Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into threedotsonvideohover

# Conflicts:
#	api/src/handlers/Tags.php
#	src/elements/ActorTile/ActorTile.tsx
#	src/elements/Preview/Preview.tsx
#	src/elements/Tag/Tag.tsx
#	src/pages/Player/Player.tsx
This commit is contained in:
lukas 2021-03-03 21:40:59 +01:00
commit 4de39ab471
82 changed files with 14544 additions and 21222 deletions

View File

@ -1,48 +1,72 @@
image: node:14
- prepare
- build
- test
- packaging
- deploy
- .npm/
- node_modules/
- template: Code-Quality.gitlab-ci.yml
stage: prepare
- npm ci --cache .npm --prefer-offline
stage: build
- yarn install --cache-folder .yarn
- npm run build
- yarn run build
expire_in: 7 days
expire_in: 2 days
- build/
needs: ["Node_dependencies"]
- .yarn/
- node_modules/
image: golang:latest
stage: build
- cd apiGo
- go build -v -o openmediacenter
- env GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go build -v -o openmediacenter.exe
expire_in: 2 days
- "./apiGo/openmediacenter*"
stage: test
- yarn install --cache-folder .yarn
- npm run test
- yarn run test
- ./junit.xml
needs: ["Node_dependencies"]
- .yarn/
- node_modules/
image: golang:latest
stage: test
- cd apiGo
- go get -u
- go test -v ./... 2>&1 | go-junit-report -set-exit-code > report.xml
when: always
junit: ./apiGo/report.xml
@ -56,23 +80,28 @@ Debian_Server:
- cd deb
- mkdir -p "./OpenMediaCenter/var/www/openmediacenter/videos/"
- mkdir -p "./OpenMediaCenter/tmp/"
- mkdir -p "./OpenMediaCenter/usr/bin/"
- cp -r ../build/* ./OpenMediaCenter/var/www/openmediacenter/
- cp -r ../api ./OpenMediaCenter/var/www/openmediacenter/
- cp ../apiGo/openmediacenter ./OpenMediaCenter/usr/bin/
- cp ../database.sql ./OpenMediaCenter/tmp/openmediacenter.sql
- 'echo "Version: ${vers}" >> ./OpenMediaCenter/DEBIAN/control'
- chmod -R 0775 *
- dpkg-deb --build OpenMediaCenter
- mv OpenMediaCenter.deb OpenMediaCenter-${vers}_amd64.deb
expire_in: 7 days
- deb/OpenMediaCenter-*.deb
needs: ["Minimize"]
- Minimize_Frontend
- Build_Backend
stage: deploy
image: luki42/alpineopenssh:latest
- Frontend_Tests
- Backend_Tests
- Debian_Server
- master

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Feel free to contribute or open an issue here:
## What is this?
Open Media Center is an open source solution for a mediacenter in your home network.
Transform your webserver into a mediaserver.
It's based on Reactjs and PHP is used for backend.
It's based on Reactjs and golang is used for backend.
It is optimized for general videos as well as for movies.
For grabbing movie data TMDB is used.
With the help of tags you can organize your video gravity.

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
include_once __DIR__ . '/src/handlers/Actor.php';
$actor = new Actor();

View File

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
require_once __DIR__ . '/src/Database.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/src/TMDBMovie.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/src/SSettings.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/src/VideoParser.php';
// allow UTF8 characters
setlocale(LC_ALL, 'en_US.UTF-8');
$vp = new VideoParser();
$vp->writeLog("starting extraction!!\n");
$sett = new SSettings();
// load video path from settings
$scandir = __DIR__ . "/../" . $sett->getVideoPath();

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
require_once __DIR__ . '/src/handlers/Settings.php';
$sett = new Settings();

View File

@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
* Class Database
* Class with all neccessary stuff for the Database connections.
class Database {
private static $instance = null;
private $conn;
private $servername = "";
private $username = "mediacenteruser";
private $password = "mediapassword";
private $dbname = "mediacenter";
// The db connection is established in the private constructor.
private function __construct() {
// Create connection
$this->conn = new mysqli($this->servername, $this->username, $this->password, $this->dbname);
if ($this->conn->connect_errno) {
echo "connecton failed... nr: " . $this->conn->connect_errno . " -- " . $this->conn->connect_error;
* get an instance of this database class
* (only possible way to retrieve an object)
* @return Database dbobject
public static function getInstance() {
if (!self::$instance) {
self::$instance = new Database();
return self::$instance;
* get a connection instance of the database
* @return mysqli mysqli instance
public function getConnection() {
return $this->conn;
* get name of current active database
* @return string name
public function getDatabaseName() {
return $this->dbname;

View File

@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
* Class SSettings
* class handling all Settings used by php scripts
class SSettings {
private $database;
* SSettings constructor.
public function __construct() {
$this->database = Database::getInstance();
* get the videopath saved in db
* @return string videopath
public function getVideoPath() {
$query = "SELECT video_path from settings";
$result = $this->database->getConnection()->query($query);
$r = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
return $r['video_path'];
* check if TMDB is enableds
* @return bool isenabled?
public function isTMDBGrabbingEnabled(): bool {
$query = "SELECT TMDB_grabbing from settings WHERE 1";
$result = $this->database->getConnection()->query($query);
if (!$result) {
return true; // if undefined in db --> default true
} else {
$r = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
return $r['TMDB_grabbing'] == '1';

View File

@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
* Class TMDBMovie
* class to handle all interactions with the tmdb api
class TMDBMovie {
public $picturebase = "";
private $apikey = "9fd90530b11447f5646f8e6fb4733fb4";
private $baseurl = "";
* search for a specific movie
* @param string $moviename moviename
* @return object movie object or null if not found
public function searchMovie(string $moviename, string $year = null) {
$reply = json_decode(file_get_contents($this->baseurl . "search/movie?api_key=" . $this->apikey . "&query=" . urlencode($moviename)));
if ($reply->total_results == 0) {
// no results found
return null;
} elseif ($year != null) {
// if year is defined check year
$regex = '/[0-9]{4}?/'; // matches year of string
for ($i = 0; $i < count($reply->results); $i++) {
$releasedate = $reply->results[$i]->release_date;
preg_match($regex, $releasedate, $matches);
if (count($matches) > 0) {
$curryear = $matches[0];
if ($curryear == $year)
return $reply->results[$i];
} else {
return $reply->results[0];
* query all available genres from tmdb
* @return array of all available genres
public function getAllGenres() {
$reply = json_decode(file_get_contents($this->baseurl . "genre/movie/list?api_key=" . $this->apikey));
return $reply->genres;

View File

@ -1,332 +0,0 @@
require_once 'Database.php';
require_once 'TMDBMovie.php';
require_once 'SSettings.php';
* Class VideoParser
* handling the parsing of all videos of a folder and adding
* all videos with tags and thumbnails to the database
class VideoParser {
/// ffmpeg installation binary
private string $ffmpeg = 'ffmpeg';
private TMDBMovie $tmdb;
/// initial load of all available movie genres
private array $tmdbgenres;
private string $videopath;
/// db connection instance
private mysqli $conn;
/// settings object instance
private SSettings $settings;
private bool $TMDBenabled;
/// videos added in this run
private int $added = 0;
/// all videos in this run
private int $all = 0;
/// failed videos in this run
private int $failed = 0;
/// deleted videos in this run
private int $deleted = 0;
* VideoParser constructor.
public function __construct() {
$this->tmdb = new TMDBMovie();
$this->tmdbgenres = $this->tmdb->getAllGenres();
$this->conn = Database::getInstance()->getConnection();
$this->settings = new SSettings();
$this->TMDBenabled = $this->settings->isTMDBGrabbingEnabled();
$this->videopath = $this->settings->getVideoPath();
* searches a folder for mp4 videos and adds them to video gravity
* @param $foldername string the folder where to search (relative to the webserver root)
public function extractVideos(string $foldername) {
echo("TMDB grabbing is " . ($this->TMDBenabled ? "" : "not") . " enabled \n");
$arr = scandir($foldername);
foreach ($arr as $elem) {
if ($elem == '.' || $elem == '..') continue;
$ext = pathinfo($elem, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
if ($ext == "mp4") {
} else {
echo($elem . " does not contain a valid .mp4 extension! - skipping \n");
$this->writeLog($elem . " does not contain a valid .mp4 extension! - skipping \n");
// cleanup gravity
// calculate size of databse here
$size = -1;
$query = "SELECT table_schema AS \"Database\",
ROUND(SUM(data_length + index_length) / 1024 / 1024, 3) AS \"Size\"
FROM information_schema.TABLES
WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA='" . Database::getInstance()->getDatabaseName() . "'
GROUP BY table_schema;";
$result = $this->conn->query($query);
if ($result->num_rows == 1) {
$row = $result->fetch_assoc();
$size = $row["Size"];
echo "Total gravity: " . $this->all . "\n";
$this->writeLog("Total gravity: " . $this->all . "\n");
echo "Size of Databse is: " . $size . "MB\n";
$this->writeLog("Size of Databse is: " . $size . "MB\n");
echo "added in this run: " . $this->added . "\n";
$this->writeLog("added in this run: " . $this->added . "\n");
echo "deleted in this run: " . $this->deleted . "\n";
$this->writeLog("deleted in this run: " . $this->deleted . "\n");
echo "errored in this run: " . $this->failed . "\n";
$this->writeLog("errored in this run: " . $this->failed . "\n");
$this->writeLog("-42"); // terminating characters to stop webui requesting infos
* processes one mp4 video, extracts tags and adds it to the database
* @param $filename string filename of the video to process
private function processVideo(string $filename) {
$moviename = substr($filename, 0, -4);
$regex = '/\([0-9]{4}?\)/'; //match year pattern
preg_match($regex, $moviename, $matches);
preg_replace($regex, '', $moviename);
$year = null;
if (count($matches) > 0) {
$year = substr($matches[count($matches) - 1], 1, 4);
$moviename = substr($moviename, 0, -6);
$query = "SELECT * FROM videos WHERE movie_name = '" . mysqli_real_escape_string($this->conn, $moviename) . "'";
$result = $this->conn->query($query);
// insert if not available in db
if (!mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$genres = -1;
$insert_query = "";
// extract other video attributes
$video_attributes = $this->_get_video_attributes($filename);
$duration = 0;
$size = 0;
$width = 0;
if ($video_attributes) {
$duration = $video_attributes->media->track[0]->Duration; // in seconds
$size = $video_attributes->media->track[0]->FileSize; // in Bytes
$width = $video_attributes->media->track[1]->Width; // width
// extract poster from video
$backpic = shell_exec("$this->ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel panic -ss 00:04:00 -i \"../$this->videopath$filename\" -vframes 1 -q:v 2 -f singlejpeg pipe:1 2>/dev/null");
// convert video to base64
$backpic64 = 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' . base64_encode($backpic);
// set default insert query without tmdb poster
$insert_query = "INSERT INTO videos(movie_name,movie_url,thumbnail,quality,length)
VALUES ('" . mysqli_real_escape_string($this->conn, $moviename) . "',
'" . mysqli_real_escape_string($this->conn, $this->videopath . $filename) . "',
// check if tmdb grabbing is enabled
if ($this->TMDBenabled) {
// search in tmdb api
if (!is_null($dta = $this->tmdb->searchMovie($moviename, $year))) {
$poster = file_get_contents($this->tmdb->picturebase . $dta->poster_path);
// error handling for download error
if ($poster) {
$poster_base64 = 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' . base64_encode($poster);
// override insert query if pic loaded correctly
$insert_query = "INSERT INTO videos(movie_name,movie_url,poster,thumbnail,quality,length)
VALUES ('" . mysqli_real_escape_string($this->conn, $moviename) . "',
'" . mysqli_real_escape_string($this->conn, $this->videopath . $filename) . "',
// store genre ids for parsing later
$genres = $dta->genre_ids;
} else {
// nothing found with tmdb
echo "my moviename: " . $moviename;
$this->writeLog("nothing found with TMDB! -- $moviename\n");
if ($this->conn->query($insert_query) === TRUE) {
echo('successfully added ' . $filename . " to video gravity\n");
$this->writeLog('successfully added ' . $filename . " to video gravity\n");
// add this entry to the default tags
$last_id = $this->conn->insert_id;
$this->insertSizeTag($width, $last_id);
// handle tmdb genres here!
if ($genres != -1) {
// transform genre ids in valid names
foreach ($genres as $genreid) {
// check if genre is already a tag in db if not insert it
$tagname = array_column($this->tmdbgenres, 'name', 'id')[$genreid];
$tagid = $this->tagExists($tagname);
$query = "INSERT INTO video_tags(video_id,tag_id) VALUES ($last_id,$tagid)";
if ($this->conn->query($query) !== TRUE) {
echo "failed to add $genreid tag here.\n";
$this->writeLog("failed to add $genreid tag here.\n");
} else {
echo('errored item: ' . $filename . "\n");
$this->writeLog('errored item: ' . $filename . "\n");
echo('{"data":"' . $this->conn->error . '"}\n');
$this->writeLog('{"data":"' . $this->conn->error . '"}\n');
} else {
* get all videoinfos of a video file
* @param $video string name including extension
* @return object all infos as object
private function _get_video_attributes(string $video) {
$command = "mediainfo \"../$this->videopath$video\" --Output=JSON";
$output = shell_exec($command);
return json_decode($output);
* write a line to the output log file
* @param string $message message to write
public function writeLog(string $message) {
file_put_contents("/tmp/output.log", $message, FILE_APPEND);
* insert the corresponding videosize tag to a specific videoid
* @param $width int video width
* @param $videoid int id of video
private function insertSizeTag(int $width, int $videoid) {
// full hd
if ($width >= 1900) {
$query = "INSERT INTO video_tags(video_id,tag_id) VALUES ($videoid,2)";
if ($this->conn->query($query) !== TRUE) {
echo "failed to add default tag here.\n";
$this->writeLog("failed to add default tag here.\n");
// HD
if ($width >= 1250 && $width < 1900) {
$query = "INSERT INTO video_tags(video_id,tag_id) VALUES ($videoid,4)";
if ($this->conn->query($query) !== TRUE) {
echo "failed to add default tag here.\n";
$this->writeLog("failed to add default tag here.\n");
// SD
if ($width < 1250 && $width > 0) {
$query = "INSERT INTO video_tags(video_id,tag_id) VALUES ($videoid,3)";
if ($this->conn->query($query) !== TRUE) {
echo "failed to add default tag here.\n";
$this->writeLog("failed to add default tag here.\n");
* ckecks if tag exists -- if not creates it
* @param string $tagname the name of the tag
* @return integer the id of the inserted tag
private function tagExists(string $tagname) {
$query = "SELECT * FROM tags WHERE tag_name='$tagname'";
$result = $this->conn->query($query);
if ($result->num_rows == 0) {
// tag does not exist --> create it
$query = "INSERT INTO tags (tag_name) VALUES ('$tagname')";
if ($this->conn->query($query) !== TRUE) {
echo "failed to create $tagname tag in database\n";
$this->writeLog("failed to create $tagname tag in database\n");
return $this->conn->insert_id;
} else {
return $result->fetch_assoc()['tag_id'];
* cleans up the video gravity and removes non existent videos
public function cleanUpGravity() {
// auto cleanup db entries
$query = "SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM videos";
$result = $this->conn->query($query);
$r = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
if ($this->all < $r['count']) {
echo "\n\nshould be in gravity: " . $this->all . "\n";
$this->writeLog("should be in gravity: " . $this->all . "\n");
echo "really in gravity: " . $r['count'] . "\n";
$this->writeLog("really in gravity: " . $r['count'] . "\n");
echo "cleaning up gravity\n";
$this->writeLog("cleaning up gravity\n");
$query = "SELECT movie_id,movie_url FROM videos";
$result = $this->conn->query($query);
while ($r = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$movie_id = $r['movie_id'];
$url = $r['movie_url'];
// todo ORDER BY movie_url and erase duplicates also
if (!file_exists("../$url")) {
$query = "DELETE FROM videos WHERE movie_id=$movie_id";
if ($this->conn->query($query) === TRUE) {
echo("successfully deleted $url from video gravity\n");
$this->writeLog("successfully deleted $url from video gravity\n");
} else {
echo "failed to delete $url from gravity: $this->conn->error \n";
$this->writeLog("failed to delete $url from gravity: $this->conn->error \n");

