# DynuIPRefresher A lightweight C++ application to setup a service for refreshing a dynamic IP to the Dynu servers. ## Build ## Basic Build ### Download source files `git clone https://github.com/Lukas-Heiligenbrunner/DynuIPRefresher.git` ### install build dependencies `libcurl` `libcurl-devel` `libconfig` `libconfig-devel` Debian: `apt install libcurl4-openssl-dev` Fedora: `dnf install libcurl-devel libconfig-devel` #### dependencies for package build `dpkg` --> debian/ubuntu package `rpmbuild` --> Fedora/RedHat/CentOS package ### cmake project cd into downloaded files and Generate makefiles: `cmake -S . -B build` ### compile project `make` [root] install it to the system `make install` [root] or create Linux packages `make package` ### Windows cross build TODO!