mm = 1; cm = 10 * mm; dm = 100 * mm; m = 1000 * mm; inch = 25.4 * mm; X = [1, 0, 0]; Y = [0, 1, 0]; Z = [0, 0, 1]; // When a small distance is needed to overlap shapes for boolean cutting, etc. //epsilon = 0.01*mm; /* * Material colors. * * Originally by Hans Häggström, 2010. * Dual licenced under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 and LGPL2 or later */ // Material colors Oak = [0.65, 0.5, 0.4]; Pine = [0.85, 0.7, 0.45]; Birch = [0.9, 0.8, 0.6]; FiberBoard = [0.7, 0.67, 0.6]; BlackPaint = [0.2, 0.2, 0.2]; Iron = [0.36, 0.33, 0.33]; Steel = [0.65, 0.67, 0.72]; Stainless = [0.45, 0.43, 0.5]; Aluminum = [0.77, 0.77, 0.8]; Brass = [0.88, 0.78, 0.5]; Transparent = [1, 1, 1, 0.2]; // Parameters: NemaModel = 0; NemaLengthShort = 1; NemaLengthMedium = 2; NemaLengthLong = 3; NemaSideSize = 4; NemaDistanceBetweenMountingHoles = 5; NemaMountingHoleDiameter = 6; NemaMountingHoleDepth = 7; NemaMountingHoleLip = 8; NemaMountingHoleCutoutRadius = 9; NemaEdgeRoundingRadius = 10; NemaRoundExtrusionDiameter = 11; NemaRoundExtrusionHeight = 12; NemaAxleDiameter = 13; NemaFrontAxleLength = 14; NemaBackAxleLength = 15; NemaAxleFlatDepth = 16; NemaAxleFlatLengthFront = 17; NemaAxleFlatLengthBack = 18; NemaA = 1; NemaB = 2; NemaC = 3; NemaShort = NemaA; NemaMedium = NemaB; NemaLong = NemaC; // TODO: The small motors seem to be a bit too long, I picked the size specs from all over the place, is there some canonical reference? Nema08 = [ [NemaModel, 8], [NemaLengthShort, 33*mm], [NemaLengthMedium, 43*mm], [NemaLengthLong, 43*mm], [NemaSideSize, 20*mm], [NemaDistanceBetweenMountingHoles, 15.4*mm], [NemaMountingHoleDiameter, 2*mm], [NemaMountingHoleDepth, 1.75*mm], [NemaMountingHoleLip, -1*mm], [NemaMountingHoleCutoutRadius, 0*mm], [NemaEdgeRoundingRadius, 2*mm], [NemaRoundExtrusionDiameter, 16*mm], [NemaRoundExtrusionHeight, 1.5*mm], [NemaAxleDiameter, 4*mm], [NemaFrontAxleLength, 13.5*mm], [NemaBackAxleLength, 9.9*mm], [NemaAxleFlatDepth, -1*mm], [NemaAxleFlatLengthFront, 0*mm], [NemaAxleFlatLengthBack, 0*mm] ]; Nema11 = [ [NemaModel, 11], [NemaLengthShort, 32*mm], [NemaLengthMedium, 40*mm], [NemaLengthLong, 52*mm], [NemaSideSize, 28*mm], [NemaDistanceBetweenMountingHoles, 23*mm], [NemaMountingHoleDiameter, 2.5*mm], [NemaMountingHoleDepth, 2*mm], [NemaMountingHoleLip, -1*mm], [NemaMountingHoleCutoutRadius, 0*mm], [NemaEdgeRoundingRadius, 2.5*mm], [NemaRoundExtrusionDiameter, 22*mm], [NemaRoundExtrusionHeight, 1.8*mm], [NemaAxleDiameter, 5*mm], [NemaFrontAxleLength, 13.7*mm], [NemaBackAxleLength, 10*mm], [NemaAxleFlatDepth, 0.5*mm], [NemaAxleFlatLengthFront, 10*mm], [NemaAxleFlatLengthBack, 9*mm] ]; Nema14 = [ [NemaModel, 14], [NemaLengthShort, 26*mm], [NemaLengthMedium, 28*mm], [NemaLengthLong, 34*mm], [NemaSideSize, 