View File

@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
require_once __DIR__ . '/../SSettings.php';
require_once 'RequestBase.php';
class Actor extends RequestBase {
function initHandlers() {
function databaseAdds() {
$this->addActionHandler("createActor", function () {
// skip tag create if already existing
$actorname = $_POST["actorname"];
$query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO actors (name) VALUES ('$actorname')";
if ($this->conn->query($query) === TRUE) {
} else {
$this->commitMessage('{"result":"' . $this->conn->error . '"}');
$this->addActionHandler("addActorToVideo", function () {
// skip tag create if already existing
$actorid = $_POST["actorid"];
$videoid = $_POST["videoid"];
$query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO actors_videos (actor_id, video_id) VALUES ($actorid,$videoid)";
if ($this->conn->query($query) === TRUE) {
} else {
$this->commitMessage('{"result":"' . $this->conn->error . '"}');
function databaseRequests() {
$this->addActionHandler("getAllActors", function () {
// query the actors corresponding to video
$query = "SELECT * FROM actors";
$result = $this->conn->query($query);
$this->commitMessage(json_encode(mysqli_fetch_all($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC)));
$this->addActionHandler("getActorsOfVideo", function () {
// query the actors corresponding to video
$video_id = $_POST["videoid"];
$query = "SELECT a.actor_id, name, thumbnail FROM actors_videos
JOIN actors a on actors_videos.actor_id = a.actor_id
WHERE actors_videos.video_id=$video_id";
$result = $this->conn->query($query);
$this->commitMessage(json_encode(mysqli_fetch_all($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC)));
$this->addActionHandler("getActorInfo", function (){
$actorid = $_POST["actorid"];
$query = "SELECT movie_id, movie_name FROM actors_videos
JOIN videos v on v.movie_id = actors_videos.video_id
WHERE actors_videos.actor_id=$actorid";
$result = $this->conn->query($query);
$actorinfo = $this->conn->query("SELECT name, thumbnail, actor_id FROM actors WHERE actor_id=$actorid");
$reply = array("videos" => mysqli_fetch_all($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC), "info" => mysqli_fetch_assoc($actorinfo));

View File

@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
require_once __DIR__ . '/../Database.php';
abstract class RequestBase {
protected $conn;
private $actions = array();
* adds a new action handler to the current api file
* @param $action string name of the action variable
* @param $callback Closure callback function to be called
function addActionHandler($action, $callback) {
$this->actions[$action] = $callback;
* runs the correct handler
* should be called once within the api request
function handleAction() {
$this->conn = Database::getInstance()->getConnection();
if (isset($_POST['action'])) {
$action = $_POST['action'];
// call the right handler
} else {
$this->commitMessage('{"data": "error"}');
* add the action handlers in this abstract method
abstract function initHandlers();
* Send response message and exit script
* @param $message string the response message
function commitMessage($message) {
echo $message;

View File

@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
require_once 'RequestBase.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/../VideoParser.php';
* Class Settings
* Backend for the Settings page
class Settings extends RequestBase {
function initHandlers() {
* handle settings stuff to load from db
private function getFromDB() {
* load currently set settings form db for init of settings page
$this->addActionHandler("loadGeneralSettings", function () {
// query settings and infotile values
$query = "
FROM videos
) AS videonr,
SELECT ROUND(SUM(data_length + index_length) / 1024 / 1024, 2) AS Size
FROM information_schema.TABLES
WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = '" . Database::getInstance()->getDatabaseName() . "'
GROUP BY table_schema
) AS dbsize,
FROM tags
) AS difftagnr,
FROM video_tags
) AS tagsadded,
FROM settings
$result = $this->conn->query($query);
$r = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
// booleans need to be set manually
$r['passwordEnabled'] = $r['password'] != "-1";
$r['TMDB_grabbing'] = ($r['TMDB_grabbing'] != '0');
echo json_encode($r);
* load initial data for home page load to check if pwd is set
$this->addActionHandler("loadInitialData", function () {
$query = "SELECT * from settings";
$result = $this->conn->query($query);
$r = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
$r['passwordEnabled'] = $r['password'] != "-1";
$r['DarkMode'] = (bool)($r['DarkMode'] != '0');
* handle setting stuff to save to db
private function saveToDB() {
* save changed settings to db
$this->addActionHandler("saveGeneralSettings", function () {
$mediacentername = $_POST['mediacentername'];
$password = $_POST['password'];
$videopath = $_POST['videopath'];
$tvshowpath = $_POST['tvshowpath'];
$tmdbsupport = $_POST['tmdbsupport'];
$darkmodeenabled = $_POST['darkmodeenabled'];
$query = "UPDATE settings SET
if ($this->conn->query($query) === true) {
$this->commitMessage('{"result": "success"}');
} else {
$this->commitMessage('{"result": "success"}');
* methods for handling reindexing and cleanup of db gravity
private function reIndexHandling() {
$this->addActionHandler("startReindex", function () {
$indexrunning = false;
if (file_exists("/tmp/output.log")) {
$out = file_get_contents("/tmp/output.log");
if (substr($out, -strlen("-42")) == "-42") {
} else {
$indexrunning = true;
if (!$indexrunning) {
// start extraction of video previews in background
$cmd = 'php extractvideopreviews.php';
exec(sprintf("%s > %s 2>&1 & echo $! >> %s", $cmd, '/dev/zero', '/tmp/openmediacenterpid'));
$this->commitMessage('{"result": "success"}');
} else {
$this->commitMessage('{"result": "success"}');
$this->addActionHandler("cleanupGravity", function () {
$vp = new VideoParser();
$this->addActionHandler("getStatusMessage", function () {
$return = new stdClass();
if (file_exists("/tmp/output.log")) {
$out = file_get_contents("/tmp/output.log");
// clear log file
file_put_contents("/tmp/output.log", "");
$return->message = $out;
$return->contentAvailable = true;
if (substr($out, -strlen("-42")) == "-42") {
} else {
$return->contentAvailable = false;

View File

@ -1,245 +0,0 @@
require_once __DIR__ . '/../SSettings.php';
require_once 'RequestBase.php';
* Class Video
* backend for all interactions with videoloads and receiving of video infos
class Video extends RequestBase {
private $videopath;
public function __construct() {
$settings = new SSettings();
// load video path from settings
$this->videopath = $settings->getVideoPath();
function initHandlers() {
* function handles load of all videos and search for videos
private function getVideos() {
$this->addActionHandler("getMovies", function () {
$query = "SELECT movie_id,movie_name FROM videos ORDER BY create_date DESC, movie_name";
if (isset($_POST['tag'])) {
$tag = $_POST['tag'];
// if not all tags allowed filter for specific one
if (strtolower($_POST['tag']) != "all") {
$query = "SELECT movie_id,movie_name FROM videos
INNER JOIN video_tags vt on videos.movie_id = vt.video_id
INNER JOIN tags t on vt.tag_id = t.tag_id
WHERE t.tag_id = '$tag'
ORDER BY likes DESC, create_date, movie_name";
$result = $this->conn->query($query);
$rows = array();
while ($r = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
array_push($rows, $r);
$this->addActionHandler("getRandomMovies", function () {
$return = new stdClass();
$query = "SELECT movie_id,movie_name FROM videos ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT " . $_POST['number'];
$result = $this->conn->query($query);
$return->rows = array();
// get tags of random videos
$ids = [];
while ($r = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
array_push($return->rows, $r);
array_push($ids, "video_tags.video_id=" . $r['movie_id']);
$idstring = implode(" OR ", $ids);
$return->tags = array();
$query = "SELECT t.tag_name,t.tag_id FROM video_tags
INNER JOIN tags t on video_tags.tag_id = t.tag_id
WHERE $idstring
GROUP BY t.tag_id";
$result = $this->conn->query($query);
while ($r = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
array_push($return->tags, array('tag_name' => $r['tag_name'], 'tag_id' => $r['tag_id']));
$this->addActionHandler("getSearchKeyWord", function () {
$search = $_POST['keyword'];
$query = "SELECT movie_id,movie_name FROM videos
WHERE movie_name LIKE '%$search%'
ORDER BY likes DESC, create_date DESC, movie_name";
$result = $this->conn->query($query);
$rows = array();
while ($r = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
array_push($rows, $r);
* function to handle stuff for loading specific videos and startdata
private function loadVideos() {
$this->addActionHandler("loadVideo", function () {
$video_id = $_POST['movieid'];
// todo join with actor db and add actors of movieid
$query = " SELECT movie_name,movie_id,movie_url,thumbnail,poster,likes,quality,length
FROM videos WHERE movie_id=$video_id";
$result = $this->conn->query($query);
$row = $result->fetch_assoc();
$arr = array();
if ($row["poster"] == null) {
$arr["thumbnail"] = $row["thumbnail"];
} else {
$arr["thumbnail"] = $row["poster"];
$arr["movie_id"] = $row["movie_id"];
$arr["movie_name"] = $row["movie_name"];
// todo drop video url from db -- maybe one with and one without extension
// extension hardcoded here!!!
$arr["movie_url"] = str_replace("?", "%3F", $this->videopath . $row["movie_name"] . ".mp4");
$arr["likes"] = (int)$row["likes"];
$arr["quality"] = $row["quality"];
$arr["length"] = $row["length"];
// load tags of this video
$arr['tags'] = array();
$query = "SELECT t.tag_name, t.tag_id FROM video_tags
INNER JOIN tags t on video_tags.tag_id = t.tag_id
WHERE video_tags.video_id=$video_id
GROUP BY t.tag_id";
$result = $this->conn->query($query);
while ($r = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
array_push($arr['tags'], $r);
// get the random predict tags
$arr['suggesttag'] = array();
// select 5 random tags which are not selected for current video
$query = "SELECT * FROM tags
WHERE tag_id NOT IN (
SELECT video_tags.tag_id FROM video_tags
WHERE video_id=$video_id)
ORDER BY rand()
$result = $this->conn->query($query);
while ($r = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
array_push($arr['suggesttag'], $r);
// query the actors corresponding to video
$query = "SELECT a.actor_id, name, thumbnail FROM actors_videos
JOIN actors a on actors_videos.actor_id = a.actor_id
WHERE actors_videos.video_id=$video_id";
$result = $this->conn->query($query);
$arr['actors'] = mysqli_fetch_all($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC);
$this->addActionHandler("readThumbnail", function () {
$query = "SELECT thumbnail FROM videos WHERE movie_id='" . $_POST['movieid'] . "'";
$result = $this->conn->query($query);
$row = $result->fetch_assoc();
$this->addActionHandler("getStartData", function () {
$query = "SELECT COUNT(*) as nr FROM videos";
$result = $this->conn->query($query);
$r = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
$arr = array();
$arr['total'] = $r['nr'];
$query = "SELECT COUNT(*) as nr FROM videos
INNER JOIN video_tags vt on videos.movie_id = vt.video_id
INNER JOIN tags t on vt.tag_id = t.tag_id";
$result = $this->conn->query($query);
$r = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
$arr['tagged'] = $r['nr'];
$query = "SELECT COUNT(*) as nr FROM videos
INNER JOIN video_tags vt on videos.movie_id = vt.video_id
INNER JOIN tags t on vt.tag_id = t.tag_id
WHERE t.tag_name='hd'";
$result = $this->conn->query($query);
$r = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
$arr['hd'] = $r['nr'];
$query = "SELECT COUNT(*) as nr FROM videos
INNER JOIN video_tags vt on videos.movie_id = vt.video_id
INNER JOIN tags t on vt.tag_id = t.tag_id
WHERE t.tag_name='fullhd'";
$result = $this->conn->query($query);
$r = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
$arr['fullhd'] = $r['nr'];
$query = "SELECT COUNT(*) as nr FROM videos
INNER JOIN video_tags vt on videos.movie_id = vt.video_id
INNER JOIN tags t on vt.tag_id = t.tag_id
WHERE t.tag_name='lowquality'";
$result = $this->conn->query($query);
$r = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
$arr['sd'] = $r['nr'];
$query = "SELECT COUNT(*) as nr FROM tags";
$result = $this->conn->query($query);
$r = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
$arr['tags'] = $r['nr'];
* function to handle api handlers for stuff to add to video or database
private function addToVideo() {
$this->addActionHandler("addLike", function () {
$movieid = $_POST['movieid'];
$query = "update videos set likes = likes + 1 where movie_id = '$movieid'";
if ($this->conn->query($query) === TRUE) {
} else {
$this->commitMessage('{"result":"' . $this->conn->error . '"}');
$this->addActionHandler("deleteVideo", function () {
$movieid = $_POST['movieid'];
// delete video entry and corresponding tag infos
$query = "DELETE FROM videos WHERE movie_id=$movieid";
if ($this->conn->query($query) === TRUE) {
} else {
$this->commitMessage('{"result":"' . $this->conn->error . '"}');

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
include_once __DIR__ . '/src/handlers/Tags.php';
$tags = new Tags();

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
include_once __DIR__ . '/src/handlers/Video.php';
$video = new Video();

apiGo/api/Actors.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
package api
import (
func AddActorsHandlers() {
func getActorsFromDB() {
AddHandler("getAllActors", ActorNode, nil, func() []byte {
query := "SELECT actor_id, name, thumbnail FROM actors"
return jsonify(readActorsFromResultset(database.Query(query)))
var gaov struct {
MovieId int
AddHandler("getActorsOfVideo", ActorNode, &gaov, func() []byte {
query := fmt.Sprintf(`SELECT a.actor_id, name, thumbnail FROM actors_videos
JOIN actors a on actors_videos.actor_id = a.actor_id
WHERE actors_videos.video_id=%d`, gaov.MovieId)
return jsonify(readActorsFromResultset(database.Query(query)))
var gai struct {
ActorId int
AddHandler("getActorInfo", ActorNode, &gai, func() []byte {
query := fmt.Sprintf(`SELECT movie_id, movie_name FROM actors_videos
JOIN videos v on v.movie_id = actors_videos.video_id
WHERE actors_videos.actor_id=%d`, gai.ActorId)
videos := readVideosFromResultset(database.Query(query))
query = fmt.Sprintf("SELECT actor_id, name, thumbnail FROM actors WHERE actor_id=%d", gai.ActorId)
actor := readActorsFromResultset(database.Query(query))[0]
var result = struct {
Videos []types.VideoUnloadedType
Info types.Actor
Videos: videos,
Info: actor,
return jsonify(result)
func saveActorsToDB() {
var ca struct {
ActorName string
AddHandler("createActor", ActorNode, &ca, func() []byte {
query := "INSERT IGNORE INTO actors (name) VALUES (?)"
return database.SuccessQuery(query, ca.ActorName)
var aatv struct {
ActorId int
MovieId int
AddHandler("addActorToVideo", ActorNode, &aatv, func() []byte {
query := fmt.Sprintf("INSERT IGNORE INTO actors_videos (actor_id, video_id) VALUES (%d,%d)", aatv.ActorId, aatv.MovieId)
return database.SuccessQuery(query)

apiGo/api/ApiBase.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
package api
import (
const APIPREFIX = "/api"
const (
VideoNode = iota
TagNode = iota
SettingsNode = iota
ActorNode = iota
type actionStruct struct {
Action string
type Handler struct {
action string
handler func() []byte
arguments interface{}
apiNode int
var handlers []Handler
func AddHandler(action string, apiNode int, n interface{}, h func() []byte) {
// append new handler to the handlers
handlers = append(handlers, Handler{action, h, n, apiNode})
func ServerInit(port uint16) {
http.Handle(APIPREFIX+"/video", http.HandlerFunc(videoHandler))
http.Handle(APIPREFIX+"/tags", http.HandlerFunc(tagHandler))
http.Handle(APIPREFIX+"/settings", http.HandlerFunc(settingsHandler))
http.Handle(APIPREFIX+"/actor", http.HandlerFunc(actorHandler))
fmt.Printf("OpenMediacenter server up and running on port %d\n", port)
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(fmt.Sprintf(":%d", port), nil))
func handleAPICall(action string, requestBody string, apiNode int) []byte {
for i := range handlers {
if handlers[i].action == action && handlers[i].apiNode == apiNode {
// call the handler and return
if handlers[i].arguments != nil {
// decode the arguments to the corresponding arguments object
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(requestBody), &handlers[i].arguments)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("failed to decode arguments of action %s :: %s\n", action, requestBody)
return handlers[i].handler()
fmt.Printf("no handler found for Action: %d/%s\n", apiNode, action)
return nil
func actorHandler(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
handlefunc(rw, req, ActorNode)
func videoHandler(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
handlefunc(rw, req, VideoNode)
func tagHandler(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
handlefunc(rw, req, TagNode)
func settingsHandler(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
handlefunc(rw, req, SettingsNode)
func handlefunc(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, node int) {
// only allow post requests
if req.Method != "POST" {
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
body := buf.String()
var t actionStruct
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(body), &t)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("failed to read action from request! :: " + body)
rw.Write(handleAPICall(t.Action, body, node))

