond
#import "utils.typ": todo
#import "@preview/subpar:0.1.1"
= Implementation <sectionimplementation>
The three methods described (ResNet50, CAML, P>M>F) were implemented in a Jupyter notebook and compared to each other.
== Experiments <experiments>
For all of the three methods we test the following use-cases:
- Detection of anomaly class (1,3,5 shots)
- Every faulty class and the good class is detected.
- 2 Way classification (1,3,5 shots)
- Only faulty or not faulty is detected. All the samples of the faulty classes are treated as a single class.
- Detect only anomaly classes (1,3,5 shots)
- Similar to the first test but without the good class. Only faulty classes are detected.
- Inbalanced 2 Way classification (5,10,15,30 good shots, 5 bad shots)
- Similar to the 2 way classification but with an inbalanced number of good shots.
- Inbalanced target class prediction (5,10,15,30 good shots, 5 bad shots)#todo[Avoid bullet points and write flow text?]
- Detect only the faulty classes without the good classed with an inbalanced number of shots.
All those experiments were conducted on the MVTEC AD dataset on the bottle and cable classes.
== Experiment Setup
All the experiments were done on the bottle and cable classes of the MVTEC AD dataset.
The correspoinding number of shots were randomly selected from the dataset.
The rest of the images was used to test the model and measure the accuracy.
#todo[Maybe add real number of samples per classes]
== ResNet50 <resnet50impl>
=== Approach
The simplest approach is to use a pre-trained ResNet50 model as a feature extractor.
From both the support and query set the features are extracted to get a downprojected representation of the images.
The support set embeddings are compared to the query set embeddings.
To predict the class of a query the class with the smallest distance to the support embedding is chosen.
If there are more than one support embedding within the same class the mean of those embeddings is used (class center).
This approach is similar to a prototypical network @snell2017prototypicalnetworksfewshotlearning and the work of _Just Use a Library of Pre-trained Feature
Extractors and a Simple Classifier_ @chowdhury2021fewshotimageclassificationjust but just with a simple distance metric instead of a neural net.
In this bachelor thesis a pre-trained ResNet50 (IMAGENET1K_V2) pytorch model was used.
It is pretrained on the imagenet dataset and has 50 residual layers.
To get the embeddings the last layer of the model was removed and the output of the second last layer was used as embedding output.
In the following diagram the ResNet50 architecture is visualized and the cut-point is marked.~@chowdhury2021fewshotimageclassificationjust
spacing: (5mm, 5mm),
node-stroke: 1pt,
node-fill: eastern,
edge-stroke: 1pt,
// Input
node((1, 1), "Input", shape: rect, width: 30mm, height: 10mm, name: <input>),
// Conv1
node((1, 0), "Conv1\n7x7, 64", shape: rect, width: 30mm, height: 15mm, name: <conv1>),
edge(<input>, <conv1>, "->"),
// MaxPool
node((1, -1), "MaxPool\n3x3", shape: rect, width: 30mm, height: 15mm, name: <maxpool>),
edge(<conv1>, <maxpool>, "->"),
// Residual Blocks
node((3, -1), "Residual Block 1\n3x [64, 64, 256]", shape: rect, width: 40mm, height: 15mm, name: <res1>),
edge(<maxpool>, <res1>, "->"),
node((3, 0), "Residual Block 2\n4x [128, 128, 512]", shape: rect, width: 40mm, height: 15mm, name: <res2>),
edge(<res1>, <res2>, "->"),
node((3, 1), "Residual Block 3\n6x [256, 256, 1024]", shape: rect, width: 40mm, height: 15mm, name: <res3>),
edge(<res2>, <res3>, "->"),
node((3, 2), "Residual Block 4\n3x [512, 512, 2048]", shape: rect, width: 40mm, height: 15mm, name: <res4>),
edge(<res3>, <res4>, "->"),
// Cutting Line
edge(<res4>, <avgpool>, marks: "..|..>", stroke: 1pt, label: "Cut here", label-pos: 0.5, label-side: left),
// AvgPool + FC
node((7, 2), "AvgPool\n1x1", shape: rect, width: 30mm, height: 10mm, name: <avgpool>),
//edge(<res4>, <avgpool>, "->"),
node((7, 1), "Fully Connected\n1000 classes", shape: rect, width: 40mm, height: 10mm, name: <fc>),
edge(<avgpool>, <fc>, "->"),
// Output
node((7, 0), "Output", shape: rect, width: 30mm, height: 10mm, name: <output>),
edge(<fc>, <output>, "->")
After creating the embeddings for the support and query set the euclidean distance is calculated.
The class with the smallest distance is chosen as the predicted class.
=== Results <resnet50perf>
This method performed better than expected wich such a simple method.
As in @resnet50bottleperfa with a normal 5 shot / 4 way classification the model achieved an accuracy of 75%.
When detecting only if there occured an anomaly or not the performance is significantly better and peaks at 81% with 5 shots / 2 ways.
Interestintly the model performed slightly better with fewer shots in this case.
Moreover in @resnet50bottleperfa, the detection of the anomaly class only (3 way) shows a similar pattern as the normal 4 way classification.
