2022-03-17 21:24:56 +01:00

203 lines
4.9 KiB

Author: Lukas Heiligenbrunner
Matr.Nr.: K12104785
Exercise 2
import os.path
from enum import Enum
from glob import glob
from typing import TextIO
import hashlib
import PIL
from PIL import Image, ImageStat
def mkdirIfNotExists(path: str):
if not os.path.isdir(path):
print(f"creating folder: {path}")
def validSuffix(file: str) -> bool:
return file.endswith((".jpg", ".jpeg", ".JPG", ".JPEG"))
def validFileSize(file: str) -> bool:
return os.path.getsize(file) < 250_000
class ErrorCodes(Enum):
Extension = 1
FileSize = 2
InvalidImage = 3
ImageShape = 4
VarianceLZero = 5
Duplicate = 6
def log(filename: str, errorCode: ErrorCodes):
print(f"[{filename}] :: {errorCode}")
class Singleton(type):
_instances = {}
def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
if cls not in cls._instances:
cls._instances[cls] = super(Singleton, cls).__call__(*args, **kwargs)
return cls._instances[cls]
class FileLogger(metaclass=Singleton):
file: TextIO or None = None
def init(self, log_file_path: str):
self.file = open(log_file_path, 'a')
def close(self):
def log(self, filename: str, errorcode: ErrorCodes):
# enforce a CRLF line ending with \r\n !!
def openImage(path: str) -> PIL.Image.Image or None:
return Image.open(path)
except (FileNotFoundError, PIL.UnidentifiedImageError, ValueError, TypeError) as e:
return None
def validImageShape(img: PIL.Image.Image) -> bool:
# check read mode of channels
if img.mode != "RGB":
return False
# check if nr and order of channels is correct
if img.getbands() != ('R', 'G', 'B'):
return False
# check if file format is jepeg
if img.format != "JPEG":
return False
# check if height and length is > 96
if img.height <= 96 or img.width <= 96:
return False
return True
def validVariance(img: PIL.Image.Image) -> bool:
variances = ImageStat.Stat(img).var
# variance cannot be negative!
return min(variances) > .0
class FileCopy(metaclass=Singleton):
format: str
out_dir: str
hashmap: [str]
idx: int
def init(self, out_dir: str, format: str):
self.format = format
self.out_dir = out_dir
self.idx = 1
self.hashmap = []
def copyFile(self, img: PIL.Image.Image) -> bool:
hexhash = hashlib.md5(img.__array__()).hexdigest()
if hexhash in self.hashmap:
return False
# element already copied
# apply format string
filename = f"%{self.format}" % self.idx
self.idx += 1
# copy file
im = PIL.Image.fromarray(img.__array__())
im.save(os.path.join(self.out_dir, f"{filename}.jpg"), format="jpeg")
return True
def processFile(f: str) -> bool:
# check suffix
if not validSuffix(f):
log(f, ErrorCodes.Extension)
FileLogger().log(f, ErrorCodes.Extension)
return False
# check file size
if not validFileSize(f):
log(f, ErrorCodes.FileSize)
FileLogger().log(f, ErrorCodes.FileSize)
return False
img = openImage(f)
if img is None:
log(f, ErrorCodes.InvalidImage)
FileLogger().log(f, ErrorCodes.InvalidImage)
return False
if not validImageShape(img):
log(f, ErrorCodes.ImageShape)
FileLogger().log(f, ErrorCodes.ImageShape)
return False
if not validVariance(img):
log(f, ErrorCodes.VarianceLZero)
FileLogger().log(f, ErrorCodes.VarianceLZero)
return False
# lets copy the image data
if not FileCopy().copyFile(img):
log(f, ErrorCodes.Duplicate)
FileLogger().log(f, ErrorCodes.Duplicate)
return False
# ok nice if we are here we have successfully copied the img (:
# close image
return True
def validate_images(input_dir: str, output_dir: str, log_file: str, formatter: str = "05d") -> int:
# check if out_put dir exists
# check if logfile dir exists
logdir = os.path.dirname(log_file)
# init file logger
FileCopy().init(output_dir, formatter)
# scan input dir for files
files = glob(input_dir + '/**/*.*', recursive=True)
# sort filenames
succcounter = 0
for f in files:
if processFile(f):
succcounter += 1
return succcounter
# Press the green button in the gutter to run the script.
if __name__ == '__main__':
print(validate_images("unittest/unittest_input_0", "unittest/outputs/unittest_input_0",
"unittest/outputs/unittest_input_0.log", "06d"))