apiGo/api/ApiBase_test.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
package api
import (
func cleanUp() {
handlers = nil
func TestAddHandler(t *testing.T) {
AddHandler("test", ActorNode, nil, func() []byte {
return nil
if len(handlers) != 1 {
t.Errorf("Handler insertion failed, got: %d handlers, want: %d.", len(handlers), 1)
func TestCallOfHandler(t *testing.T) {
i := 0
AddHandler("test", ActorNode, nil, func() []byte {
return nil
// simulate the call of the api
handleAPICall("test", "", ActorNode)
if i != 1 {
t.Errorf("Unexpected number of Lambda calls : %d/1", i)
func TestDecodingOfArguments(t *testing.T) {
var myvar struct {
Test string
TestInt int
AddHandler("test", ActorNode, &myvar, func() []byte {
return nil
// simulate the call of the api
handleAPICall("test", `{"Test":"myString","TestInt":42}`, ActorNode)
if myvar.TestInt != 42 || myvar.Test != "myString" {
t.Errorf("Wrong parsing of argument parameters : %d/42 - %s/myString", myvar.TestInt, myvar.Test)
func TestNoHandlerCovers(t *testing.T) {
ret := handleAPICall("test", "", ActorNode)
if ret != nil {
t.Error("Expect nil return within unhandled api action")

apiGo/api/Helpers.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
package api
import (
// MovieId - MovieName : pay attention to the order!
func readVideosFromResultset(rows *sql.Rows) []types.VideoUnloadedType {
result := []types.VideoUnloadedType{}
for rows.Next() {
var vid types.VideoUnloadedType
err := rows.Scan(&vid.MovieId, &vid.MovieName)
if err != nil {
panic(err.Error()) // proper error handling instead of panic in your app
result = append(result, vid)
return result
// TagID - TagName : pay attention to the order!
func readTagsFromResultset(rows *sql.Rows) []types.Tag {
// initialize with empty array!
result := []types.Tag{}
for rows.Next() {
var tag types.Tag
err := rows.Scan(&tag.TagId, &tag.TagName)
if err != nil {
panic(err.Error()) // proper error handling instead of panic in your app
result = append(result, tag)
return result
// ActorId - ActorName - Thumbnail : pay attention to the order!
func readActorsFromResultset(rows *sql.Rows) []types.Actor {
var result []types.Actor
for rows.Next() {
var actor types.Actor
var thumbnail []byte
err := rows.Scan(&actor.ActorId, &actor.Name, &thumbnail)
if len(thumbnail) != 0 {
actor.Thumbnail = string(thumbnail)
if err != nil {
panic(err.Error()) // proper error handling instead of panic in your app
result = append(result, actor)
return result
func jsonify(v interface{}) []byte {
// jsonify results
str, err := json.Marshal(v)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error while Jsonifying return object: " + err.Error())
return str

apiGo/api/Settings.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
package api
import (
func AddSettingsHandlers() {
func getSettingsFromDB() {
AddHandler("loadInitialData", SettingsNode, nil, func() []byte {
query := "SELECT DarkMode, password, mediacenter_name, video_path from settings"
type InitialDataType struct {
DarkMode int
Pasword int
Mediacenter_name string
VideoPath string
result := InitialDataType{}
err := database.QueryRow(query).Scan(&result.DarkMode, &result.Pasword, &result.Mediacenter_name, &result.VideoPath)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("error while parsing db data: " + err.Error())
type InitialDataTypeResponse struct {
DarkMode bool
Pasword bool
Mediacenter_name string
VideoPath string
res := InitialDataTypeResponse{
DarkMode: result.DarkMode != 0,
Pasword: result.Pasword != -1,
Mediacenter_name: result.Mediacenter_name,
VideoPath: result.VideoPath,
str, _ := json.Marshal(res)
return str
AddHandler("loadGeneralSettings", SettingsNode, nil, func() []byte {
result := database.GetSettings()
return jsonify(result)
func saveSettingsToDB() {
var sgs struct {
Settings types.SettingsType
AddHandler("saveGeneralSettings", SettingsNode, &sgs, func() []byte {
query := `
UPDATE settings SET
return database.SuccessQuery(query,
sgs.Settings.VideoPath, sgs.Settings.EpisodePath, sgs.Settings.Password,
sgs.Settings.MediacenterName, sgs.Settings.TMDBGrabbing, sgs.Settings.DarkMode)
// methods for handling reindexing and cleanup of db gravity
func reIndexHandling() {
AddHandler("startReindex", SettingsNode, nil, func() []byte {
return database.ManualSuccessResponse(nil)
AddHandler("cleanupGravity", SettingsNode, nil, func() []byte {
return nil
AddHandler("getStatusMessage", SettingsNode, nil, func() []byte {
return jsonify(videoparser.GetStatusMessage())

apiGo/api/Tags.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
package api
import (
func AddTagHandlers() {
func deleteFromDB() {
var dT struct {
TagId int
Force bool
AddHandler("deleteTag", TagNode, &dT, func() []byte {
// delete key constraints first
if dT.Force {
query := fmt.Sprintf("DELETE FROM video_tags WHERE tag_id=%d", dT.TagId)
err := database.Edit(query)
// respond only if result not successful
if err != nil {
return database.ManualSuccessResponse(err)
query := fmt.Sprintf("DELETE FROM tags WHERE tag_id=%d", dT.TagId)
err := database.Edit(query)
if err == nil {
// return if successful
return database.ManualSuccessResponse(err)
} else {
// check with regex if its the key constraint error
r, _ := regexp.Compile("^.*a foreign key constraint fails.*$")
if r.MatchString(err.Error()) {
return []byte(`{"result":"not empty tag"}`)
} else {
return database.ManualSuccessResponse(err)
func getFromDB() {
AddHandler("getAllTags", TagNode, nil, func() []byte {
query := "SELECT tag_id,tag_name from tags"
return jsonify(readTagsFromResultset(database.Query(query)))
func addToDB() {
var ct struct {
TagName string
AddHandler("createTag", TagNode, &ct, func() []byte {
query := "INSERT IGNORE INTO tags (tag_name) VALUES (?)"
return database.SuccessQuery(query, ct.TagName)
var at struct {
MovieId int
TagId int
AddHandler("addTag", TagNode, &at, func() []byte {
query := "INSERT IGNORE INTO video_tags(tag_id, video_id) VALUES (?,?)"
return database.SuccessQuery(query, at.TagId, at.MovieId)

apiGo/api/Video.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
package api
import (
func AddVideoHandlers() {
func getVideoHandlers() {
var mrq struct {
Tag int
AddHandler("getMovies", VideoNode, &mrq, func() []byte {
var query string
// 1 is the id of the ALL tag
if mrq.Tag != 1 {
query = fmt.Sprintf(`SELECT movie_id,movie_name FROM videos
INNER JOIN video_tags vt on videos.movie_id = vt.video_id
INNER JOIN tags t on vt.tag_id = t.tag_id
WHERE t.tag_id = '%d'
ORDER BY likes DESC, create_date, movie_name`, mrq.Tag)
} else {
query = "SELECT movie_id,movie_name FROM videos ORDER BY create_date DESC, movie_name"
result := readVideosFromResultset(database.Query(query))
// jsonify results
str, _ := json.Marshal(result)
return str
var rtn struct {
Movieid int
AddHandler("readThumbnail", VideoNode, &rtn, func() []byte {
var pic []byte
query := fmt.Sprintf("SELECT thumbnail FROM videos WHERE movie_id='%d'", rtn.Movieid)
err := database.QueryRow(query).Scan(&pic)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("the thumbnail of movie id %d couldn't be found", rtn.Movieid)
return nil
return pic
var grm struct {
Number int
AddHandler("getRandomMovies", VideoNode, &grm, func() []byte {
var result struct {
Tags []types.Tag
Videos []types.VideoUnloadedType
query := fmt.Sprintf("SELECT movie_id,movie_name FROM videos ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT %d", grm.Number)
result.Videos = readVideosFromResultset(database.Query(query))
var ids string
for i := range result.Videos {
ids += "video_tags.video_id=" + strconv.Itoa(result.Videos[i].MovieId)
if i < len(result.Videos)-1 {
ids += " OR "
// add the corresponding tags
query = fmt.Sprintf(`SELECT t.tag_name,t.tag_id FROM video_tags
INNER JOIN tags t on video_tags.tag_id = t.tag_id
GROUP BY t.tag_id`, ids)
rows := database.Query(query)
for rows.Next() {
var tag types.Tag
err := rows.Scan(&tag.TagName, &tag.TagId)
if err != nil {
panic(err.Error()) // proper error handling instead of panic in your app
// append to final array
result.Tags = append(result.Tags, tag)
// jsonify results
str, _ := json.Marshal(result)
return str
var gsk struct {
KeyWord string
AddHandler("getSearchKeyWord", VideoNode, &gsk, func() []byte {
query := fmt.Sprintf(`SELECT movie_id,movie_name FROM videos
WHERE movie_name LIKE '%%%s%%'
ORDER BY likes DESC, create_date DESC, movie_name`, gsk.KeyWord)
result := readVideosFromResultset(database.Query(query))
// jsonify results
str, _ := json.Marshal(result)
return str
// function to handle stuff for loading specific videos and startdata
func loadVideosHandlers() {
var lv struct {
MovieId int
AddHandler("loadVideo", VideoNode, &lv, func() []byte {
query := fmt.Sprintf(`SELECT movie_name,movie_url,movie_id,thumbnail,poster,likes,quality,length
FROM videos WHERE movie_id=%d`, lv.MovieId)
var res types.FullVideoType
var poster []byte
var thumbnail []byte
err := database.QueryRow(query).Scan(&res.MovieName, &res.MovieUrl, &res.MovieId, &thumbnail, &poster, &res.Likes, &res.Quality, &res.Length)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("error getting full data list of videoid - %d", lv.MovieId)
return nil
// we ned to urlencode the movieurl
res.MovieUrl = url.PathEscape(res.MovieUrl)
// we need to stringify the pic byte array
res.Poster = string(poster)
// if poster in db is empty we use the thumbnail
if res.Poster == "" {
res.Poster = string(thumbnail)
// now add the tags of this video
query = fmt.Sprintf(`SELECT t.tag_id, t.tag_name FROM video_tags
INNER JOIN tags t on video_tags.tag_id = t.tag_id
WHERE video_tags.video_id=%d
GROUP BY t.tag_id`, lv.MovieId)
res.Tags = readTagsFromResultset(database.Query(query))
query = fmt.Sprintf(`SELECT * FROM tags
WHERE tag_id NOT IN (
SELECT video_tags.tag_id FROM video_tags
WHERE video_id=%d)
ORDER BY rand()
LIMIT 5`, lv.MovieId)
res.SuggestedTag = readTagsFromResultset(database.Query(query))
// query the actors corresponding to video
query = fmt.Sprintf(`SELECT a.actor_id, name, thumbnail FROM actors_videos
JOIN actors a on actors_videos.actor_id = a.actor_id
WHERE actors_videos.video_id=%d`, lv.MovieId)
res.Actors = readActorsFromResultset(database.Query(query))
// jsonify results
str, _ := json.Marshal(res)
return str
AddHandler("getStartData", VideoNode, nil, func() []byte {
var result types.StartData
// query settings and infotile values
query := `
) AS videonr,
INNER JOIN video_tags vt on videos.movie_id = vt.video_id
INNER JOIN tags t on vt.tag_id = t.tag_id
) AS tagged,
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM video_tags as vt
INNER JOIN tags t on vt.tag_id = t.tag_id
WHERE t.tag_name='hd'
) AS hd,
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM video_tags as vt
INNER JOIN tags t on vt.tag_id = t.tag_id
WHERE t.tag_name='fullhd'
) AS fullhd,
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM video_tags as vt
INNER JOIN tags t on vt.tag_id = t.tag_id
WHERE t.tag_name='lowquality'
) AS lq,
SELECT COUNT(*) as nr FROM tags
) as tags
_ = database.QueryRow(query).Scan(&result.VideoNr, &result.Tagged, &result.HDNr, &result.FullHdNr, &result.SDNr, &result.DifferentTags)
// jsonify results
str, _ := json.Marshal(result)
return str
func addToVideoHandlers() {
var al struct {
MovieId int
AddHandler("addLike", VideoNode, &al, func() []byte {
query := fmt.Sprintf("update videos set likes = likes + 1 where movie_id = %d", al.MovieId)
return database.SuccessQuery(query)
var dv struct {
MovieId int
AddHandler("deleteVideo", VideoNode, &dv, func() []byte {
query := fmt.Sprintf("DELETE FROM videos WHERE movie_id=%d", dv.MovieId)
return database.SuccessQuery(query)

apiGo/api/types/Types.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
package types
type VideoUnloadedType struct {
MovieId int
MovieName string
type FullVideoType struct {
MovieName string
MovieId int
MovieUrl string
Poster string
Likes int
Quality int
Length int
Tags []Tag
SuggestedTag []Tag
Actors []Actor
type Tag struct {
TagName string
TagId int
type Actor struct {
ActorId int
Name string
Thumbnail string
type StartData struct {
VideoNr int
FullHdNr int
HDNr int
SDNr int
DifferentTags int
Tagged int
type SettingsType struct {
VideoPath string
EpisodePath string
MediacenterName string
Password string
PasswordEnabled bool
TMDBGrabbing bool
DarkMode bool
VideoNr int
DBSize float32
DifferentTags int
TagsAdded int
PathPrefix string

apiGo/database/Database.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
package database
import (
_ ""
var db *sql.DB
var DBName string
// store the command line parameter for Videoprefix
var SettingsVideoPrefix = ""
type DatabaseConfig struct {
DBHost string
DBPort int
DBUser string
DBPassword string
DBName string
func InitDB(dbconf *DatabaseConfig) {
DBName = dbconf.DBName
// Open up our database connection.
var err error
db, err = sql.Open("mysql", fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s@tcp(%s:%d)/%s", dbconf.DBUser, dbconf.DBPassword, dbconf.DBHost, dbconf.DBPort, dbconf.DBName))
// if there is an error opening the connection, handle it
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error while connecting to database! - %s\n", err.Error())
if db != nil {
ping := db.Ping()
if ping != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error while connecting to database! - %s\n", ping.Error())
func Query(query string, args ...interface{}) *sql.Rows {
// perform a db.Query insert
res, err := db.Query(query, args...)
// if there is an error inserting, handle it
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error while requesting data! - %s\n", err.Error())
return res
func QueryRow(SQL string, args ...interface{}) *sql.Row {
return db.QueryRow(SQL, args...)
// edit something in the DB and give only an error response
func Edit(query string, args ...interface{}) error {
_, err := db.Exec(query, args...)
return err
// insert/edit a query and return last insert id
func Insert(query string, args ...interface{}) (error, int64) {
resp, err := db.Exec(query, args...)
var id int64 = 0
if err == nil {
id, err = resp.LastInsertId()
return err, id
func SuccessQuery(query string, args ...interface{}) []byte {
return ManualSuccessResponse(Edit(query, args...))
func ManualSuccessResponse(err error) []byte {
if err == nil {
return []byte(`{"result":"success"}`)
} else {
return []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`{"result":"%s"}`, err.Error()))
func Close() {
func GetSettings() types.SettingsType {
var result types.SettingsType
// query settings and infotile values
query := fmt.Sprintf(`
FROM videos
) AS videonr,
SELECT ROUND(SUM(data_length + index_length) / 1024 / 1024, 2) AS Size
FROM information_schema.TABLES
GROUP BY table_schema
) AS dbsize,
FROM tags
) AS difftagnr,
FROM video_tags
) AS tagsadded,
video_path, episode_path, password, mediacenter_name, TMDB_grabbing, DarkMode
FROM settings
LIMIT 1`, DBName)
var DarkMode int
var TMDBGrabbing int
err := QueryRow(query).Scan(&result.VideoNr, &result.DBSize, &result.DifferentTags, &result.TagsAdded,
&result.VideoPath, &result.EpisodePath, &result.Password, &result.MediacenterName, &TMDBGrabbing, &DarkMode)
if err != nil {
result.TMDBGrabbing = TMDBGrabbing != 0
result.PasswordEnabled = result.Password != "-1"
result.DarkMode = DarkMode != 0
result.PathPrefix = SettingsVideoPrefix
return result

apiGo/go.mod Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
module openmediacenter/apiGo
go 1.16
require v1.5.0

apiGo/go.sum Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ v1.5.0 h1:ozyZYNQW3x3HtqT1jira07DN2PArx2v7/mN66gGcHOs= v1.5.0/go.mod h1:DCzpHaOWr8IXmIStZouvnhqoel9Qv2LBy8hT2VhHyBg=

apiGo/main.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
package main
import (
func main() {
fmt.Println("init OpenMediaCenter server")
db, verbose, pathPrefix := handleCommandLineArguments()
// todo some verbosity logger or sth
fmt.Printf("Use verbose output: %t\n", verbose)
fmt.Printf("Videopath prefix: %s\n", *pathPrefix)
// set pathprefix in database settings object
database.SettingsVideoPrefix = *pathPrefix
defer database.Close()
func handleCommandLineArguments() (*database.DatabaseConfig, bool, *string) {
dbhostPtr := flag.String("DBHost", "", "database host name")
dbPortPtr := flag.Int("DBPort", 3306, "database port")
dbUserPtr := flag.String("DBUser", "mediacenteruser", "database username")
dbPassPtr := flag.String("DBPassword", "mediapassword", "database username")
dbNamePtr := flag.String("DBName", "mediacenter", "database name")
verbosePtr := flag.Bool("v", true, "Verbose log output")
pathPrefix := flag.String("ReindexPrefix", "/var/www/openmediacenter", "Prefix path for videos to reindex")
return &database.DatabaseConfig{
DBHost: *dbhostPtr,
DBPort: *dbPortPtr,
DBUser: *dbUserPtr,
DBPassword: *dbPassPtr,
DBName: *dbNamePtr,
}, *verbosePtr, pathPrefix

