#let inwriting = true #let draft = true #assert(not(inwriting and not(draft)), message: "If inwriting is true, draft should be true as well.") #let todo(it) = [ #if inwriting [ #text(size: 0.8em)[#emoji.pencil] #text(it, fill: red, weight: 600) ] ] #let silentheading(level, body) = [ #heading(outlined: false, level: level, numbering: none, bookmarked: true)[#body] ] #let in-outline = state("in-outline", false) #let flex-caption-styles = rest => { show outline: it => { in-outline.update(true) it in-outline.update(false) } rest } #let flex-caption(long, short) = ( context ( if in-outline.get() { short } else { long } ) )