include: '/Docker/Linux_Conan/.gitlab-ci.yml' image: luki42/dynuiprefresher_build:conanbuild stages: - docker - build - packageing cache: paths: - .conan/ conan: stage: build script: - conan profile new default --detect --force # Generates default profile detecting GCC and sets old ABI - conan profile update settings.compiler.libcxx=libstdc++11 default # Sets libcxx to C++11 ABI - conan remote add bintray --force - conan remote add bincrafters --force - mkdir -p build # create build folder - CONAN_SYSREQUIRES_MODE=disabled conan install . --build=missing -g cmake -if build - cmake -S . -B build -D WinBuild=OFF -D GUI=OFF #cmake project - cd build - make -j4 #build artifacts: paths: - build/bin/ expire_in: 1 days