
160 lines
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2022-03-17 20:24:56 +00:00
Author -- Michael Widrich, Andreas Schörgenhumer
Contact --
Date -- 04.03.2022
The following copyright statement applies to all code within this file.
Copyright statement:
This material, no matter whether in printed or electronic form,
may be used for personal and non-commercial educational use only.
Any reproduction of this manuscript, no matter whether as a whole or in parts,
no matter whether in printed or in electronic form, requires explicit prior
acceptance of the authors.
Images taken from:
import hashlib
import os
import shutil
import sys
from glob import glob
import dill as pkl
def print_outs(outs, line_token="-"):
print(line_token * 40)
print(outs, end="" if isinstance(outs, str) and outs.endswith("\n") else "\n")
print(line_token * 40)
ex_file = ""
full_points = 15
points = full_points
python = sys.executable
solutions_dir = os.path.join("unittest", "solutions")
outputs_dir = os.path.join("unittest", "outputs")
# Remove previous outputs folder
shutil.rmtree(outputs_dir, ignore_errors=True)
inputs = sorted(glob(os.path.join("unittest", "unittest_input_*"), recursive=True))
if not len(inputs):
raise FileNotFoundError("Could not find unittest_input_* files")
with open(os.path.join(solutions_dir, "counts.pkl"), "rb") as f:
sol_counts = pkl.load(f)
for test_i, input_folder in enumerate(inputs):
comment = ""
fcall = ""
with open(os.devnull, "w") as null:
# sys.stdout = null
from ex2 import validate_images
proper_import = True
except Exception as e:
outs = ""
errs = e
points -= full_points / len(inputs)
proper_import = False
sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
if proper_import:
with open(os.devnull, "w") as null:
# sys.stdout = null
input_basename = os.path.basename(input_folder)
output_dir = os.path.join(outputs_dir, input_basename)
logfilepath = output_dir + ".log"
formatter = "06d"
counts = validate_images(input_dir=input_folder, output_dir=output_dir, log_file=logfilepath,
fcall = f'validate_images(\n\tinput_dir="{input_folder}",\n\toutput_dir="{output_dir}",\n\tlog_file="{logfilepath}",\n\tformatter="{formatter}"\n)'
errs = ""
with open(os.path.join(outputs_dir, f"{input_basename}.log"), "r") as lfh:
logfile =
except FileNotFoundError:
# two cases:
# 1) no invalid files and thus no log file -> ok -> equal to empty tlogfile
# 2) invalid files but no log file -> not ok -> will fail the comparison with tlogfile (below)
logfile = ""
with open(os.path.join(solutions_dir, f"{input_basename}.log"), "r") as lfh:
# must replace the separator that was used when creating the solution files
tlogfile ="\\", os.path.sep)
files = sorted(glob(os.path.join(outputs_dir, input_basename, "**", "*"), recursive=True))
hashing_function = hashlib.sha256()
for file in files:
with open(file, "rb") as fh:
hash = hashing_function.digest()
hashing_function = hashlib.sha256()
tfiles = sorted(glob(os.path.join(solutions_dir, input_basename, "**", "*"), recursive=True))
for file in tfiles:
with open(file, "rb") as fh:
thash = hashing_function.digest()
tcounts = sol_counts[input_basename]
if not counts == tcounts:
points -= full_points / len(inputs)
comment = f"Function should return {tcounts} but returned {counts}"
elif not [f.split(os.path.sep)[-2:] for f in files] == [f.split(os.path.sep)[-2:] for f in tfiles]:
points -= full_points / len(inputs)
comment = f"Contents of output directory do not match (see directory 'solutions')"
elif not hash == thash:
points -= full_points / len(inputs)
comment = f"Hash value of the files in the output directory do not match (see directory 'solutions')"
elif not logfile == tlogfile:
points -= full_points / len(inputs)
comment = f"Contents of logfiles do not match (see directory 'solutions')"
except Exception as e:
outs = ""
errs = e
points -= full_points / len(inputs)
sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
print_outs(f"Test {test_i}", line_token="#")
print("Function call:")
if errs:
print(f"Some unexpected errors occurred:")
print_outs(f"{type(errs).__name__}: {errs}")
print_outs("No issues found" if comment == "" else comment)
# due to floating point calculations it could happen that we get -0 here
if points < 0:
assert abs(points) < 1e-7, f"points were {points} < 0: error when subtracting points?"
points = abs(points)
print(f"Current points: {points:.2f}")
print(f"\nEstimated points upon submission: {points:.2f} (out of {full_points:.2f})")
if points < full_points:
print(f"Check the folder '{outputs_dir}' to see where your errors are")
print(f"This is only an estimate, see 'Instructions for submitting homework' in Moodle "
f"for common mistakes that can still lead to 0 points.")