package api import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "openmediacenter/apiGo/api/types" "openmediacenter/apiGo/database" "openmediacenter/apiGo/database/settings" "openmediacenter/apiGo/videoparser" "regexp" "strings" ) func AddSettingsHandlers() { saveSettingsToDB() getSettingsFromDB() reIndexHandling() } func getSettingsFromDB() { /** * @api {post} /api/settings [loadGeneralSettings] * @apiDescription Get the settings object * @apiName loadGeneralSettings * @apiGroup Settings * * @apiSuccess {Object} Settings Settings object * @apiSuccess {string} Settings.VideoPath webserver path to the videos * @apiSuccess {string} Settings.EpisodePath webserver path to the tvshows * @apiSuccess {string} Settings.MediacenterName overall name of the mediacenter * @apiSuccess {string} Settings.Password new server password (-1 if no password set) * @apiSuccess {bool} Settings.TMDBGrabbing TMDB grabbing support to grab tag info and thumbnails * @apiSuccess {bool} Settings.DarkMode Darkmode enabled? * @apiSuccess {uint32} Settings.VideoNr total number of videos * @apiSuccess {float32} Settings.DBSize total size of database * @apiSuccess {uint32} Settings.DifferentTags number of different tags available * @apiSuccess {uint32} Settings.TagsAdded number of different tags added to videos * @apiSuccess {string} Settings.PathPrefix */ AddHandler("loadGeneralSettings", SettingsNode, func(info *HandlerInfo) []byte { result := database.GetSettings() return jsonify(result) }) /** * @api {post} /api/settings [loadInitialData] * @apiDescription load startdata to display on homepage * @apiName loadInitialData * @apiGroup Settings * * @apiSuccess {string} VideoPath webserver path to the videos * @apiSuccess {string} EpisodePath webserver path to the tvshows * @apiSuccess {string} MediacenterName overall name of the mediacenter * @apiSuccess {string} Pasword new server password (-1 if no password set) * @apiSuccess {bool} DarkMode Darkmode enabled? * @apiSuccess {bool} TVShowEnabled is are TVShows enabled */ AddHandler("loadInitialData", SettingsNode, func(info *HandlerInfo) []byte { sett := settings.LoadSettings() type InitialDataTypeResponse struct { DarkMode bool Pasword bool MediacenterName string VideoPath string TVShowPath string TVShowEnabled bool } regexMatchUrl := regexp.MustCompile("^http(|s)://([0-9]){1,3}\\.([0-9]){1,3}\\.([0-9]){1,3}\\.([0-9]){1,3}:[0-9]{1,5}") videoUrl := regexMatchUrl.FindString(sett.VideoPath) tvshowurl := regexMatchUrl.FindString(sett.TVShowPath) serverVideoPath := strings.TrimPrefix(sett.VideoPath, videoUrl) serverTVShowPath := strings.TrimPrefix(sett.TVShowPath, tvshowurl) res := InitialDataTypeResponse{ DarkMode: sett.DarkMode, Pasword: sett.Pasword != "-1", MediacenterName: sett.MediacenterName, VideoPath: serverVideoPath, TVShowPath: serverTVShowPath, TVShowEnabled: settings.TVShowsEnabled(), } str, _ := json.Marshal(res) return str }) } func saveSettingsToDB() { /** * @api {post} /api/settings [saveGeneralSettings] * @apiDescription Save the global settings provided * @apiName saveGeneralSettings * @apiGroup Settings * * @apiParam {Object} Settings Settings object * @apiParam {string} Settings.VideoPath webserver path to the videos * @apiParam {string} Settings.EpisodePath webserver path to the tvshows * @apiParam {string} Settings.MediacenterName overall name of the mediacenter * @apiParam {string} Settings.Password new server password (-1 if no password set) * @apiParam {bool} Settings.TMDBGrabbing TMDB grabbing support to grab tag info and thumbnails * @apiParam {bool} Settings.DarkMode Darkmode enabled? * * @apiSuccess {string} result 'success' if successfully or error message if not */ AddHandler("saveGeneralSettings", SettingsNode, func(info *HandlerInfo) []byte { // todo correct type here! var args struct { Settings types.SettingsType } if err := FillStruct(&args, info.Data); err != nil { fmt.Println(err.Error()) return nil } query := ` UPDATE settings SET video_path=?, episode_path=?, password=?, mediacenter_name=?, TMDB_grabbing=?, DarkMode=? WHERE 1` return database.SuccessQuery(query, args.Settings.VideoPath, args.Settings.EpisodePath, args.Settings.Password, args.Settings.MediacenterName, args.Settings.TMDBGrabbing, args.Settings.DarkMode) }) } // methods for handling reindexing and cleanup of db gravity func reIndexHandling() { /** * @api {post} /api/settings [startReindex] * @apiDescription Start Database video reindex Job * @apiName startReindex * @apiGroup Settings * * @apiSuccess {string} result 'success' if successfully or error message if not */ AddHandler("startReindex", SettingsNode, func(info *HandlerInfo) []byte { videoparser.StartReindex() return database.ManualSuccessResponse(nil) }) /** * @api {post} /api/settings [startTVShowReindex] * @apiDescription Start Database TVShow reindex job * @apiName startTVShowReindex * @apiGroup Settings * * @apiSuccess {string} result 'success' if successfully or error message if not */ AddHandler("startTVShowReindex", SettingsNode, func(info *HandlerInfo) []byte { videoparser.StartTVShowReindex() return database.ManualSuccessResponse(nil) }) /** * @api {post} /api/settings [cleanupGravity] * @apiDescription Start Database cleanup job * @apiName cleanupGravity * @apiGroup Settings */ AddHandler("cleanupGravity", SettingsNode, func(info *HandlerInfo) []byte { videoparser.StartCleanup() return nil }) }