import pickle import numpy as np import torch from PIL import Image import Compress import DataLoader import ex4 from ImageImpaint import get_train_device from netio import load_model, eval_evalset, write_to_pickle def apply_model(filepath: str): device = get_train_device() img = model = load_model() pic = DataLoader.crop_image(img) pic = DataLoader.preprocess(pic, precision=np.float32) pic = ex4.ex4(pic, (5, 5), (4, 4))[0] Image.fromarray((np.transpose(DataLoader.postprocess(pic), (1, 2, 0)).astype(np.uint8))).save("filename_grid.jpg") out = model(torch.from_numpy(pic).to(device)) out = out.cpu().detach().numpy() out = DataLoader.postprocess(out) out = np.transpose(out, (1, 2, 0)) im = Image.fromarray(out)"filename.jpg", format="jpeg") def test(): # read the provided testing pickle file print("Generating pickle file with privided test data") PICKEL_PATH = "test" model = load_model() model.eval() loader,_ = DataLoader.get_image_loader("training/", np.float32) outarr = np.zeros(dtype=np.uint8, shape=(8663, 3, 100, 100)) targetarr = np.zeros(dtype=np.uint8, shape=(8663, 3, 100, 100)) i = 0 for input, target in loader: out = model(input) out = DataLoader.postprocess(out.cpu().detach().numpy()) outarr[i] = out targetarr[i] = DataLoader.postprocess(target.cpu().detach().numpy()) print(f'\rApplying model [{i}/{len(loader)}]', end='') i += 1 if i==8663: break write_to_pickle(PICKEL_PATH + "_pred.pkl", list(outarr)) # compress the generated pickle arr Compress.compress(PICKEL_PATH + "_pred.pkl") write_to_pickle(PICKEL_PATH + "_target.pkl", list(targetarr)) # compress the generated pickle arr Compress.compress(PICKEL_PATH + "_target.pkl") if __name__ == '__main__': # apply_model("training/000/000017.jpg") eval_evalset() # test()