#import "@preview/springer-spaniel:0.1.0" #import springer-spaniel.ctheorems: * // provides "proof", "theorem", "lemma" // Set citation style #set cite(style: "iso-690-author-date") // page info visible //#set cite(style: "iso-690-numeric") // page info visible //#set cite(style: "springer-basic")// no additional info visible (page number in square brackets) //#set cite(style: "alphanumeric")// page info not visible #show: springer-spaniel.template( title: [Few shot learning for anomaly detection Bachelor Thesis for AI], authors: ( ( name: "Lukas Heiligenbrunner", institute: "Johannes Kepler University", address: "Linz, Austria", email: "lukas.heiligenbrunner@gmail.com" ), // ... and so on ), abstract: lorem(75), // debug: true, // Highlights structural elements and links // frame: 1pt, // A border around the page for white on white display // printer-test: true, // Suitably placed CMYK printer tests ) #let date = datetime.today() // not today: datetime(year: 1969, month: 9, day: 6,) #let k-number = "k12345678" // set equation and heading numbering #set math.equation(numbering: "(1)") #set heading(numbering: "1.1") // Pagebreak after level 1 headings #show heading.where(level: 1): it => [ #pagebreak(weak: true) #it ] // show reference targets in brackets #show ref: it => { let el = it.element if el != none and el.func() == heading { [#it (#el.body)] } else [#it] } // style table-of-contents #show outline.entry.where( level: 1 ): it => { v(1em, weak: true) strong(it) } // Table of contents. #outline( title: { text(1.3em, weight: 700, "Contents") v(10mm) }, indent: 2em, depth: 2 ) #pagebreak(weak: false) #include "introduction.typ" #include "materialandmethods.typ" #include "implementation.typ" #include "experimentalresults.typ" #include "conclusionandoutlook.typ" #set par(leading: 0.7em, first-line-indent: 0em, justify: true) #bibliography("sources.bib", style: "apa")