package api import ( "fmt" "openmediacenter/apiGo/api/api" "openmediacenter/apiGo/config" "openmediacenter/apiGo/database" ) func AddTvshowHandlers() { // do not add handlers if tvshows not enabled if config.GetConfig().Features.DisableTVSupport { return } /** * @api {post} /api/tvshow [getTVShows] * @apiDescription get all available tv shows * @apiName getTVShows * @apiGroup TVshow * * @apiSuccess {Object[]} . * @apiSuccess {uint32} .Id tvshow id * @apiSuccess {string} .Name tvshow name */ api.AddHandler("getTVShows", api.TVShowNode, api.PermUser, func(context api.Context) { query := "SELECT id, name FROM tvshow" rows := database.Query(query) context.Json(readTVshowsFromResultset(rows)) }) /** * @api {post} /api/tvshow [getEpisodes] * @apiDescription get all Episodes of a TVShow * @apiName getEpisodes * @apiGroup TVshow * * @apiParam {uint32} ShowID id of tvshow to get episodes from * * @apiSuccess {Object[]} . * @apiSuccess {uint32} .ID episode id * @apiSuccess {string} .Name episode name * @apiSuccess {uint8} .Season Season number * @apiSuccess {uint8} .Episode Episode number */ api.AddHandler("getEpisodes", api.TVShowNode, api.PermUser, func(context api.Context) { var args struct { ShowID uint32 } err := api.DecodeRequest(context.GetRequest(), &args) if err != nil { context.Text("unable to decode request") return } query := fmt.Sprintf("SELECT id, name, season, episode FROM tvshow_episodes WHERE tvshow_id=%d", args.ShowID) rows := database.Query(query) type Episode struct { ID uint32 Name string Season uint8 Episode uint8 } episodes := []Episode{} for rows.Next() { var ep Episode err := rows.Scan(&ep.ID, &ep.Name, &ep.Season, &ep.Episode) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err.Error()) continue } episodes = append(episodes, ep) } context.Json(episodes) }) /** * @api {post} /api/tvshow [loadEpisode] * @apiDescription load all info of episode * @apiName loadEpisode * @apiGroup TVshow * * @apiParam {uint32} ID id of episode * * @apiSuccess {uint32} TVShowID episode id * @apiSuccess {string} Name episode name * @apiSuccess {uint8} Season Season number * @apiSuccess {uint8} Episode Episode number * @apiSuccess {string} Path webserver path of video file */ api.AddHandler("loadEpisode", api.TVShowNode, api.PermUser, func(context api.Context) { var args struct { ID uint32 } err := api.DecodeRequest(context.GetRequest(), &args) if err != nil { context.Text("unable to decode argument") return } query := fmt.Sprintf(` SELECT, season, tvshow_id, episode, filename, t.foldername FROM tvshow_episodes JOIN tvshow t on = tvshow_episodes.tvshow_id WHERE`, args.ID) row := database.QueryRow(query) var ret struct { Name string Season uint8 Episode uint8 TVShowID uint32 Path string } var filename string var foldername string err = row.Scan(&ret.Name, &ret.Season, &ret.TVShowID, &ret.Episode, &filename, &foldername) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err.Error()) context.Error(err.Error()) return } ret.Path = foldername + "/" + filename context.Json(ret) }) /** * @api {post} /api/tvshow [readThumbnail] * @apiDescription Load Thubnail of specific episode * @apiName readThumbnail * @apiGroup TVshow * * @apiParam {int} Id id of episode to load thumbnail * * @apiSuccess {string} . Base64 encoded Thubnail */ api.AddHandler("readThumbnail", api.TVShowNode, api.PermUser, func(context api.Context) { var args struct { Id int } err := api.DecodeRequest(context.GetRequest(), &args) if err != nil { context.Text("unable to decode request") return } var pic []byte query := fmt.Sprintf("SELECT thumbnail FROM tvshow WHERE id=%d", args.Id) err = database.QueryRow(query).Scan(&pic) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("the thumbnail of movie id %d couldn't be found", args.Id) return } context.Text(string(pic)) }) }