# ESP8266 React A simple, extensible framework for getting up and running with the ESP8266 microchip and a react front end. Designed to work with the PlatformIO IDE with limited setup. ## Why I made this project I found I was repeating a lot of work when starting new IoT projects with the ESP8266 chip. Most of my IoT projects have required: * Configurable WiFi * Configurable Access Point * Synchronization with NTP * The ability to perform OTA updates I also wanted to adopt a decent client side framework so the back end could be simplified to a set of REST endpoints. All of the above features are included in this framework, which I plan to use as a basis for my IoT projects. The interface should work well on mobile devices. It also has the prerequisite manifest/icon file, so it can be added to the home screen if desired. ![Screenshots](/screenshots/screenshots.png?raw=true "Screenshots") ## Getting Started ### Prerequisites You will need the following before you can get started. * [PlatformIO](https://platformio.org/) - IDE for development * [NPM](https://www.npmjs.com/) - For building the interface * Bash shell, or Git Bash if you are under windows ### Installing in PlatformIO Pull the project and add it to PlatformIO as a project folder (File > Add Project Folder). PlatformIO should download the ESP8266 platform and the project library dependencies automatically. Once the platform and libraries are downloaded the back end should be compiling. ### Building the interface The interface has been configured with create-react-app and react-app-rewired so I can customize the build for the MCU. The large artefacts are gzipped and source maps and service worker are excluded. You will find the interface code in the ./interface directory. Change to this directory with your bash shell (or Git Bash) and use the standard commands you would with any react app built with create-react-app: #### Download and install the node modules ```bash npm install ``` #### Build the interface ```bash npm run build ``` **NB: The build command will also delete the previously built interface (the ./data/www directory) and replace it with the freshly built one, ready for upload to the device.** #### Running the interface locally ```bash npm start ``` You can run the interface locally for development, you need to modify the endpoint root path and enable CORS for this to work: * The endpoint root path can be found in Endpoint.js (./interface/src/constants/). This needs to be the root URL of the device running the back end, for example "". * CORS can be enabled for the back end by uncommenting the -D ENABLE_CORS build flag in platformio.ini and re-deploying. ## Configuration & Deployment Standard configuration settings, such as build flags, libraries and device configuration can be found in platformio.ini. See the [PlatformIO docs](http://docs.platformio.org/en/latest/projectconf.html) for full details on what you can do with this. By default, the target device is "esp12e". This is a common ESP8266 variant with 4mb of flash though any device with at least 2mb of flash should be fine. The settings configure the device run @ 160MHz and will upload over serial by default. You can change the upload mechanism to OTA by uncommenting/modifying the relevant lines in platformio.ini. As well as containing the interface, the SPIFFS image (in the ./data folder) contains configuration files for each of the configurable features. The config files can be found in the ./data/config directory: File | Description ---- | ----------- apSettings.json | Access point settings ntpSettings.json | NTP synchronization settings otaSettings.json | OTA Update configuration wifiSettings.json | WiFi connection settings The default WiFi settings configure the device to bring up an access point on start up: SSID: "ESP8266-React" Password: "esp-react" You use this access point to configure the device, so editing the above files isn't strictly necessary. ## Software Overview TODO... ## Future Extensions - [ ] Provide an emergency config reset feature, via a pin held low for a few seconds - [ ] Access Point should provide captive portal - [ ] Perhaps have more configuration options for Access Point: IP address, Subnet, etc - [ ] Enable configurable mDNS - [ ] Introduce authentication to secure the device ## Libraries Used * [React](https://reactjs.org/) * [Material-UI](https://material-ui-next.com/) * [Time](https://github.com/PaulStoffregen/Time) * [NtpClient](https://github.com/gmag11/NtpClient) * [ArduinoJson](https://github.com/bblanchon/ArduinoJson) * [ESPAsyncWebServer](https://github.com/me-no-dev/ESPAsyncWebServer) **NB: The project doesn't currently fix it's dependencies to a particular version. PlatformIO will always use the latest version.**