import React, { FC } from 'react'; import { makeStyles } from '@material-ui/styles'; import { Paper, Typography, Box, CssBaseline } from "@material-ui/core"; import WarningIcon from "@material-ui/icons/Warning" const styles = makeStyles( { siteErrorPage: { display: "flex", height: "100vh", justifyContent: "center", flexDirection: "column" }, siteErrorPagePanel: { textAlign: "center", padding: "280px 0 40px 0", backgroundImage: 'url("/app/icon.png")', backgroundRepeat: "no-repeat", backgroundPosition: "50% 40px", backgroundSize: "200px auto", width: "100%", } } ); interface ApplicationErrorProps { error?: string; } const ApplicationError: FC = ({ error }) => { const classes = styles(); return (
 Application error Failed to configure the application, please refresh to try again. {error && ( Error: {error} ) }
); } export default ApplicationError;