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<div id="preTitle">Hey, my name is</div>
<div class="bigText" id="titleText">Lukas Heiligenbrunner</div>
<div class="bigText lightOpacity" id="subTitleText">A creative IT Student</div>
<p id="meaningFullSentence" class="lightOpacity">
I'm a software engineer based in Austria who loves code
development and is always open for new projects and ideas.
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<h1>About me</h1>
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Hello! I'm Lukas, a software engineer based in Austria who enjoys building GUI-Software as well as
that live on the internet.
I develop hardware near software exceptional websites and apps that provide intuitive and user
interfaces with efficient and modern backends.
I'm currently a student of the HTL Steyr and I am in the final year now.
Here are a few technologies I've been working with recently:
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<div class="experiencetitle">
Software engineer <span class="companyname">@Profactor</span>
extramural research institute
07.2019 – 08.2019
<p class="experienceworktext">
Diploma thesis - "Image correction for surface inspection": Development of picture
corrections for a surface inspection robot in C++.
A C++ library was created for equalization of one of the parts picked up by a robot arm.
Surface picture Processing using OpenCV and especially the affine transformation.
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<div class="experiencetitle">
Electrician <span class="companyname">@SPS Technik</span>
automation technology
08.2017 – 09.2017
<p class="experienceworktext">
Electronic setup of a leak test system in Ellwangen in Germany for the company BMW Steyr.
<div id="content3">
<div class="experiencetitle">
Software and electronics engineer <span class="companyname">@Profactor</span>
extramural research institute
07.2017 – 08.2017
<p class="experienceworktext">
Design and programming of a surface inspection robot
<div id="content4">
<div class="experiencetitle">
plumber & maintenance worker <span class="companyname">@Klausriegler</span>
07.2016 – 08.2016
<p class="experienceworktext">
Assistance with oil burner and gas heater service.
Furthermore, assistance with bathroom renovation and installation.
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<h3>I'd love to hear from You!</h3>
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<span><img src="rsc/emailicon.png" alt="" height="32px"> lukas.heiligenbrunner@gmail.com</span>
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