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
package videoparser

View File

@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
package videoparser
import (
var mSettings types.SettingsType
var mExtDepsAvailable *ExtDependencySupport
// default Tag ids
const (
FullHd = 2
Hd = 4
LowQuality = 3
type ExtDependencySupport struct {
FFMpeg bool
MediaInfo bool
type VideoAttributes struct {
Duration float32
FileSize uint
Width uint
func ReIndexVideos(path []string, sett types.SettingsType) {
mSettings = sett
// check if the extern dependencies are available
mExtDepsAvailable = checkExtDependencySupport()
fmt.Printf("FFMPEG support: %t\n", mExtDepsAvailable.FFMpeg)
fmt.Printf("MediaInfo support: %t\n", mExtDepsAvailable.MediaInfo)
for _, s := range path {
AppendMessageBuffer("reindex finished successfully!")
contentAvailable = false
fmt.Println("Reindexing finished!")
func processVideo(fileNameOrig string) {
fmt.Printf("Processing %s video-", fileNameOrig)
// match the file extension
r, _ := regexp.Compile(`\.[a-zA-Z0-9]+$`)
fileName := r.ReplaceAllString(fileNameOrig, "")
year, fileName := matchYear(fileName)
// now we should look if this video already exists in db
query := "SELECT * FROM videos WHERE movie_name = ?"
err := database.QueryRow(query, fileName).Scan()
if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
fmt.Printf("The Video %s does't exist! Adding it to database.\n", fileName)
addVideo(fileName, fileNameOrig, year)
} else {
fmt.Println(" :existing!")
// add a video to the database
func addVideo(videoName string, fileName string, year int) {
var ppic *string
var poster *string
var tmdbData *tmdb.VideoTMDB
var err error
// initialize defaults
vidAtr := &VideoAttributes{
Duration: 0,
FileSize: 0,
Width: 0,
if mExtDepsAvailable.FFMpeg {
ppic, err = parseFFmpegPic(fileName)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("FFmpeg error occured: %s\n", err.Error())
} else {
fmt.Println("successfully extracted thumbnail!!")
if mExtDepsAvailable.MediaInfo {
atr := getVideoAttributes(fileName)
if atr != nil {
vidAtr = atr
// if TMDB grabbing is enabled serach in api for video...
if mSettings.TMDBGrabbing {
tmdbData = tmdb.SearchVideo(videoName, year)
if tmdbData != nil {
// reassign parsed pic as poster
poster = ppic
// and tmdb pic as thumbnail
ppic = &tmdbData.Thumbnail
query := `INSERT INTO videos(movie_name,movie_url,poster,thumbnail,quality,length) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)`
err, insertId := database.Insert(query, videoName, fileName, poster, ppic, vidAtr.Width, vidAtr.Duration)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Failed to insert video into db: %s\n", err.Error())
// add default tags
if vidAtr.Width != 0 {
insertSizeTag(vidAtr.Width, uint(insertId))
// add tmdb tags
if mSettings.TMDBGrabbing && tmdbData != nil {
insertTMDBTags(tmdbData.GenreIds, insertId)
AppendMessageBuffer(fmt.Sprintf("%s - added!", videoName))
func matchYear(fileName string) (int, string) {
r, _ := regexp.Compile(`\([0-9]{4}?\)`)
years := r.FindAllString(fileName, -1)
if len(years) == 0 {
return -1, fileName
year, err := strconv.Atoi(years[len(years)-1])
if err != nil {
return -1, fileName
// cut out year from filename
return year, r.ReplaceAllString(fileName, "")
// parse the thumbail picture from video file
func parseFFmpegPic(fileName string) (*string, error) {
app := "ffmpeg"
cmd := exec.Command(app,
"-loglevel", "panic",
"-ss", "00:04:00",
"-i", mSettings.VideoPath+fileName,
"-vframes", "1",
"-q:v", "2",
"-f", "singlejpeg",
stdout, err := cmd.Output()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
backpic64 := "data:image/jpeg;base64," + base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(stdout)
return &backpic64, nil
func getVideoAttributes(fileName string) *VideoAttributes {
app := "mediainfo"
arg0 := mSettings.VideoPath + fileName
arg1 := "--Output=JSON"
cmd := exec.Command(app, arg1, "-f", arg0)
stdout, err := cmd.Output()
var t struct {
Media struct {
Track []struct {
Duration string
FileSize string
Width string
err = json.Unmarshal(stdout, &t)
if err != nil {
return nil
duration, err := strconv.ParseFloat(t.Media.Track[0].Duration, 32)
filesize, err := strconv.Atoi(t.Media.Track[0].FileSize)
width, err := strconv.Atoi(t.Media.Track[1].Width)
ret := VideoAttributes{
Duration: float32(duration),
FileSize: uint(filesize),
Width: uint(width),
return &ret
func AppendMessageBuffer(message string) {
messageBuffer = append(messageBuffer, message)
// ext dependency support check
func checkExtDependencySupport() *ExtDependencySupport {
var extDepsAvailable ExtDependencySupport
extDepsAvailable.FFMpeg = commandExists("ffmpeg")
extDepsAvailable.MediaInfo = commandExists("mediainfo")
return &extDepsAvailable
// check if a specific system command is available
func commandExists(cmd string) bool {
_, err := exec.LookPath(cmd)
return err == nil
// insert the default size tags to corresponding video
func insertSizeTag(width uint, videoId uint) {
var tagType uint
if width >= 1080 {
tagType = FullHd
} else if width >= 720 {
tagType = Hd
} else {
tagType = LowQuality
query := fmt.Sprintf("INSERT INTO video_tags(video_id,tag_id) VALUES (%d,%d)", videoId, tagType)
err := database.Edit(query)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Eror occured while adding default Tag: %s\n", err.Error())
// insert id array of tmdb geners to database
func insertTMDBTags(ids []int, videoId int64) {
genres := tmdb.GetGenres()
for _, id := range ids {
var idGenre *tmdb.TMDBGenre
for _, genre := range *genres {
if genre.Id == id {
idGenre = &genre
// skip tag if name couldn't be found
if idGenre == nil {
// now we check if the tag we want to add already exists
tagId := createTagToDB(idGenre.Name)
// now we add the tag
query := fmt.Sprintf("INSERT INTO video_tags(video_id,tag_id) VALUES (%d,%d)", videoId, tagId)
_ = database.Edit(query)
// returns id of tag or creates it if not existing
func createTagToDB(tagName string) int64 {
query := fmt.Sprintf("SELECT tag_id FROM tags WHERE tag_name = %s", tagName)
var id int64
err := database.QueryRow(query).Scan(&id)
if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
// tag doesn't exist -- add it
query = fmt.Sprintf("INSERT INTO tags (tag_name) VALUES (%s)", tagName)
err, id = database.Insert(query)
return id

View File

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
package videoparser
import (
var messageBuffer []string
var contentAvailable = false
type StatusMessage struct {
Messages []string
ContentAvailable bool
func StartReindex() bool {
messageBuffer = []string{}
contentAvailable = true
fmt.Println("starting reindex..")
mSettings := database.GetSettings()
// add the path prefix to videopath
mSettings.VideoPath = mSettings.PathPrefix + mSettings.VideoPath
// check if path even exists
if _, err := os.Stat(mSettings.VideoPath); os.IsNotExist(err) {
fmt.Println("Reindex path doesn't exist!")
return false
var files []string
err := filepath.Walk(mSettings.VideoPath, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return err
if !info.IsDir() && strings.HasSuffix(info.Name(), ".mp4") {
files = append(files, info.Name())
return nil
if err != nil {
// start reindex process
AppendMessageBuffer("Starting Reindexing!")
go ReIndexVideos(files, mSettings)
return true
func GetStatusMessage() *StatusMessage {
msg := StatusMessage{
Messages: messageBuffer,
ContentAvailable: contentAvailable,
messageBuffer = []string{}
return &msg
func StartCleanup() {
// todo start cleanup

View File

@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
package tmdb
import (
const apiKey = "9fd90530b11447f5646f8e6fb4733fb4"
const baseUrl = ""
const pictureBase = ""
type VideoTMDB struct {
Thumbnail string
Overview string
Title string
GenreIds []int
type tmdbVidResult struct {
Poster_path string
Adult bool
Overview string
Release_date string
Genre_ids []int
Id int
Original_title string
Original_language string
Title string
Backdrop_path string
Popularity int
Vote_count int
Video bool
Vote_average int
type TMDBGenre struct {
Id int
Name string
func SearchVideo(MovieName string, year int) *VideoTMDB {
url := fmt.Sprintf("%ssearch/movie?api_key=%s&query=%s", baseUrl, apiKey, MovieName)
resp, err := http.Get(url)
if err != nil {
return nil
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
return nil
var t struct {
Results []tmdbVidResult
err = json.Unmarshal(body, &t)
var tmdbVid tmdbVidResult
if year != -1 {
for _, result := range t.Results {
r, _ := regexp.Compile(fmt.Sprintf(`^%d-[0-9]{2}?-[0-9]{2}?$`, year))
if r.MatchString(result.Release_date) {
tmdbVid = result
// continue parsing
goto cont
// if there is no match use first one
tmdbVid = t.Results[0]
} else {
tmdbVid = t.Results[0]
// continue label
thumbnail := fetchPoster(tmdbVid)
result := VideoTMDB{
Thumbnail: *thumbnail,
Overview: tmdbVid.Overview,
Title: tmdbVid.Title,
GenreIds: tmdbVid.Genre_ids,
return &result
func fetchPoster(vid tmdbVidResult) *string {
url := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", pictureBase, vid.Poster_path)
resp, err := http.Get(url)
if err != nil {
return nil
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
return nil
backpic64 := "data:image/jpeg;base64," + base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(body)
return &backpic64
var tmdbGenres *[]TMDBGenre
func fetchGenres() *[]TMDBGenre {
url := fmt.Sprintf("%sgenre/movie/list?api_key=%s", baseUrl, apiKey)
resp, err := http.Get(url)
if err != nil {
return nil
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
return nil
var t []TMDBGenre
err = json.Unmarshal(body, &t)
return &t
func GetGenres() *[]TMDBGenre {
// if generes are nil fetch them once
if tmdbGenres == nil {
tmdbGenres = fetchGenres()
return tmdbGenres

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
Package: OpenMediaCenter
Depends: nginx, php-fpm, php-mysqli, mariadb-server
Depends: nginx, mariadb-server, mediainfo
Section: web
Priority: optional
Architecture: all

View File

@ -2,20 +2,6 @@
# enable nginx site
ln -sf /etc/nginx/sites-available/OpenMediaCenter.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/OpenMediaCenter.conf
# link general socket to current one
# create a gneral symlink to the php socket if not already existing
if [ -L ${phpsymlink} ] ; then
if [ -e ${phpsymlink} ] ; then
echo "general php symlink already exists."
ln -sf /var/run/php/php*.*-fpm.sock /var/run/php/php-fpm.sock
ln -sf /var/run/php/php*.*-fpm.sock /var/run/php/php-fpm.sock
# setup database
mysql -uroot -pPASS -e "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS mediacenter;"
mysql -uroot -pPASS -e "CREATE USER IF NOT EXISTS 'mediacenteruser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'mediapassword';"
@ -31,6 +17,5 @@ chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/openmediacenter
# restart services
systemctl restart nginx
# trigger a movie reindex
php /var/www/openmediacenter/api/extractvideopreviews.php
rm /tmp/output.log
systemctl enable OpenMediaCenter.service
systemctl start OpenMediaCenter.service

View File

@ -13,9 +13,7 @@ server {
try_files $uri /index.html;
location ~ \.php$ {
include snippets/fastcgi-php.conf;
fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php/php-fpm.sock;
location /api/ {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
Description=OpenMediaCenter start job

package-lock.json generated

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
"proxy": "",
"proxy": "",
"homepage": "/",
"eslintConfig": {
"extends": [
@ -72,12 +72,12 @@
"@testing-library/jest-dom": "^5.11.6",
"@testing-library/react": "^11.2.2",
"@testing-library/user-event": "^12.6.0",
"@types/react-router-dom": "^5.1.6",
"@types/react-router": "5.1.8",
"@types/jest": "^26.0.19",
"@types/node": "^12.19.9",
"@types/react": "^16.14.2",
"@types/react-dom": "^16.9.10",
"@types/react-router": "5.1.8",
"@types/react-router-dom": "^5.1.6",
"enzyme": "^3.11.0",
"enzyme-adapter-react-16": "^1.15.5",
"jest-junit": "^12.0.0",

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import style from './App.module.css';
import SettingsPage from './pages/SettingsPage/SettingsPage';
import CategoryPage from './pages/CategoryPage/CategoryPage';
import {callAPI} from './utils/Api';
import {APINode, callAPI} from './utils/Api';
import {NoBackendConnectionPopup} from './elements/Popups/NoBackendConnectionPopup/NoBackendConnectionPopup';
import {BrowserRouter as Router, NavLink, Route, Switch} from 'react-router-dom';
@ -41,18 +41,20 @@ class App extends React.Component<{}, state> {
initialAPICall(): void {
// this is the first api call so if it fails we know there is no connection to backend
callAPI('settings.php', {action: 'loadInitialData'}, (result: SettingsTypes.initialApiCallData) => {
callAPI(APINode.Settings, {action: 'loadInitialData'}, (result: SettingsTypes.initialApiCallData) => {
// set theme
generalSettingsLoaded: true,
passwordsupport: result.passwordEnabled,
mediacentername: result.mediacenter_name,
passwordsupport: result.Password,
mediacentername: result.Mediacenter_name,
onapierror: false
// set tab title to received mediacenter name
document.title = result.mediacenter_name;
document.title = result.Mediacenter_name;
}, error => {
this.setState({onapierror: true});

