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lukas-heilgenbrunner 2023-03-30 00:29:23 +02:00
parent f973ea5dea
commit 2f4c4aaae8

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@ -106,10 +106,11 @@ for any ACM publication --- conference or journal, and for any stage
of publication, from review to final ``camera-ready'' copy, to the
author's own version, with {\itshape very} few changes to the source.
\mathcal{L}_u = \frac{1}{B_u} \sum_{i=1}^{B_u} \mathbbm{1}(\max(p_i) \geq \tau) \mathcal{H}(\hat{y}_i,F(\mathcal{T}_{\text{strong}}(u_i)))
As noted in the introduction, the ``\verb|acmart|'' document class can
be used to prepare many different kinds of documentation --- a
double-blind initial submission of a full-length technical paper, a