The first and easiest method of this bachelor thesis uses a simple ResNet to calucalte those embeddings and is basically a simple prototypical netowrk.
Convolutional neural networks are especially good model architectures for processing images, speech and audio signals.
A CNN typically consists of Convolutional layers, pooling layers and fully connected layers.
Convolutional layers are a set of learnable kernels (filters).
Each filter performs a convolution operation by sliding a window over every pixel of the image.
On each pixel a dot product creates a feature map.
Convolutional layers capture features like edges, textures or shapes.
Pooling layers sample down the feature maps created by the convolutional layers.
This helps reducing the computational complexity of the overall network and help with overfitting.
Common pooling layers include average- and max pooling.
Finally, after some convolution layers the feature map is flattened and passed to a network of fully connected layers to perform a classification or regression task.
@cnnarchitecture shows a typical binary classification task.
Residual neural networks are a special type of neural network architecture.
They are especially good for deep learning and have been used in many state-of-the-art computer vision tasks.
The main idea behind ResNet is the skip connection.
The skip connection is a direct connection from one layer to another layer which is not the next layer.
This helps to avoid the vanishing gradient problem and helps with the training of very deep networks.
ResNet has proven to be very successful in many computer vision tasks and is used in this practical work for the classification task.
There are several different ResNet architectures, the most common are ResNet-18, ResNet-34, ResNet-50, ResNet-101 and ResNet-152. #cite(<resnet>)
Since the dataset is relatively small and the two class classification task is relatively easy (for such a large model) the ResNet-18 architecture is used in this practical work.
=== CAML
=== P$>$M$>$F
=== Softmax
The Softmax function @softmax #cite(<liang2017soft>) converts $n$ numbers of a vector into a probability distribution.
Its a generalization of the Sigmoid function and often used as an Activation Layer in neural networks.
Equation~$cal(L)(p,q)$~\eqref{eq:crelbinarybatch}\cite{handsonaiI} is the Binary Cross Entropy Loss for a batch of size $cal(B)$ and used for model training in this Practical Work.