View File

@ -4,13 +4,13 @@ import ActorTile from './ActorTile';
describe('<ActorTile/>', function () {
it('renders without crashing ', function () {
const wrapper = shallow(<ActorTile actor={{thumbnail: '-1', name: 'testname', id: 3}}/>);
const wrapper = shallow(<ActorTile actor={{Thumbnail: '-1', Name: 'testname', id: 3}}/>);
it('simulate click with custom handler', function () {
const func = jest.fn((_) => {});
const wrapper = shallow(<ActorTile actor={{thumbnail: '-1', name: 'testname', id: 3}} onClick={() => func()}/>);
const wrapper = shallow(<ActorTile actor={{Thumbnail: '-1', Name: 'testname', id: 3}} onClick={() => func()}/>);
const func1 = jest.fn();

View File

@ -22,13 +22,12 @@ class ActorTile extends React.Component<props> {
return this.renderActorTile(this.props.onClick);
} else {
return (
<Link to={{pathname: '/actors/' +}}>
<Link to={{pathname: '/actors/' +}}>
{this.renderActorTile(() => {
@ -39,11 +38,11 @@ class ActorTile extends React.Component<props> {
return (
<div className={style.actortile} onClick={(): void => customclickhandler(}>
<div className={style.actortile_thumbnail}>
{ === null ? <FontAwesomeIcon style={{
{ === '' ? <FontAwesomeIcon style={{
lineHeight: '130px'
}} icon={faUser} size='5x'/> : 'dfdf' /* todo render picture provided here! */}
<div className={style.actortile_name}>{}</div>
<div className={style.actortile_name}>{}</div>

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import GlobalInfos from '../../utils/GlobalInfos';
interface props {
title: string;
subtitle: string | null;
subtitle: string | number | null;

View File

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ describe('<AddActorPopup/>', function () {
it('test api call and insertion of actor tiles', function () {
global.callAPIMock([{id: 1, name: 'test'}, {id: 2, name: 'test2'}]);
global.callAPIMock([{Id: 1, Name: 'test'}, {Id: 2, Name: 'test2'}]);
const wrapper = shallow(<AddActorPopup/>);
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ describe('<AddActorPopup/>', function () {
global.callAPIMock({result: 'success'});
wrapper.setState({actors: [{actor_id: 1, name: 'test'}]}, () => {
wrapper.setState({actors: [{ActorId: 1, Name: 'test'}]}, () => {
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ describe('<AddActorPopup/>', function () {
global.callAPIMock({result: 'nosuccess'});
wrapper.setState({actors: [{actor_id: 1, name: 'test'}]}, () => {
wrapper.setState({actors: [{ActorId: 1, Name: 'test'}]}, () => {
@ -74,4 +74,16 @@ describe('<AddActorPopup/>', function () {
it('test Enter submit if only one element left', function () {
const wrapper = shallow(<AddActorPopup/>);
wrapper.setState({actors: [{Name: 'test', ActorId: 1}]});

View File

@ -3,12 +3,13 @@ import React from 'react';
import ActorTile from '../../ActorTile/ActorTile';
import style from './AddActorPopup.module.css';
import {NewActorPopupContent} from '../NewActorPopup/NewActorPopup';
import {callAPI} from '../../../utils/Api';
import {APINode, callAPI} from '../../../utils/Api';
import {ActorType} from '../../../types/VideoTypes';
import {GeneralSuccess} from '../../../types/GeneralTypes';
import {FontAwesomeIcon} from '@fortawesome/react-fontawesome';
import {faFilter, faTimes} from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons';
import {Button} from '../../GPElements/Button';
import {addKeyHandler, removeKeyHandler} from '../../../utils/ShortkeyHandler';
interface props {
onHide: () => void;
@ -41,6 +42,19 @@ class AddActorPopup extends React.Component<props, state> {
this.tileClickHandler = this.tileClickHandler.bind(this);
this.filterSearch = this.filterSearch.bind(this);
this.parentSubmit = this.parentSubmit.bind(this);
this.keypress = this.keypress.bind(this);
componentWillUnmount(): void {
componentDidMount(): void {
// fetch the available actors
render(): JSX.Element {
@ -52,18 +66,13 @@ class AddActorPopup extends React.Component<props, state> {
onClick={(): void => {
this.setState({contentDefault: false});
}}>Create new Actor</button>}>
}}>Create new Actor</button>} ParentSubmit={this.parentSubmit}>
componentDidMount(): void {
// fetch the available actors
* selector for current showing popup page
* @returns {JSX.Element}
@ -101,15 +110,13 @@ class AddActorPopup extends React.Component<props, state> {
this.setState({filter: '', filtervisible: false});
</> :
<Button title={<span>Filter <FontAwesomeIcon style={{
title={<span>Filter <FontAwesomeIcon style={{
verticalAlign: 'middle',
lineHeight: '130px'
}} icon={faFilter} size='1x'/></span>} color={{backgroundColor: 'cornflowerblue', color: 'white'}} onClick={(): void => {
this.setState({filtervisible: true}, () => {
// focus filterfield after state update
}} icon={faFilter} size='1x'/></span>}
color={{backgroundColor: 'cornflowerblue', color: 'white'}}
onClick={(): void => this.enableFilterField()}/>
{this.state.actors.filter(this.filterSearch).map((el) => (<ActorTile actor={el} onClick={this.tileClickHandler}/>))}
@ -125,10 +132,10 @@ class AddActorPopup extends React.Component<props, state> {
tileClickHandler(actor: ActorType): void {
// fetch the available actors
callAPI<GeneralSuccess>('actor.php', {
callAPI<GeneralSuccess>(APINode.Actor, {
action: 'addActorToVideo',
actorid: actor.actor_id,
videoid: this.props.movie_id
ActorId: actor.ActorId,
MovieId: this.props.movie_id
}, result => {
if (result.result === 'success') {
// return back to player page
@ -143,17 +150,51 @@ class AddActorPopup extends React.Component<props, state> {
* load the actors from backend and set state
loadActors(): void {
callAPI<ActorType[]>('actor.php', {action: 'getAllActors'}, result => {
callAPI<ActorType[]>(APINode.Actor, {action: 'getAllActors'}, result => {
this.setState({actors: result});
* enable filterfield and focus into searchbar
private enableFilterField(): void {
this.setState({filtervisible: true}, () => {
// focus filterfield after state update
* filter the actor array for search matches
* @param actor
private filterSearch(actor: ActorType): boolean {
return actor.Name.toLowerCase().includes(this.state.filter.toLowerCase());
* handle a Popupbase parent submit action
private parentSubmit(): void {
// allow submit only if one item is left in selection
const filteredList = this.state.actors.filter(this.filterSearch);
if (filteredList.length === 1) {
// simulate click if parent submit
* key event handling
* @param event keyevent
private keypress(event: KeyboardEvent): void {
// hide if escape is pressed
if (event.key === 'f') {

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ describe('<AddTagPopup/>', function () {
it('test tag insertion', function () {
const wrapper = shallow(<AddTagPopup/>);
items: [{tag_id: 1, tag_name: 'test'}, {tag_id: 2, tag_name: 'ee'}]
items: [{TagId: 1, TagName: 'test'}, {TagId: 2, TagName: 'ee'}]
}, () => {
@ -22,60 +22,14 @@ describe('<AddTagPopup/>', function () {
it('test tag click', function () {
const wrapper = shallow(<AddTagPopup/>);
wrapper.instance().addTag = jest.fn();
const wrapper = shallow(<AddTagPopup submit={jest.fn()} onHide={jest.fn()}/>);
items: [{tag_id: 1, tag_name: 'test'}]
}, () => {
it('test addtag', done => {
const wrapper = shallow(<AddTagPopup movie_id={1}/>);
global.fetch = prepareFetchApi({result: 'success'});
submit: jest.fn(() => {}),
onHide: jest.fn()
}, () => {
wrapper.instance().addTag(1, 'test');
process.nextTick(() => {
it('test failing addTag', done => {
const wrapper = shallow(<AddTagPopup movie_id={1}/>);
global.fetch = prepareFetchApi({result: 'fail'});
submit: jest.fn(() => {}),
onHide: jest.fn()
}, () => {
wrapper.instance().addTag(1, 'test');
process.nextTick(() => {

View File

@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
import React from 'react';
import Tag from '../../Tag/Tag';
import PopupBase from '../PopupBase';
import {callAPI} from '../../../utils/Api';
import {APINode, callAPI} from '../../../utils/Api';
import {TagType} from '../../../types/VideoTypes';
import {GeneralSuccess} from '../../../types/GeneralTypes';
interface props {
onHide: () => void;
@ -26,8 +25,7 @@ class AddTagPopup extends React.Component<props, state> {
componentDidMount(): void {
callAPI('tags.php', {action: 'getAllTags'}, (result: TagType[]) => {
callAPI(APINode.Tags, {action: 'getAllTags'}, (result: TagType[]) => {
items: result
@ -41,29 +39,13 @@ class AddTagPopup extends React.Component<props, state> { => (
<Tag tagInfo={i}
onclick={(): void => {
this.addTag(i.tag_id, i.tag_name);
this.props.submit(i.TagId, i.TagName);
)) : null}
* add a new tag to this video
* @param tagid tag id to add
* @param tagname tag name to add
addTag(tagid: number, tagname: string): void {
callAPI('tags.php', {action: 'addTag', id: tagid, movieid: this.props.movie_id}, (result: GeneralSuccess) => {
if (result.result !== 'success') {
console.log('error occured while writing to db -- todo error handling');
} else {
this.props.submit(tagid, tagname);
export default AddTagPopup;

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import React from 'react';
import PopupBase from '../PopupBase';
import style from './NewActorPopup.module.css';
import {callAPI} from '../../../utils/Api';
import {APINode, callAPI} from '../../../utils/Api';
import {GeneralSuccess} from '../../../types/GeneralTypes';
interface NewActorPopupProps {
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ export class NewActorPopupContent extends React.Component<NewActorPopupProps> {
// check if user typed in name
if (this.value === '' || this.value === undefined) return;
callAPI('actor.php', {action: 'createActor', actorname: this.value}, (result: GeneralSuccess) => {
callAPI(APINode.Actor, {action: 'createActor', actorname: this.value}, (result: GeneralSuccess) => {
if (result.result !== 'success') {
console.log('error occured while writing to db -- todo error handling');

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import React from 'react';
import PopupBase from '../PopupBase';
import style from './NewTagPopup.module.css';
import {callAPI} from '../../../utils/Api';
import {APINode, callAPI} from '../../../utils/Api';
import {GeneralSuccess} from '../../../types/GeneralTypes';
interface props {
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ class NewTagPopup extends React.Component<props> {
render(): JSX.Element {
return (
<PopupBase title='Add new Tag' onHide={this.props.onHide} height='200px' width='400px'>
<PopupBase title='Add new Tag' onHide={this.props.onHide} height='200px' width='400px' ParentSubmit={(): void => this.storeselection()}>
<div><input type='text' placeholder='Tagname' onChange={(v): void => {
this.value =;
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ class NewTagPopup extends React.Component<props> {
* store the filled in form to the backend
storeselection(): void {
callAPI('tags.php', {action: 'createTag', tagname: this.value}, (result: GeneralSuccess) => {
callAPI(APINode.Tags, {action: 'createTag', TagName: this.value}, (result: GeneralSuccess) => {
if (result.result !== 'success') {
console.log('error occured while writing to db -- todo error handling');

View File

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
.header {
cursor: move;
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
flex-wrap: nowrap;
@ -19,7 +20,6 @@
.title {
cursor: move;
float: left;
font-size: x-large;
margin-left: 15px;

View File

@ -8,12 +8,17 @@ describe('<PopupBase/>', function () {
it('simulate keypress', function () {
let events = [];
let events;
function mockKeyPress() {
events = [];
document.addEventListener = jest.fn((event, cb) => {
events[event] = cb;
it('simulate keypress', function () {
const func = jest.fn();
shallow(<PopupBase onHide={() => func()}/>);
@ -23,4 +28,14 @@ describe('<PopupBase/>', function () {
it('test an Enter sumit', function () {
const func = jest.fn();
shallow(<PopupBase ParentSubmit={() => func()}/>);
// trigger the keypress event
events.keyup({key: 'Enter'});

View File

@ -2,13 +2,15 @@ import GlobalInfos from '../../utils/GlobalInfos';
import style from './PopupBase.module.css';
import {Line} from '../PageTitle/PageTitle';
import React, {RefObject} from 'react';
import {addKeyHandler, removeKeyHandler} from '../../utils/ShortkeyHandler';
interface props {
width?: string;
height?: string;
banner?: JSX.Element;
title: string;
onHide: () => void
onHide: () => void;
ParentSubmit?: () => void;
@ -38,7 +40,7 @@ class PopupBase extends React.Component<props> {
componentDidMount(): void {
document.addEventListener('mousedown', this.handleClickOutside);
document.addEventListener('keyup', this.keypress);
// add element drag drop events
if (this.wrapperRef != null) {
@ -49,7 +51,7 @@ class PopupBase extends React.Component<props> {
componentWillUnmount(): void {
// remove the appended listeners
document.removeEventListener('mousedown', this.handleClickOutside);
document.removeEventListener('keyup', this.keypress);
render(): JSX.Element {
@ -86,6 +88,9 @@ class PopupBase extends React.Component<props> {
// hide if escape is pressed
if (event.key === 'Escape') {
} else if (event.key === 'Enter') {
// call a parentsubmit if defined
if (this.props.ParentSubmit) this.props.ParentSubmit();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
import {shallow} from 'enzyme';
import React from 'react';
import SubmitPopup from './SubmitPopup';
describe('<SubmitPopup/>', function () {
it('renders without crashing ', function () {
const wrapper = shallow(<SubmitPopup/>);
it('test submit click', function () {
const func = jest.fn();
const wrapper = shallow(<SubmitPopup submit={() => func()}/>);
wrapper.find('Button').findWhere(p => p.props().title === 'Submit').simulate('click');
it('test cancel click', function () {
const func = jest.fn();
const wrapper = shallow(<SubmitPopup onHide={() => func()}/>);
wrapper.find('Button').findWhere(p => p.props().title === 'Cancel').simulate('click');

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
import React from 'react';
import PopupBase from '../PopupBase';
import {Button} from '../../GPElements/Button';
interface props {
onHide: (_: void) => void;
submit: (_: void) => void;
export default function SubmitPopup(props: props): JSX.Element {
return (
<PopupBase title='Are you sure?' onHide={props.onHide} height='160px' width='300px'>
<Button title='Submit' color={{backgroundColor: 'green'}} onClick={(): void => props.submit()}/>
<Button title='Cancel' color={{backgroundColor: 'red'}} onClick={(): void => props.onHide()}/>

View File

@ -3,10 +3,10 @@ import style from './Preview.module.css';
import {Spinner} from 'react-bootstrap';
import {Link} from 'react-router-dom';
import GlobalInfos from '../../utils/GlobalInfos';
import {callAPIPlain} from '../../utils/Api';
import {faEllipsisV} from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons';
import {FontAwesomeIcon} from '@fortawesome/react-fontawesome';
import QuickActionPop from '../QuickActionPop/QuickActionPop';
import {APINode, callAPIPlain} from '../../utils/Api';
interface PreviewProps {
name: string;
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ class Preview extends React.Component<PreviewProps, PreviewState> {
componentDidMount(): void {
callAPIPlain('video.php', {action: 'readThumbnail', movieid: this.props.movie_id}, (result) => {
callAPIPlain(APINode.Video, {action: 'readThumbnail', movieid: this.props.movie_id}, (result) => {
previewpicture: result

View File

@ -6,12 +6,12 @@ import {shallow} from 'enzyme';
describe('<Tag/>', function () {
it('renders without crashing ', function () {
const wrapper = shallow(<Tag tagInfo={{tag_name: 'testname', tag_id: 1}}/>);
const wrapper = shallow(<Tag tagInfo={{TagName: 'testname', TagId: 1}}/>);
it('renders childs correctly', function () {
const wrapper = shallow(<Tag tagInfo={{tag_name: 'test', tag_id: 1}}/>);
const wrapper = shallow(<Tag tagInfo={{TagName: 'test', TagId: 1}}/>);
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ describe('<Tag/>', function () {
const func = jest.fn();
const wrapper = shallow(<Tag
tagInfo={{tag_name: 'test', tag_id: 1}}
tagInfo={{TagName: 'test', TagId: 1}}
onclick={() => {func();}}>test</Tag>);

View File

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ class Tag extends React.Component<props, state> {
return this.renderButton();
} else {
return (
<Link to={'/categories/' + this.props.tagInfo.tag_id}>
<Link to={'/categories/' + this.props.tagInfo.TagId}>
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ class Tag extends React.Component<props, state> {
<button className={styles.tagbtn}
onClick={(): void => this.TagClick()}
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ class Tag extends React.Component<props, state> {
TagClick(): void {
if (this.props.onclick) {
// call custom onclick handling
this.props.onclick(this.props.tagInfo.tag_name); // todo check if param is neccessary
this.props.onclick(this.props.tagInfo.TagName); // todo check if param is neccessary

View File

@ -40,9 +40,9 @@ class VideoContainer extends React.Component<props, state> {
<div className={style.maincontent}>
{ => (
{/*todo css for no items to show*/}
{this.state.loadeditems.length === 0 ?