The more shots the better the performance and it peaks at around 88% accuracy with 5 shots.
In @resnet50bottleperfb the model was tested with inbalanced class distributions.
With [5,10,15,30] good shots and 5 bad shots the model performed worse than with balanced classes.
The more good shots the worse the performance.
The only exception is the faulty or not detection (2 way) where the model peaked at 15 good shots with 83% accuracy.
figure(image("rsc/resnet/ResNet50-bottle.png"), caption: [
Normal [1,3,5] shots
]), <resnet50bottleperfa>,
figure(image("rsc/resnet/ResNet50-bottle-inbalanced.png"), caption: [
Inbalanced [5,10,15,30] shots
]), <resnet50bottleperfb>,
columns: (1fr, 1fr),
caption: [ResNet50 performance on bottle class],
label: <resnet50bottleperf>,
The same experiments were conducted on the cable class and the results are shown in @resnet50cableperfa and @resnet50cableperfb.
The results are very similar to the bottle class.
Generally the more shots the better the accuracy.
But the overall reached max accuracy is lower than on the bottle class,
but this is expected as the cable class consists of 8 faulty classes.
figure(image("rsc/resnet/ResNet50-cable.png"), caption: [
Normal [1,3,5] shots
]), <resnet50cableperfa>,
figure(image("rsc/resnet/ResNet50-cable-inbalanced.png"), caption: [
Inbalanced [5,10,15,30] shots
]), <resnet50cableperfb>,
columns: (1fr, 1fr),
caption: [ResNet50 performance on cable class],
label: <resnet50cableperf>,
== P>M>F
=== Approach
For P>M>F the pretrained model weights from the original paper were used.
As backbone feature extractor a DINO model is used, which is pre-trained by facebook.
This is a vision transformer with a patch size of 16 and 12 attention heads learned in a self-supervised fashion.
This feature extractor was meta-trained with 10 public image dasets #footnote[ImageNet-1k, Omniglot, FGVC-
Aircraft, CUB-200-2011, Describable Textures, QuickDraw,
FGVCx Fungi, VGG Flower, Traffic Signs and MSCOCO~#cite(<pmfpaper>)]
of diverse domains by the authors of the original paper.#cite(<pmfpaper>)
Finally, this model is finetuned with the support set of every test iteration.
Everytime the support set changes we need to finetune the model again.
In a real world scenario this should not be the case because the support set is fixed and only the query set changes.
=== Results
The results of P>M>F look very promising and improve by a large margin over the ResNet50 method.
In @pmfbottleperfa the model reached an accuracy of 79% with 5 shots / 4 way classification.
The 2 way classification (faulty or not) performed even better and peaked at 94% accuracy with 5 shots.
Similar to the ResNet50 method in @resnet50perf the tests with an inbalanced class distribution performed worse than with balanced classes.
So it is clearly a bad idea to add more good shots to the support set.
figure(image("rsc/pmf/P>M>F-bottle.png"), caption: [
Normal [1,3,5] shots
]), <pmfbottleperfa>,
figure(image("rsc/pmf/P>M>F-bottle-inbalanced.png"), caption: [
Inbalanced [5,10,15,30] shots
]), <pmfbottleperfb>,
columns: (1fr, 1fr),
caption: [P>M>F performance on bottle class],
label: <pmfbottleperf>,
figure(image("rsc/pmf/P>M>F-cable.png"), caption: [
Normal [1,3,5] shots
]), <pmfcableperfa>,
figure(image("rsc/pmf/P>M>F-cable-inbalanced.png"), caption: [
Inbalanced [5,10,15,30] shots
]), <pmfcableperfb>,
columns: (1fr, 1fr),
caption: [P>M>F performance on cable class],
label: <pmfcableperf>,
=== Approach
For the CAML implementation the pretrained model weights from the original paper were used.
This brings the limitation of a maximum squence length to the non-causal sequence model.
This is the reason why for this method the two imbalanced test cases couldn't be conducted.
As a feture extractor a ViT-B/16 model was used, which is a Vision Transformer with a patch size of 16.
This feature extractor was already pretrained when used by the authors of the original paper.
For the non-causal sequence model a transformer model was used
It consists of 24 Layers with 16 Attention-heads and a hidden dimension of 1024 and output MLP size of 4096.
This transformer was trained on a huge number of images as described in @CAML.
=== Results
The results were not as good as expeced.
This might be caused by the fact that the model was not fine-tuned for any industrial dataset domain.
The model was trained on a large number of general purpose images and is not fine-tuned at all.
It might not handle very similar images well.
Compared the the other two methods CAML performed poorly in almost all experiments.
The normal few-shot classification reached only 40% accuracy in @camlperfa at best.
The only test it did surprisingly well was the detection of the anomaly class for the cable class in @camlperfb were it reached almost 60% accuracy.
figure(image("rsc/caml/CAML-bottle.png"), caption: [
Normal [1,3,5] shots - Bottle
]), <camlperfa>,
figure(image("rsc/caml/CAML-cable.png"), caption: [
Normal [1,3,5] shots - Cable
]), <camlperfb>,
columns: (1fr, 1fr),
caption: [CAML performance],
label: <camlperf>,