35.3*mm], [NemaDistanceBetweenMountingHoles, 26*mm], [NemaMountingHoleDiameter, 3*mm], [NemaMountingHoleDepth, 3.5*mm], [NemaMountingHoleLip, -1*mm], [NemaMountingHoleCutoutRadius, 0*mm], [NemaEdgeRoundingRadius, 5*mm], [NemaRoundExtrusionDiameter, 22*mm], [NemaRoundExtrusionHeight, 1.9*mm], [NemaAxleDiameter, 5*mm], [NemaFrontAxleLength, 18*mm], [NemaBackAxleLength, 10*mm], [NemaAxleFlatDepth, 0.5*mm], [NemaAxleFlatLengthFront, 15*mm], [NemaAxleFlatLengthBack, 9*mm] ]; Nema17 = [ [NemaModel, 17], [NemaLengthShort, 33*mm], [NemaLengthMedium, 39*mm], [NemaLengthLong, 47*mm], [NemaSideSize, 42.20*mm], [NemaDistanceBetweenMountingHoles, 31.04*mm], [NemaMountingHoleDiameter, 4*mm], [NemaMountingHoleDepth, 4.5*mm], [NemaMountingHoleLip, -1*mm], [NemaMountingHoleCutoutRadius, 0*mm], [NemaEdgeRoundingRadius, 7*mm], [NemaRoundExtrusionDiameter, 22*mm], [NemaRoundExtrusionHeight, 1.9*mm], [NemaAxleDiameter, 5*mm], [NemaFrontAxleLength, 18*mm], [NemaBackAxleLength, 15*mm], [NemaAxleFlatDepth, 0.5*mm], [NemaAxleFlatLengthFront, 15*mm], [NemaAxleFlatLengthBack, 14*mm] ]; Nema23 = [ [NemaModel, 23], [NemaLengthShort, 39*mm], [NemaLengthMedium, 54*mm], [NemaLengthLong, 76*mm], [NemaSideSize, 56.4*mm], [NemaDistanceBetweenMountingHoles, 47.14*mm], [NemaMountingHoleDiameter, 4.75*mm], [NemaMountingHoleDepth, 5*mm], [NemaMountingHoleLip, 4.95*mm], [NemaMountingHoleCutoutRadius, 9.5*mm], [NemaEdgeRoundingRadius, 2.5*mm], [NemaRoundExtrusionDiameter, 38.10*mm], [NemaRoundExtrusionHeight, 1.52*mm], [NemaAxleDiameter, 6.36*mm], [NemaFrontAxleLength, 18.80*mm], [NemaBackAxleLength, 15.60*mm], [NemaAxleFlatDepth, 0.5*mm], [NemaAxleFlatLengthFront, 16*mm], [NemaAxleFlatLengthBack, 14*mm] ]; Nema34 = [ [NemaModel, 34], [NemaLengthShort, 66*mm], [NemaLengthMedium, 96*mm], [NemaLengthLong, 126*mm], [NemaSideSize, 85*mm], [NemaDistanceBetweenMountingHoles, 69.58*mm], [NemaMountingHoleDiameter, 6.5*mm], [NemaMountingHoleDepth, 5.5*mm], [NemaMountingHoleLip, 5*mm], [NemaMountingHoleCutoutRadius, 17*mm], [NemaEdgeRoundingRadius, 3*mm], [NemaRoundExtrusionDiameter, 73.03*mm], [NemaRoundExtrusionHeight, 1.9*mm], [NemaAxleDiameter, 0.5*inch], [NemaFrontAxleLength, 37*mm], [NemaBackAxleLength, 34*mm], [NemaAxleFlatDepth, 1.20*mm], [NemaAxleFlatLengthFront, 25*mm], [NemaAxleFlatLengthBack, 25*mm] ]; function motorWidth(model=Nema23) = lookup(NemaSideSize, model); function motorLength(model=Nema23, size=NemaMedium) = lookup(size, model); module motor(model=Nema23, size=NemaMedium, pos=[0,0,0], orientation = [0,0,0]) { length = lookup(size, model); echo(str(" Motor: Nema",lookup(NemaModel, model),", length= ",length,"mm")); stepperBlack = BlackPaint; stepperAluminum = Aluminum; side = lookup(NemaSideSize, model); cutR = lookup(NemaMountingHoleCutoutRadius, model); lip = lookup(NemaMountingHoleLip, model); holeDepth = lookup(NemaMountingHoleDepth, model); axleLengthFront = lookup(NemaFrontAxleLength, model); axleLengthBack = lookup(NemaBackAxleLength, model); axleRadius = lookup(NemaAxleDiameter, model) * 0.5; extrSize = lookup(NemaRoundExtrusionHeight, model); extrRad = lookup(NemaRoundExtrusionDiameter, model) * 0.5; holeDist = lookup(NemaDistanceBetweenMountingHoles, model) * 0.5; holeRadius = lookup(NemaMountingHoleDiameter, model) * 0.5; mid = side / 2; roundR = lookup(NemaEdgeRoundingRadius, model); axleFlatDepth = lookup(NemaAxleFlatDepth, model); axleFlatLengthFront = lookup(NemaAxleFlatLengthFront, model); axleFlatLengthBack = lookup(NemaAxleFlatLengthBack, model); color(stepperBlack){ translate(pos) rotate(orientation) { translate([-mid, -mid, 0]) difference() { cube(size=[side, side, length + extrSize]); // Corner cutouts if (lip > 0) { translate([0, 0, lip]) cylinder(h=length, r=cutR); translate([side, 0, lip]) cylinder(h=length, r=cutR); translate([0, side, lip]) cylinder(h=length, r=cutR); translate([side, side, lip]) cylinder(h=length, r=cutR); } // Rounded edges if (roundR > 0) { translate([mid+mid, mid+mid, length/2]) rotate([0,0,45]) cube(size=[roundR, roundR*2, 4+length + extrSize+2], center=true); translate([mid-(mid), mid+(mid), length/2]) rotate([0,0,45]) cube(size=[roundR*2, roundR, 4+length + extrSize+2], center=true); translate([mid+mid, mid-mid, length/2]) rotate([0,0,45]) cube(size=[roundR*2, roundR, 4+length + extrSize+2], center=true); translate([mid-mid, mid-mid, length/2]) rotate([0,0,45]) cube(size=[roundR, roundR*2, 4+length + extrSize+2], center=true); } // Bolt holes color(stepperAluminum, $fs=holeRadius/8) { translate([mid+holeDist,mid+holeDist,-1*mm]) cylinder(h=holeDepth+1*mm+extrSize, r=holeRadius); translate([mid-holeDist,mid+holeDist,-1*mm]) cylinder(h=holeDepth+1*mm+extrSize, r=holeRadius); translate([mid+holeDist,mid-holeDist,-1*mm]) cylinder(h=holeDepth+1*mm+extrSize, r=holeRadius); translate([mid-holeDist,mid-holeDist,-1*mm]) cylinder(h=holeDepth+1*mm+extrSize, r=holeRadius); } // Grinded flat color(stepperAluminum) { difference() { translate([-1*mm, -1*mm, -1*mm]) cube(size=[side+2*mm, side+2*mm, extrSize + 1*mm]); translate([side/2, side/2, -1*mm]) cylinder(h=extrSize + 1*mm, r=extrRad); } } } // Axle translate([0, 0, extrSize-axleLengthFront]) color(stepperAluminum) difference() { cylinder(h=axleLengthFront + 1*mm , r=axleRadius, $fs=axleRadius/10); // Flat if (axleFlatDepth > 0) translate([axleRadius - axleFlatDepth,-5*mm,-extrSize*mm -(axleLengthFront-axleFlatLengthFront)] ) cube(size=[5*mm, 10*mm, axleLengthFront]); } } } } module roundedBox(size, edgeRadius) { cube(size); } module Nema17(){ motor(model=Nema17, size=NemaMedium, pos=[0,0,0], orientation = [0,0,0]); }