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import React from 'react';
import {callAPI} from '../../utils/Api';
import {APINode, callAPI} from '../../utils/Api';
import {ActorType} from '../../types/VideoTypes';
import ActorTile from '../../elements/ActorTile/ActorTile';
import PageTitle from '../../elements/PageTitle/PageTitle';
@ -24,7 +24,9 @@ class ActorOverviewPage extends React.Component<props, state> {
actors: [],
NActorPopupVisible: false
componentDidMount(): void {
@ -36,7 +38,7 @@ class ActorOverviewPage extends React.Component<props, state> {
<Button title='Add Actor' onClick={(): void => this.setState({NActorPopupVisible: true})}/>
<div className={style.container}>
{ => (<ActorTile actor={el}/>))}
{ => (<ActorTile key={el.ActorId} actor={el}/>))}
{this.state.NActorPopupVisible ?
<NewActorPopup onHide={(): void => {
@ -48,7 +50,7 @@ class ActorOverviewPage extends React.Component<props, state> {
fetchAvailableActors(): void {
callAPI<ActorType[]>('actor.php', {action: 'getAllActors'}, result => {
callAPI<ActorType[]>(APINode.Actor, {action: 'getAllActors'}, result => {
this.setState({actors: result});

View File

@ -10,13 +10,13 @@ describe('<ActorPage/>', function () {
it('fetch infos', function () {
videos: [{
movie_id: 0,
movie_name: 'test'
}], info: {
thumbnail: '',
name: '',
actor_id: 0
Videos: [{
MovieId: 0,
MovieName: 'test'
}], Info: {
Thumbnail: '',
Name: '',
ActorId: 0

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import {FontAwesomeIcon} from '@fortawesome/react-fontawesome';
import {faUser} from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons';
import style from './ActorPage.module.css';
import VideoContainer from '../../elements/VideoContainer/VideoContainer';
import {callAPI} from '../../utils/Api';
import {APINode, callAPI} from '../../utils/Api';
import {ActorType} from '../../types/VideoTypes';
import {Link, withRouter} from 'react-router-dom';
import {RouteComponentProps} from 'react-router';
@ -31,13 +31,13 @@ export class ActorPage extends React.Component<props, state> {
constructor(props: props) {
this.state = {data: [], actor: {actor_id: 0, name: '', thumbnail: ''}};
this.state = {data: [], actor: {ActorId: 0, Name: '', Thumbnail: ''}};
render(): JSX.Element {
return (
<PageTitle title={} subtitle={ ? + ' videos' : null}>
<PageTitle title={} subtitle={ ? + ' videos' : null}>
<span className={style.overviewbutton}>
<Link to='/actors'>
<Button onClick={(): void => {}} title='Go to Actor overview'/>
@ -66,13 +66,13 @@ export class ActorPage extends React.Component<props, state> {
* request more actor info from backend
getActorInfo(): void {
callAPI('actor.php', {
callAPI(APINode.Actor, {
action: 'getActorInfo',
ActorId: parseInt(
}, (result: ActorTypes.videofetchresult) => {
data: result.videos ? result.videos : [],
data: result.Videos ? result.Videos : [],
actor: result.Info

View File

@ -7,41 +7,4 @@ describe('<CategoryPage/>', function () {
const wrapper = shallow(<CategoryPage/>);
it('test new tag popup', function () {
const wrapper = shallow(<CategoryPage/>);
// newtagpopup should be showing now
it('test add popup', function () {
const wrapper = shallow(<CategoryPage/>);
wrapper.setState({popupvisible: true});
it('test hiding of popup', function () {
const wrapper = shallow(<CategoryPage/>);
wrapper.setState({popupvisible: true});
it('test setting of subtitle', function () {
const wrapper = shallow(<CategoryPage/>);
// test if prop of title is set correctly

View File

@ -1,82 +1,25 @@
import React from 'react';
import SideBar, {SideBarTitle} from '../../elements/SideBar/SideBar';
import Tag from '../../elements/Tag/Tag';
import NewTagPopup from '../../elements/Popups/NewTagPopup/NewTagPopup';
import PageTitle, {Line} from '../../elements/PageTitle/PageTitle';
import {Route, Switch} from 'react-router-dom';
import {DefaultTags} from '../../types/GeneralTypes';
import {CategoryViewWR} from './CategoryView';
import TagView from './TagView';
interface CategoryPageState {
popupvisible: boolean;
subtitle: string;
* Component for Category Page
* Contains a Tag Overview and loads specific Tag videos in VideoContainer
class CategoryPage extends React.Component<{}, CategoryPageState> {
constructor(props: {}) {
this.state = {
popupvisible: false,
subtitle: ''
this.setSubTitle = this.setSubTitle.bind(this);
class CategoryPage extends React.Component {
render(): JSX.Element {
return (
<SideBarTitle>Default Tags:</SideBarTitle>
<Tag tagInfo={DefaultTags.all}/>
<Tag tagInfo={DefaultTags.fullhd}/>
<Tag tagInfo={DefaultTags.hd}/>
<Tag tagInfo={DefaultTags.lowq}/>
<button data-testid='btnaddtag' className='btn btn-success' onClick={(): void => {
this.setState({popupvisible: true});
}}>Add a new Tag!
<Route path='/categories/:id'>
<CategoryViewWR setSubTitle={this.setSubTitle}/>
<Route path='/categories'>
<TagView setSubTitle={this.setSubTitle}/>
{this.state.popupvisible ?
<NewTagPopup onHide={(): void => {
this.setState({popupvisible: false});
// this.loadTags();
}}/> :
* set the subtitle of this page
* @param subtitle string as subtitle
setSubTitle(subtitle: string): void {
this.setState({subtitle: subtitle});
export default CategoryPage;

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import {CategoryView} from './CategoryView';
describe('<CategoryView/>', function () {
function instance() {
return shallow(<CategoryView match={{params: {id: 10}}}/>);
return shallow(<CategoryView match={{params: {id: 10}}} history={{push: jest.fn()}}/>);
it('renders without crashing ', function () {
@ -21,4 +21,54 @@ describe('<CategoryView/>', function () {
it('test delete of tag', function () {
const wrapper = instance();
callAPIMock({result: 'success'});
// simulate button click
it('test delete of non empty tag', function () {
const wrapper = instance();
callAPIMock({result: 'not empty tag'});
// simulate button click
// expect SubmitPopup showing
// mock deleteTag function
wrapper.instance().deleteTag = jest.fn((v) => {});
// simulate submit
// expect deleteTag function to have been called with force parameter
it('test cancel of ', function () {
const wrapper = instance();
callAPIMock({result: 'not empty tag'});
// simulate button click
// expect SubmitPopup showing
// mock deleteTag function
wrapper.instance().deleteTag = jest.fn((v) => {});
// simulate submit
// expect deleteTag function to have been called with force parameter

View File

@ -1,16 +1,21 @@
import {RouteComponentProps} from 'react-router';
import React from 'react';
import VideoContainer from '../../elements/VideoContainer/VideoContainer';
import {callAPI} from '../../utils/Api';
import {APINode, callAPI} from '../../utils/Api';
import {withRouter} from 'react-router-dom';
import {VideoTypes} from '../../types/ApiTypes';
import PageTitle, {Line} from '../../elements/PageTitle/PageTitle';
import SideBar, {SideBarTitle} from '../../elements/SideBar/SideBar';
import Tag from '../../elements/Tag/Tag';
import {DefaultTags, GeneralSuccess} from '../../types/GeneralTypes';
import {Button} from '../../elements/GPElements/Button';
import SubmitPopup from '../../elements/Popups/SubmitPopup/SubmitPopup';
interface CategoryViewProps extends RouteComponentProps<{ id: string }> {
setSubTitle: (title: string) => void
interface CategoryViewProps extends RouteComponentProps<{ id: string }> {}
interface CategoryViewState {
loaded: boolean
loaded: boolean;
submitForceDelete: boolean;
@ -23,7 +28,8 @@ export class CategoryView extends React.Component<CategoryViewProps, CategoryVie
this.state = {
loaded: false
loaded: false,
submitForceDelete: false
@ -42,6 +48,20 @@ export class CategoryView extends React.Component<CategoryViewProps, CategoryVie
render(): JSX.Element {
return (
subtitle={this.videodata.length + ' Videos'}/>
<SideBarTitle>Default Tags:</SideBarTitle>
<Tag tagInfo={DefaultTags.all}/>
<Tag tagInfo={DefaultTags.fullhd}/>
<Tag tagInfo={DefaultTags.hd}/>
<Tag tagInfo={DefaultTags.lowq}/>
<Button title='Delete Tag' onClick={(): void => {this.deleteTag(false);}} color={{backgroundColor: 'red'}}/>
{this.state.loaded ?
data={this.videodata}/> : null}
@ -51,22 +71,50 @@ export class CategoryView extends React.Component<CategoryViewProps, CategoryVie
}}>Back to Categories
private handlePopups(): JSX.Element {
if (this.state.submitForceDelete) {
return (<SubmitPopup
onHide={(): void => this.setState({submitForceDelete: false})}
submit={(): void => {this.deleteTag(true);}}/>);
} else {
return <></>;
* fetch data for a specific tag from backend
* @param id tagid
fetchVideoData(id: number): void {
callAPI<VideoTypes.VideoUnloadedType[]>('video.php', {action: 'getMovies', tag: id}, result => {
private fetchVideoData(id: number): void {
callAPI<VideoTypes.VideoUnloadedType[]>(APINode.Video, {action: 'getMovies', tag: id}, result => {
this.videodata = result;
this.setState({loaded: true});
this.props.setSubTitle(this.videodata.length + ' Videos');
* delete the current tag
private deleteTag(force: boolean): void {
callAPI<GeneralSuccess>(APINode.Tags, {
action: 'deleteTag',
TagId: parseInt(,
Force: force
}, result => {
if (result.result === 'success') {
} else if (result.result === 'not empty tag') {
// show submisison tag to ask if really delete
this.setState({submitForceDelete: true});

View File

@ -14,4 +14,30 @@ describe('<TagView/>', function () {
it('test new tag popup', function () {
const wrapper = shallow(<TagView/>);
// newtagpopup should be showing now
it('test add popup', function () {
const wrapper = shallow(<TagView/>);
wrapper.setState({popupvisible: true});
it('test hiding of popup', function () {
const wrapper = shallow(<TagView/>);
wrapper.setState({popupvisible: true});

View File

@ -3,21 +3,28 @@ import React from 'react';
import videocontainerstyle from '../../elements/VideoContainer/VideoContainer.module.css';
import {Link} from 'react-router-dom';
import {TagPreview} from '../../elements/Preview/Preview';
import {callAPI} from '../../utils/Api';
import {APINode, callAPI} from '../../utils/Api';
import PageTitle, {Line} from '../../elements/PageTitle/PageTitle';
import SideBar, {SideBarTitle} from '../../elements/SideBar/SideBar';
import Tag from '../../elements/Tag/Tag';
import {DefaultTags} from '../../types/GeneralTypes';
import NewTagPopup from '../../elements/Popups/NewTagPopup/NewTagPopup';
interface TagViewState {
loadedtags: TagType[];
popupvisible: boolean;
interface props {
setSubTitle: (title: string) => void
interface props {}
class TagView extends React.Component<props, TagViewState> {
constructor(props: props) {
this.state = {loadedtags: []};
this.state = {
loadedtags: [],
popupvisible: false
componentDidMount(): void {
@ -27,15 +34,32 @@ class TagView extends React.Component<props, TagViewState> {
render(): JSX.Element {
return (
subtitle={this.state.loadedtags.length + ' different Tags'}/>
<SideBarTitle>Default Tags:</SideBarTitle>
<Tag tagInfo={DefaultTags.all}/>
<Tag tagInfo={DefaultTags.fullhd}/>
<Tag tagInfo={DefaultTags.hd}/>
<Tag tagInfo={DefaultTags.lowq}/>
<button data-testid='btnaddtag' className='btn btn-success' onClick={(): void => {
this.setState({popupvisible: true});
}}>Add a new Tag!
<div className={videocontainerstyle.maincontent}>
{this.state.loadedtags ? => (
<Link to={'/categories/' + m.tag_id}><TagPreview
<Link to={'/categories/' + m.TagId} key={m.TagId}>
<TagPreview name={m.TagName}/></Link>
)) :
@ -44,11 +68,23 @@ class TagView extends React.Component<props, TagViewState> {
* load all available tags from db.
loadTags(): void {
callAPI<TagType[]>('tags.php', {action: 'getAllTags'}, result => {
callAPI<TagType[]>(APINode.Tags, {action: 'getAllTags'}, result => {
this.setState({loadedtags: result});
this.props.setSubTitle(result.length + ' different Tags');
private handlePopups(): JSX.Element {
if (this.state.popupvisible) {
return (
<NewTagPopup onHide={(): void => {
this.setState({popupvisible: false});
} else {
return (<></>);
export default TagView;

View File

@ -5,22 +5,17 @@ import VideoContainer from '../../elements/VideoContainer/VideoContainer';
import style from './HomePage.module.css';
import PageTitle, {Line} from '../../elements/PageTitle/PageTitle';
import {callAPI} from '../../utils/Api';
import {APINode, callAPI} from '../../utils/Api';
import {Route, Switch, withRouter} from 'react-router-dom';
import {RouteComponentProps} from 'react-router';
import SearchHandling from './SearchHandling';
import {VideoTypes} from '../../types/ApiTypes';
import {DefaultTags} from "../../types/GeneralTypes";
interface props extends RouteComponentProps {}
interface state {
sideinfo: {
videonr: number,
fullhdvideonr: number,
hdvideonr: number,
sdvideonr: number,
tagnr: number
sideinfo: VideoTypes.startDataType
subtitle: string,
data: VideoTypes.VideoUnloadedType[],
selectionnr: number
@ -38,11 +33,12 @@ export class HomePage extends React.Component<props, state> {
this.state = {
sideinfo: {
videonr: 0,
fullhdvideonr: 0,
hdvideonr: 0,
sdvideonr: 0,
tagnr: 0
VideoNr: 0,
FullHdNr: 0,
HDNr: 0,
SDNr: 0,
DifferentTags: 0,
Tagged: 0,
subtitle: 'All Videos',
data: [],
@ -52,7 +48,7 @@ export class HomePage extends React.Component<props, state> {
componentDidMount(): void {
// initial get of all videos
@ -62,15 +58,14 @@ export class HomePage extends React.Component<props, state> {
* @param tag tag to fetch videos
fetchVideoData(tag: string): void {
callAPI('video.php', {action: 'getMovies', tag: tag}, (result: VideoTypes.VideoUnloadedType[]) => {
fetchVideoData(tag: number): void {
callAPI(APINode.Video, {action: 'getMovies', tag: tag}, (result: VideoTypes.VideoUnloadedType[]) => {
data: []
data: result,
selectionnr: result.length,
subtitle: `${tag} Videos`
@ -79,16 +74,8 @@ export class HomePage extends React.Component<props, state> {
* fetch the necessary data for left info box
fetchStartData(): void {
callAPI('video.php', {action: 'getStartData'}, (result: VideoTypes.startDataType) => {
sideinfo: {
videonr: result['total'],
fullhdvideonr: result['fullhd'],
hdvideonr: result['hd'],
sdvideonr: result['sd'],
tagnr: result['tags']
callAPI(APINode.Video, {action: 'getStartData'}, (result: VideoTypes.startDataType) => {
this.setState({sideinfo: result});
@ -119,17 +106,30 @@ export class HomePage extends React.Component<props, state> {
<SideBarItem><b>{this.state.sideinfo.videonr}</b> Videos Total!</SideBarItem>
<SideBarItem><b>{this.state.sideinfo.fullhdvideonr}</b> FULL-HD Videos!</SideBarItem>
<SideBarItem><b>{this.state.sideinfo.hdvideonr}</b> HD Videos!</SideBarItem>
<SideBarItem><b>{this.state.sideinfo.sdvideonr}</b> SD Videos!</SideBarItem>
<SideBarItem><b>{this.state.sideinfo.tagnr}</b> different Tags!</SideBarItem>
<SideBarItem><b>{this.state.sideinfo.VideoNr}</b> Videos Total!</SideBarItem>
<SideBarItem><b>{this.state.sideinfo.FullHdNr}</b> FULL-HD Videos!</SideBarItem>
<SideBarItem><b>{this.state.sideinfo.HDNr}</b> HD Videos!</SideBarItem>
<SideBarItem><b>{this.state.sideinfo.SDNr}</b> SD Videos!</SideBarItem>
<SideBarItem><b>{this.state.sideinfo.DifferentTags}</b> different Tags!</SideBarItem>
<SideBarTitle>Default Tags:</SideBarTitle>
<Tag tagInfo={{tag_name: 'All', tag_id: -1}} onclick={(): void => this.fetchVideoData('All')}/>
<Tag tagInfo={{tag_name: 'FullHd', tag_id: -1}} onclick={(): void => this.fetchVideoData('FullHd')}/>
<Tag tagInfo={{tag_name: 'LowQuality', tag_id: -1}} onclick={(): void => this.fetchVideoData('LowQuality')}/>
<Tag tagInfo={{tag_name: 'HD', tag_id: -1}} onclick={(): void => this.fetchVideoData('HD')}/>
<Tag tagInfo={{TagName: 'All', TagId: DefaultTags.all.TagId}} onclick={(): void => {
this.setState({subtitle: `All Videos`});
<Tag tagInfo={{TagName: 'Full Hd', TagId: DefaultTags.fullhd.TagId}} onclick={(): void => {
this.setState({subtitle: `Full Hd Videos`});
<Tag tagInfo={{TagName: 'Low Quality', TagId: DefaultTags.lowq.TagId}}
onclick={(): void => {
this.setState({subtitle: `Low Quality Videos`});
<Tag tagInfo={{TagName: 'HD', TagId: DefaultTags.hd.TagId}} onclick={(): void => {
this.setState({subtitle: `HD Videos`});
{ !== 0 ?

