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add 3dprinter.scad where to simulate the whole 3dprinter should look like
2021-01-04 19:08:21 +01:00

72 lines
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$fn = 50;
motorheight = 42.1;
motorwidth = 40.5;
wanddickemotor = 3;
wanddickelinks = 5.5;
cylinderdiameter = 22.2;
motorholedistance = (motorheight - 31) / 2;
leftholedist = 7;
M3HoleDiam = 3.4;
M3HeadDiam = 5.8;
module Motorhalter() {
render() difference() {
translate([motorwidth, wanddickelinks, 0]) motorholes();
module mainbody() {
cube([motorwidth + wanddickemotor, wanddickelinks, motorheight]);
translate([motorwidth, wanddickelinks, 0])cube([wanddickemotor, motorheight, motorheight]);
translate([motorwidth + wanddickemotor, motorheight * 2 / 3, motorheight]) rotate([0, 0, 180]) linear_extrude(3)
polygon([[0, 0], [0, motorheight * 2 / 3], [motorwidth * 2 / 3, motorheight * 2 / 3]]);
module motorholes() {
translate([0, motorheight / 2, motorheight / 2])rotate([0, 90, 0])cylinder(h = wanddickemotor, d = cylinderdiameter,
$fn = 130);
translate([0, motorheight - motorholedistance, motorheight - motorholedistance]) MotorM3Hole();
translate([0, motorheight - motorholedistance, motorholedistance]) MotorM3Hole();
translate([0, motorholedistance, motorheight - motorholedistance]) MotorM3Hole();
translate([0, motorholedistance, motorholedistance]) MotorM3Hole();
module leftholes() {
// bottom left
translate([leftholedist, 0, leftholedist]) LeftM3Hole();
//bottom right
translate([motorwidth - leftholedist, 0, leftholedist]) LeftM3Hole();
// upper left
translate([leftholedist, 0, motorwidth - leftholedist]) LeftM3Hole();
// upper right
translate([motorwidth - leftholedist, 0, motorwidth - leftholedist]) LeftM3Hole();
module MotorM3Hole() {
rotate([0, 90, 0])cylinder(h = wanddickemotor, d = M3HoleDiam);
module LeftM3Hole() {
rotate([270, 0, 0])cylinder(h = wanddickelinks, d = M3HoleDiam);
translate([0, wanddickelinks - 3, 0]) rotate([270, 0, 0])cylinder(h = 3, d = M3HeadDiam);