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import {RouteComponentProps} from 'react-router';
import React from 'react';
import {withRouter} from 'react-router-dom';
import {callAPI} from '../../utils/Api';
import {APINode, callAPI} from '../../utils/Api';
import VideoContainer from '../../elements/VideoContainer/VideoContainer';
import PageTitle from '../../elements/PageTitle/PageTitle';
import SideBar from '../../elements/SideBar/SideBar';
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ export class SearchHandling extends React.Component<props, state> {
* @param keyword The keyword to search for
searchVideos(keyword: string): void {
callAPI('video.php', {action: 'getSearchKeyWord', keyword: keyword}, (result: VideoTypes.VideoUnloadedType[]) => {
callAPI(APINode.Video, {action: 'getSearchKeyWord', keyword: keyword}, (result: VideoTypes.VideoUnloadedType[]) => {
data: result

View File

@ -190,15 +190,15 @@ describe('<Player/>', function () {
const wrapper = instance();
global.callAPIMock({result: 'success'});
wrapper.setState({suggesttag: [{tag_name: 'test', tag_id: 1}]}, () => {
wrapper.setState({suggesttag: [{TagName: 'test', TagId: 1}]}, () => {
// mock funtion should have not been called
wrapper.find('Tag').findWhere(p => p.props().tagInfo.tag_name === 'test').dive().simulate('click');
wrapper.find('Tag').findWhere(p => p.props().tagInfo.TagName === 'test').dive().simulate('click');
// mock function should have been called once
// expect tag added to video tags
expect(wrapper.state().tags).toMatchObject([{tag_name: 'test'}]);
expect(wrapper.state().tags).toMatchObject([{TagName: 'test'}]);
// expect tag to be removed from tag suggestions

View File

@ -1,26 +1,24 @@
import React from 'react';
import style from './Player.module.css';
import plyrstyle from 'plyr-react/dist/plyr.css';
import {Plyr} from 'plyr-react';
import PlyrJS from 'plyr';
import {FontAwesomeIcon} from '@fortawesome/react-fontawesome';
import {faPlusCircle} from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons';
import {withRouter} from 'react-router-dom';
import {RouteComponentProps} from 'react-router';
import SideBar, {SideBarItem, SideBarTitle} from '../../elements/SideBar/SideBar';
import Tag from '../../elements/Tag/Tag';
import AddTagPopup from '../../elements/Popups/AddTagPopup/AddTagPopup';
import PageTitle, {Line} from '../../elements/PageTitle/PageTitle';
import AddActorPopup from '../../elements/Popups/AddActorPopup/AddActorPopup';
import ActorTile from '../../elements/ActorTile/ActorTile';
import {withRouter} from 'react-router-dom';
import {callAPI, getBackendDomain} from '../../utils/Api';
import {RouteComponentProps} from 'react-router';
import {GeneralSuccess} from '../../types/GeneralTypes';
import {ActorType, TagType} from '../../types/VideoTypes';
import {Button} from '../../elements/GPElements/Button';
import {VideoTypes} from '../../types/ApiTypes';
import GlobalInfos from "../../utils/GlobalInfos";
import QuickActionPop, {ContextItem} from '../../elements/QuickActionPop/QuickActionPop';
interface myprops extends RouteComponentProps<{ id: string }> {}
@ -111,24 +109,7 @@ export class Player extends React.Component<myprops, mystate> {
<Button onClick={(): void => this.setState({popupvisible: true})} title='Give this Video a Tag' color={{backgroundColor: '#3574fe'}}/>
<Button title='Delete Video' onClick={(): void => {this.deleteVideo();}} color={{backgroundColor: 'red'}}/>
{/* rendering of actor tiles */}
<div className={style.actorcontainer}>
{this.state.actors ? ActorType) => (
<ActorTile actor={actr}/>
)) : <></>
<div className={style.actorAddTile} onClick={(): void => {
<div className={style.actorAddTile_thumbnail}>
<FontAwesomeIcon style={{
lineHeight: '130px'
}} icon={faPlusCircle} size='5x'/>
<div className={style.actorAddTile_name}>Add Actor</div>
<button className={style.closebutton} onClick={(): void => this.closebtn()}>Close</button>
@ -155,9 +136,9 @@ export class Player extends React.Component<myprops, mystate> {
{ TagType) => (
<Tag tagInfo={m} onContextMenu={(pos): void => {
<Tag key={m.TagId} tagInfo={m} onContextMenu={(pos): void => {
this.setState({tagContextMenu: true});
this.contextpos = {...pos, tagid: m.tag_id};
this.contextpos = {...pos, tagid: m.TagId};
@ -165,9 +146,9 @@ export class Player extends React.Component<myprops, mystate> {
{ TagType) => (
onclick={(): void => {
this.quickAddTag(m.tag_id, m.tag_name);
this.quickAddTag(m.TagId, m.TagName);
@ -175,50 +156,30 @@ export class Player extends React.Component<myprops, mystate> {
* quick add callback to add tag to db and change gui correctly
* @param tagId id of tag to add
* @param tagName name of tag to add
* rendering of actor tiles
quickAddTag(tagId: number, tagName: string): void {
callAPI('tags.php', {
action: 'addTag',
id: tagId,
}, (result: GeneralSuccess) => {
if (result.result !== 'success') {
console.error('error occured while writing to db -- todo error handling');
} else {
// check if tag has already been added
const tagIndex = (e: TagType) {
return e.tag_name;
private assembleActorTiles(): JSX.Element {
return (
<div className={style.actorcontainer}>
{this.state.actors ? ActorType) => (
<ActorTile key={actr.ActorId} actor={actr}/>
)) : <></>
<div className={style.actorAddTile} onClick={(): void => {
<div className={style.actorAddTile_thumbnail}>
<FontAwesomeIcon style={{
lineHeight: '130px'
}} icon={faPlusCircle} size='5x'/>
<div className={style.actorAddTile_name}>Add Actor</div>
// only add tag if it isn't already there
if (tagIndex === -1) {
// update tags if successful
let array = [...this.state.suggesttag]; // make a separate copy of the array (because of setState)
const quickaddindex = (e: TagType) {
return e.tag_id;
// check if tag is available in quickadds
if (quickaddindex !== -1) {
array.splice(quickaddindex, 1);
tags: [...this.state.tags, {tag_name: tagName, tag_id: tagId}],
suggesttag: array
} else {
tags: [...this.state.tags, {tag_name: tagName, tag_id: tagId}]
* handle the popovers generated according to state changes
@ -242,37 +203,83 @@ export class Player extends React.Component<myprops, mystate> {
this.setState({actorpopupvisible: false});
}} movie_id={this.state.movie_id}/> : null
* quick add callback to add tag to db and change gui correctly
* @param tagId id of tag to add
* @param tagName name of tag to add
quickAddTag(tagId: number, tagName: string): void {
callAPI(APINode.Tags, {
action: 'addTag',
TagId: tagId,
MovieId: parseInt(
}, (result: GeneralSuccess) => {
if (result.result !== 'success') {
console.error('error occured while writing to db -- todo error handling');
} else {
// check if tag has already been added
const tagIndex = (e: TagType) {
return e.TagName;
// only add tag if it isn't already there
if (tagIndex === -1) {
// update tags if successful
let array = [...this.state.suggesttag]; // make a separate copy of the array (because of setState)
const quickaddindex = (e: TagType) {
return e.TagId;
// check if tag is available in quickadds
if (quickaddindex !== -1) {
array.splice(quickaddindex, 1);
tags: [...this.state.tags, {TagName: tagName, TagId: tagId}],
suggesttag: array
} else {
tags: [...this.state.tags, {TagName: tagName, TagId: tagId}]
* fetch all the required infos of a video from backend
fetchMovieData(): void {
callAPI('video.php', {action: 'loadVideo', movieid:}, (result: VideoTypes.loadVideoType) => {
callAPI(APINode.Video, {action: 'loadVideo', MovieId: parseInt(}, (result: VideoTypes.loadVideoType) => {
sources: {
type: 'video',
sources: [
src: getBackendDomain() + result.movie_url,
src: getBackendDomain() + GlobalInfos.getVideoPath() + result.MovieUrl,
type: 'video/mp4',
size: 1080
poster: result.thumbnail
poster: result.Poster
movie_id: result.movie_id,
movie_name: result.movie_name,
likes: result.likes,
quality: result.quality,
length: result.length,
tags: result.tags,
suggesttag: result.suggesttag,
actors: result.actors
movie_id: result.MovieId,
movie_name: result.MovieName,
likes: result.Likes,
quality: result.Quality,
length: result.Length,
tags: result.Tags,
suggesttag: result.SuggestedTag,
actors: result.Actors
@ -282,7 +289,7 @@ export class Player extends React.Component<myprops, mystate> {
* click handler for the like btn
likebtn(): void {
callAPI('video.php', {action: 'addLike', movieid:}, (result: GeneralSuccess) => {
callAPI(APINode.Video, {action: 'addLike', MovieId: parseInt(}, (result: GeneralSuccess) => {
if (result.result === 'success') {
// likes +1 --> avoid reload of all data
this.setState({likes: this.state.likes + 1});
@ -305,7 +312,7 @@ export class Player extends React.Component<myprops, mystate> {
* delete the current video and return to last page
deleteVideo(): void {
callAPI('video.php', {action: 'deleteVideo', movieid:}, (result: GeneralSuccess) => {
callAPI(APINode.Video, {action: 'deleteVideo', MovieId: parseInt(}, (result: GeneralSuccess) => {
if (result.result === 'success') {
// return to last element if successful
@ -327,7 +334,7 @@ export class Player extends React.Component<myprops, mystate> {
* fetch the available video actors again
refetchActors(): void {
callAPI<ActorType[]>('actor.php', {action: 'getActorsOfVideo', videoid:}, result => {
callAPI<ActorType[]>(APINode.Actor, {action: 'getActorsOfVideo', videoid:}, result => {
this.setState({actors: result});

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import {shallow} from 'enzyme';
import React from 'react';
import RandomPage from './RandomPage';
import {callAPI} from '../../utils/Api';
describe('<RandomPage/>', function () {
it('renders without crashing ', function () {
@ -45,4 +46,20 @@ describe('<RandomPage/>', function () {
it('test shortkey press', function () {
let events = [];
document.addEventListener = jest.fn((event, cb) => {
events[event] = cb;
callAPIMock({Videos: [], Tags: []});
// trigger the keypress event
events.keyup({key: 's'});

View File

@ -4,9 +4,10 @@ import SideBar, {SideBarTitle} from '../../elements/SideBar/SideBar';
import Tag from '../../elements/Tag/Tag';
import PageTitle from '../../elements/PageTitle/PageTitle';
import VideoContainer from '../../elements/VideoContainer/VideoContainer';
import {callAPI} from '../../utils/Api';
import {APINode, callAPI} from '../../utils/Api';
import {TagType} from '../../types/VideoTypes';
import {VideoTypes} from '../../types/ApiTypes';
import {addKeyHandler, removeKeyHandler} from '../../utils/ShortkeyHandler';
interface state {
videos: VideoTypes.VideoUnloadedType[];
@ -14,8 +15,8 @@ interface state {
interface GetRandomMoviesType {
rows: VideoTypes.VideoUnloadedType[];
tags: TagType[];
Videos: VideoTypes.VideoUnloadedType[];
Tags: TagType[];
@ -29,12 +30,20 @@ class RandomPage extends React.Component<{}, state> {
videos: [],
tags: []
this.keypress = this.keypress.bind(this);
componentDidMount(): void {
componentWillUnmount(): void {
render(): JSX.Element {
return (
@ -44,7 +53,7 @@ class RandomPage extends React.Component<{}, state> {
<SideBarTitle>Visible Tags:</SideBarTitle>
{ => (
<Tag key={m.tag_id} tagInfo={m}/>
<Tag key={m.TagId} tagInfo={m}/>
@ -74,16 +83,26 @@ class RandomPage extends React.Component<{}, state> {
* @param nr number of videos to load
loadShuffledvideos(nr: number): void {
callAPI<GetRandomMoviesType>('video.php', {action: 'getRandomMovies', number: nr}, result => {
callAPI<GetRandomMoviesType>(APINode.Video, {action: 'getRandomMovies', number: nr}, result => {
this.setState({videos: []}); // needed to trigger rerender of main videoview
videos: result.rows,
tags: result.tags
videos: result.Videos,
tags: result.Tags
* key event handling
* @param event keyevent
private keypress(event: KeyboardEvent): void {
// bind s to shuffle
if (event.key === 's') {
export default RandomPage;

View File

@ -80,48 +80,48 @@ describe('<GeneralSettings/>', function () {
it('test videopath change event', function () {
const wrapper = shallow(<GeneralSettings/>);
const event = {target: {name: 'pollName', value: 'test'}};
wrapper.find('[data-testid=\'videpathform\']').find('FormControl').simulate('change', event);
it('test tvshowpath change event', function () {
const wrapper = shallow(<GeneralSettings/>);
const event = {target: {name: 'pollName', value: 'test'}};
wrapper.find('[data-testid=\'tvshowpath\']').find('FormControl').simulate('change', event);
it('test mediacentername-form change event', function () {
const wrapper = shallow(<GeneralSettings/>);
const event = {target: {name: 'pollName', value: 'test'}};
wrapper.find('[data-testid=\'nameform\']').find('FormControl').simulate('change', event);
it('test password-form change event', function () {
const wrapper = shallow(<GeneralSettings/>);
wrapper.setState({passwordsupport: true});
wrapper.setState({generalSettings : {PasswordEnabled: true}});
const event = {target: {name: 'pollName', value: 'test'}};
wrapper.find('[data-testid=\'passwordfield\']').find('FormControl').simulate('change', event);
it('test tmdbsupport change event', function () {
const wrapper = shallow(<GeneralSettings/>);
wrapper.setState({tmdbsupport: true});
wrapper.setState({generalSettings : {TMDBGrabbing: true}});
it('test insertion of 4 infoheaderitems', function () {

View File

@ -6,28 +6,18 @@ import InfoHeaderItem from '../../elements/InfoHeaderItem/InfoHeaderItem';
import {faArchive, faBalanceScaleLeft, faRulerVertical} from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons';
import {faAddressCard} from '@fortawesome/free-regular-svg-icons';
import {version} from '../../../package.json';
import {callAPI, setCustomBackendDomain} from '../../utils/Api';
import {APINode, callAPI, setCustomBackendDomain} from '../../utils/Api';
import {SettingsTypes} from '../../types/ApiTypes';
import {GeneralSuccess} from '../../types/GeneralTypes';
interface state {
passwordsupport: boolean,
tmdbsupport: boolean,
customapi: boolean,
videopath: string,
tvshowpath: string,
mediacentername: string,
password: string,
apipath: string,
videonr: number,
dbsize: number,
difftagnr: number,
tagsadded: number
customapi: boolean
apipath: string
generalSettings: SettingsTypes.loadGeneralSettingsType
interface props {}
interface props {
* Component for Generalsettings tag on Settingspage
@ -38,20 +28,21 @@ class GeneralSettings extends React.Component<props, state> {
this.state = {
passwordsupport: false,
tmdbsupport: false,
customapi: false,
videopath: '',
tvshowpath: '',
mediacentername: '',
password: '',
apipath: '',
videonr: 0,
dbsize: 0,
difftagnr: 0,
tagsadded: 0
generalSettings: {
DarkMode: true,
DBSize: 0,
DifferentTags: 0,
EpisodePath: "",
MediacenterName: "",
Password: "",
PasswordEnabled: false,
TagsAdded: 0,
TMDBGrabbing: false,
VideoNr: 0,
VideoPath: ""
@ -65,19 +56,19 @@ class GeneralSettings extends React.Component<props, state> {
<div className={style.infoheader}>
<InfoHeaderItem backColor='lightblue'
subtext='Videos in Gravity'
<InfoHeaderItem backColor='yellow'
text={this.state.dbsize !== undefined ? this.state.dbsize + ' MB' : ''}
text={this.state.generalSettings.DBSize + ' MB'}
subtext='Database size'
<InfoHeaderItem backColor='green'
subtext='different Tags'
<InfoHeaderItem backColor='orange'
subtext='tags added'
@ -89,15 +80,26 @@ class GeneralSettings extends React.Component<props, state> {
<Form.Group as={Col} data-testid='videpathform'>
<Form.Label>Video Path</Form.Label>
<Form.Control type='text' placeholder='/var/www/html/video' value={this.state.videopath}
onChange={(ee): void => this.setState({videopath:})}/>
<Form.Control type='text' placeholder='/var/www/html/video'
onChange={(ee): void => this.setState({
generalSettings: {
<Form.Group as={Col} data-testid='tvshowpath'>
<Form.Label>TV Show Path</Form.Label>
<Form.Control type='text' placeholder='/var/www/html/tvshow'
onChange={(e): void => this.setState({tvshowpath:})}/>
onChange={(e): void => this.setState({
generalSettings: {
@ -131,17 +133,28 @@ class GeneralSettings extends React.Component<props, state> {
label='Enable Password support'
onChange={(): void => {
this.setState({passwordsupport: !this.state.passwordsupport});
generalSettings: {
PasswordEnabled: !this.state.generalSettings.PasswordEnabled
{this.state.passwordsupport ?
{this.state.generalSettings.PasswordEnabled ?
<Form.Group data-testid='passwordfield'>
<Form.Control type='password' placeholder='**********' value={this.state.password}
onChange={(e): void => this.setState({password:})}/>
<Form.Control type='password' placeholder='**********'
onChange={(e): void => this.setState({
generalSettings: {
</Form.Group> : null
@ -150,9 +163,14 @@ class GeneralSettings extends React.Component<props, state> {
label='Enable TMDB video grabbing support'
onChange={(): void => {
this.setState({tmdbsupport: !this.state.tmdbsupport});
generalSettings: {
TMDBGrabbing: !this.state.generalSettings.TMDBGrabbing
@ -171,8 +189,14 @@ class GeneralSettings extends React.Component<props, state> {
<Form.Group className={style.mediacenternameform} data-testid='nameform'>
<Form.Label>The name of the Mediacenter</Form.Label>
<Form.Control type='text' placeholder='Mediacentername' value={this.state.mediacentername}
onChange={(e): void => this.setState({mediacentername:})}/>
<Form.Control type='text' placeholder='Mediacentername'
onChange={(e): void => this.setState({
generalSettings: {
<Button variant='primary' type='submit'>
@ -191,20 +215,8 @@ class GeneralSettings extends React.Component<props, state> {
* inital load of already specified settings from backend
loadSettings(): void {
callAPI('settings.php', {action: 'loadGeneralSettings'}, (result: SettingsTypes.loadGeneralSettingsType) => {
videopath: result.video_path,
tvshowpath: result.episode_path,
mediacentername: result.mediacenter_name,
password: result.password,
passwordsupport: result.passwordEnabled,
tmdbsupport: result.TMDB_grabbing,
videonr: result.videonr,
dbsize: result.dbsize,
difftagnr: result.difftagnr,
tagsadded: result.tagsadded
callAPI(APINode.Settings, {action: 'loadGeneralSettings'}, (result: SettingsTypes.loadGeneralSettingsType) => {
this.setState({generalSettings: result});
@ -212,14 +224,15 @@ class GeneralSettings extends React.Component<props, state> {
* save the selected and typed settings to the backend
saveSettings(): void {
callAPI('settings.php', {
let settings = this.state.generalSettings;
settings.Password = '-1';
settings.DarkMode = GlobalInfos.isDarkTheme()
callAPI(APINode.Settings, {
action: 'saveGeneralSettings',
password: this.state.passwordsupport ? this.state.password : '-1',
videopath: this.state.videopath,
tvshowpath: this.state.tvshowpath,
mediacentername: this.state.mediacentername,
tmdbsupport: this.state.tmdbsupport,
darkmodeenabled: GlobalInfos.isDarkTheme().toString()
Settings: settings
}, (result: GeneralSuccess) => {
if (result.result) {
console.log('successfully saved settings');

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import {shallow} from 'enzyme';
import React from 'react';
import MovieSettings from './MovieSettings';
import {callAPI} from "../../utils/Api";
describe('<MovieSettings/>', function () {
it('renders without crashing ', function () {
@ -49,64 +50,79 @@ describe('<MovieSettings/>', function () {
it('content available received and in state', done => {
global.fetch = global.prepareFetchApi({
contentAvailable: true,
message: 'firstline\nsecondline'
it('content available received and in state', () => {
const wrapper = shallow(<MovieSettings/>);
ContentAvailable: true,
Messages: ['firstline', 'secondline']
process.nextTick(() => {
text: [
it('test reindex with no content available', done => {
global.fetch = global.prepareFetchApi({
contentAvailable: false
it('test reindex with no content available', () => {
Messages: [],
ContentAvailable: false
global.clearInterval = jest.fn();
const wrapper = shallow(<MovieSettings/>);
process.nextTick(() => {
// expect the refresh interval to be cleared
// expect startbtn to be reenabled
expect(wrapper.state()).toMatchObject({startbtnDisabled: false});
it('test simulate gravity cleanup', done => {
global.fetch = global.prepareFetchApi('mmi');
it('test simulate gravity cleanup', () => {
// global.fetch = global.prepareFetchApi('mmi');
const wrapper = shallow(<MovieSettings/>);
wrapper.instance().setState = jest.fn(),
wrapper.instance().setState = jest.fn();
wrapper.find('button').findWhere(e => e.text() === 'Cleanup Gravity' && e.type() === 'button').simulate('click');
// initial send of reindex request to server
process.nextTick(() => {
it('expect insertion before existing ones', function () {
const wrapper = shallow(<MovieSettings/>);
ContentAvailable: true,
Messages: ['test']
text: ['test']
// expect an untouched state if we try to add an empty string...
ContentAvailable: true,
Messages: ['']
text: ['', 'test']

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import React from 'react';
import style from './MovieSettings.module.css';
import {callAPI} from '../../utils/Api';
import {APINode, callAPI} from '../../utils/Api';
import {GeneralSuccess} from '../../types/GeneralTypes';
import {SettingsTypes} from '../../types/ApiTypes';
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ class MovieSettings extends React.Component<props, state> {
onClick={(): void => {this.cleanupGravity();}}>Cleanup Gravity
<div className={style.indextextarea}>{ => (
<div className='textarea-element'>{m}</div>
<div key={m} className='textarea-element'>{m}</div>
@ -58,13 +58,9 @@ class MovieSettings extends React.Component<props, state> {
startReindex(): void {
// clear output text before start
this.setState({text: []});
this.setState({text: [], startbtnDisabled: true});
this.setState({startbtnDisabled: true});
callAPI('settings.php', {action: 'startReindex'}, (result: GeneralSuccess): void => {
callAPI(APINode.Settings, {action: 'startReindex'}, (result: GeneralSuccess): void => {
if (result.result === 'success') {
console.log('started successfully');
@ -84,16 +80,13 @@ class MovieSettings extends React.Component<props, state> {
* This interval function reloads the current status of reindexing from backend
updateStatus = (): void => {
callAPI('settings.php', {action: 'getStatusMessage'}, (result: SettingsTypes.getStatusMessageType) => {
if (result.contentAvailable === true) {
// todo 2020-07-4: scroll to bottom of div here
callAPI(APINode.Settings, {action: 'getStatusMessage'}, (result: SettingsTypes.getStatusMessageType) => {
// insert a string for each line
text: [...result.message.split('\n'),
text: [...result.Messages, ...this.state.text]
} else {
// todo 2020-07-4: scroll to bottom of div here
if (!result.ContentAvailable) {
// clear refresh interval if no content available
@ -106,7 +99,7 @@ class MovieSettings extends React.Component<props, state> {
* send request to cleanup db gravity
cleanupGravity(): void {
callAPI('settings.php', {action: 'cleanupGravity'}, (result) => {
callAPI(APINode.Settings, {action: 'cleanupGravity'}, (result) => {
text: ['successfully cleaned up gravity!']

View File

@ -2,56 +2,59 @@ import {ActorType, TagType} from './VideoTypes';
export namespace VideoTypes {
export interface loadVideoType {
movie_url: string
thumbnail: string
movie_id: number
movie_name: string
likes: number
quality: number
length: number
tags: TagType[]
suggesttag: TagType[]
actors: ActorType[]
MovieUrl: string
Poster: string
MovieId: number
MovieName: string
Likes: number
Quality: number
Length: number
Tags: TagType[]
SuggestedTag: TagType[]
Actors: ActorType[]
export interface startDataType {
total: number;
fullhd: number;
hd: number;
sd: number;
tags: number;
VideoNr: number;
FullHdNr: number;
HDNr: number;
SDNr: number;
DifferentTags: number;
Tagged: number;
export interface VideoUnloadedType {
movie_id: number;
movie_name: string
MovieId: number;
MovieName: string
export namespace SettingsTypes {
export interface initialApiCallData {
DarkMode: boolean;
passwordEnabled: boolean;
mediacenter_name: string;
Password: boolean;
Mediacenter_name: string;
VideoPath: string;
export interface loadGeneralSettingsType {
video_path: string,
episode_path: string,
mediacenter_name: string,
password: string,
passwordEnabled: boolean,
TMDB_grabbing: boolean,
VideoPath: string,
EpisodePath: string,
MediacenterName: string,
Password: string,
PasswordEnabled: boolean,
TMDBGrabbing: boolean,
DarkMode: boolean,
videonr: number,
dbsize: number,
difftagnr: number,
tagsadded: number
VideoNr: number,
DBSize: number,
DifferentTags: number,
TagsAdded: number
export interface getStatusMessageType {
contentAvailable: boolean;
message: string;
ContentAvailable: boolean;
Messages: string[];
@ -60,7 +63,7 @@ export namespace ActorTypes {
* result of actor fetch
export interface videofetchresult {
videos: VideoTypes.VideoUnloadedType[];
info: ActorType;
Videos: VideoTypes.VideoUnloadedType[];
Info: ActorType;

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@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ interface TagarrayType {
export const DefaultTags: TagarrayType = {
all: {tag_id: 1, tag_name: 'all'},
fullhd: {tag_id: 2, tag_name: 'fullhd'},
lowq: {tag_id: 3, tag_name: 'lowquality'},
hd: {tag_id: 4, tag_name: 'hd'}
all: {TagId: 1, TagName: 'all'},
fullhd: {TagId: 2, TagName: 'fullhd'},
lowq: {TagId: 3, TagName: 'lowquality'},
hd: {TagId: 4, TagName: 'hd'}

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@ -2,12 +2,12 @@
* type accepted by Tag component
export interface TagType {
tag_name: string
tag_id: number
TagName: string
TagId: number
export interface ActorType {
thumbnail: string;
name: string;
actor_id: number;
Thumbnail: string;
Name: string;
ActorId: number;

View File

@ -40,20 +40,7 @@ function getAPIDomain(): string {
interface ApiBaseRequest {
action: string | number,
[_: string]: string | number | boolean
* helper function to build a formdata for requesting post data correctly
* @param args api request object
function buildFormData(args: ApiBaseRequest): FormData {
const req = new FormData();
for (const i in args) {
req.append(i, (args[i].toString()));
return req;
[_: string]: string | number | boolean | object
@ -63,8 +50,8 @@ function buildFormData(args: ApiBaseRequest): FormData {
* @param callback the callback with json reply from backend
* @param errorcallback a optional callback if an error occured
export function callAPI<T>(apinode: string, fd: ApiBaseRequest, callback: (_: T) => void, errorcallback: (_: string) => void = (_: string): void => {}): void {
fetch(getAPIDomain() + apinode, {method: 'POST', body: buildFormData(fd)})
export function callAPI<T>(apinode: APINode, fd: ApiBaseRequest, callback: (_: T) => void, errorcallback: (_: string) => void = (_: string): void => {}): void {
fetch(getAPIDomain() + apinode, {method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify(fd)})
.then((response) => response.json()
.then((result) => {
@ -77,11 +64,21 @@ export function callAPI<T>(apinode: string, fd: ApiBaseRequest, callback: (_: T)
* @param fd the object to send to backend
* @param callback the callback with PLAIN text reply from backend
export function callAPIPlain(apinode: string, fd: ApiBaseRequest, callback: (_: string) => void): void {
fetch(getAPIDomain() + apinode, {method: 'POST', body: buildFormData(fd)})
export function callAPIPlain(apinode: APINode, fd: ApiBaseRequest, callback: (_: string) => void): void {
fetch(getAPIDomain() + apinode, {method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify(fd)})
.then((response) => response.text()
.then((result) => {
* API nodes definitions
export enum APINode {
Settings = 'settings',
Tags = 'tags',
Actor = 'actor',
Video = 'video'

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@ -6,31 +6,47 @@ import lighttheme from '../AppLightTheme.module.css';
* it contains general infos about app - like theme
class StaticInfos {
#darktheme = true;
private darktheme: boolean = true;
private videopath: string = ""
* check if the current theme is the dark theme
* @returns {boolean} is dark theme?
isDarkTheme() {
return this.#darktheme;
isDarkTheme(): boolean {
return this.darktheme;
* setter to enable or disable the dark or light theme
* @param enable enable the dark theme?
enableDarkTheme(enable = true) {
this.#darktheme = enable;
enableDarkTheme(enable = true): void {
this.darktheme = enable;
* get the currently selected theme stylesheet
* @returns {*} the style object of the current active theme
getThemeStyle() {
getThemeStyle(): { [_: string]: string } {
return this.isDarkTheme() ? darktheme : lighttheme;
* set the current videopath
* @param vidpath videopath with beginning and ending slash
setVideoPath(vidpath: string): void {
this.videopath = vidpath;
* return the current videopath
getVideoPath(): string {
return this.videopath;
const GlobalInfos = new StaticInfos();

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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
* add a new keyhandler
* @param handler function to be called onkeyup
export const addKeyHandler = (handler: (event: KeyboardEvent) => void): void => {
document.addEventListener('keyup', handler);
* delete keyhandler
* @param handler handler to be removed
export const removeKeyHandler = (handler: (event: KeyboardEvent) => void): void => {
document.removeEventListener('keyup', handler);

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